[ACTUAL DRAMA!!!] Political refugees, on an obscure social media site from the previous decade, just recently had their community overtaken by their oppressors

1  2021-06-11 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. [ACTUAL DRAMA!!!] Political refugee... - archive.org, archive.today*

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First time this snappy quote is relevant

Regardless, please do not use sinophobia as a pretense for your subreddit takeover. This is a coup, just like how the CCP entered into and subverted the KMT, and then took over China in a moment of instability. The rhetoric of this post even reminds me of Wang Jingwei's puppet government.


No sense reinventing the wheel.

What happened to 2poop2babiez!? She was an approvedcel here and non neocentrism/neoconNWO and seemed pretty cool tbh ☹️

Fun fact: 🏴‍☠️/neoliberal jannies permabanned her for "🚂phobia".

I repeat: they banned her - a T woman - for being too TERFy. 🤔

I was once banned from there for politely arguing that biological homeless women may need a separate shelter due to past traumas from physical abuse. Permabanned for about a year until a drama friendly neolib mod unbanned me.

Edit: And I don’t mean long posting like pizzashill. I mean, being actually polite and respecting others’ opinions kind of polite.

I, like many others was banned for a while for shitting on rentoids

I remember. They did that right when LoveForLandlords joined the anti-malaria drive

Not sure if based or r-slurred.


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Btw, the top mod is literally a spook. Look at what they mod, and in pm they tried to get me to send them an invite to right wing cords.

They also pretended to not know what spook means when confronted.

Glowies gun glow

They always do lmao.

Surely this is the praxis Marx had in mind, right?

I came here expecting Guatemalans.