Why gatekeeping rules

2  2021-06-11 by offshoreredditaccnt


I play Animal Crossing on hard mode 😎 #girlgamer

I'm still filtered and stuck by the mining iron thing so that raccoon fucker can build his store and sell me my own stuff.

Rose commie twitter in shambles. Get back to work wagie, so you can buy from the company store 😎

It's day 38 and I'm starting to think this island is own by the ((raccoons)) who run an elaborate debt trap scheme for the islanders settlers

/end of day log. Over.

I like how they bring "accessibility" into it without knowing what they're talking about.

There's people streaming on Twitch using their mouths and a straw as their "controller" and I'm pretty sure they enjoy a challenge without having their disability used as an excuse to "make things easy poor things".

Disgusting take Ashley.

It’s so weird because like accessibility in games is good because some games just have shit design decisions. But someone making fun of you for playing Disney games on easy mode isnt an accessibility thing, unless you view being a woman as a disability which i do not

unless you view being a woman as a disability which i do not

Get out

Being a woman isn't a disability: it's a moral failing

Buddha believed this unironically and so do I

based void appreciator

unless you view being a woman as a disability which i do not

You are allowed to be wrong fam

Oh I see Ashley is with us.

You don’t? Things make a lot more sense once you do.

I've noticed that these women just don't know how to socialize with men or in general. After all women fight socially. So among guy's taking shots at each other is a way to bond. But these women take it to an imagined extreme. The other thing is criticism. Some of them have striked people over criticism with " I don't want people talking about me!". Some are pretty legit like Amouranth.

Ironically despite talking about how men are indoctrinated into being sexist by media women’s entire idea of how men talk comes from movies. Men don’t cry because men in movies are told not to cry, instead of because they’re biologically introverted, for example. It’s still horrible the way the media is made as it abuses women in the process but a lot of women think Marvel movies are a research substitute for having a good friendship with a real guy

Honestly, just build a relationship with a women of colour. Especially if you're a white guy. Their more sociable; a blessing to work with; not catty; good values; and they have good taste. I can't think of a single one that was like "OMG wanda vision!" or some shit. I guarantee you if white men started doing that white women would start to smarten up and more importantly shut up.

Haha well my girlfriend is one so i can attest to that. Shes my everything

Good for you man! In my experience despite what the narrative the media spins at the end of the day it is white men building relationships with POC.

Anyway's here's to you guy's and I hope you have a good rest of the day and a good rest of the weekend.


being a woman is a disability tho

Acessibility shouldn't be about dumbing shit down for people of journalism and people of Y chromosomes because they can't handle a challenge. It should be just stuff like colorblind options.

Imagine being an adult and posting your opinion on toys online

Giving theater kids an internet connection was the worst mistake humanity has ever made.

Did theater kids not use the internet before 2015?

They self-isolated to Tumblr back then

The fall of tumblr was probably the worst thing on the internet and it had a major blow on society as a whole. They were refugees to twitter and starting spreading their shitty beliefs that somehow got implemented to real life. Now we have corporations using pronouns and believing in gender spectrum.

That's what the giga-jannies here dont get. They dont get rid of the cancer by banning subs, it just breaks apart and circulates through the entirety of this shit site.

Containment subs are the only subs worth posting on

All non-contained subs are like one really stretched out containment sub.

They still haven't banned us, so they must believe it on some level.

Thats because at least two paid jannies in here that outrank the other paid jannies. And one of us is pewdiepie.

Pewdiepie takes content from here for his videos? Or are you saying he's 👏🏻one👏🏻of👏🏻us because he invented the Heated Gamer Moment

believing Pewdiepie invented the heated gamer moment.

People were yelling the n word at video games back when you had to play in public on pinball and arcade machines, before Pewdiepie was born. If anything, he appropriated it.

Who walks out of the slaughterhouse? Only the Judas goat. Think about it.

There’s a reason they haven’t y’alled this place and it’s not just the janny bussy

Twitter is somehow considered more reliable to the public, even though at this point it is tumblr with even less features somehow

This but unironically. Twitter is unironically a danger to democracy, because despite just being a very vocal, very "eccentric" community, that is incredibly far removed from real people, it is used in major news outlets, and even by politicians themselves regularly, and the shit shoveled there has a completely outsized impact on the political process.

I know very few people that use Twitter. It's a megaphone for the stupid and BPD adjacent schizos who honestly don't deserve a say in what's for dinner, let alone what we need to do as a country.

Anyway, send anyone who writes more than 1 tweet a day to Alaskan work camps.


Ceterum censeo Twitterati esse delendam.

The fall of Tumblr created a new Eternal September that killed this website.

Before 2005, no. We have to go back.

The internet revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Hahahaha imagine just connecting via an hyper centralized network for fun 6 billions people with their own values and ethnocentric views together around the world, within a timespan of a few years, an entry barrier of a 100$ smartphone and a functioning sim card hahaha what could go wrong are you some kind of neo-luddite weirdo hahahaha just don't look at your screen Jeannot hahaha 😂

you just know she is the nastiest, pettiest, and most spite filled female dog on this earth.

quirky excitable positivity people are all just the utmost scum of society and they are all probably drug addicts or some shit.

I know who you're talking about, the ones I know try to sell supplements on Instagram.

I love how this is true

Twitch ambassador

I guess she’s the person responsible for letting lady streamers beat animals and get away with it, yet teenagers making fun of her is too far?

I'm pretty sure a twitch ambassador is just twitch's fancy word for a partnered streamer.



Weird Al has fallen on some hard times😔

Forgot to mention minding your business takes 0 EXTRA EFFORT and is TOTALLY FREE! 👌

Rules for thee but not for meeee.

"yeet" on wall

pronouns in bio

me me me me me

Yep, it's white girl zoomer time 😎

I want to punch a wall

As a problematic late Gen Xer, I am feeling a strong urge to bully this girl into an hero-ing right now.

this is nauseating.

Is she a zoomer?! Good god, her face looks 35 at least.

White women will never be based

White women will never be based

The white female and it's consequences

she/ her Twitch Ambassador, Discord Partner,



Just leaving those here. Also is that that deer train from whenever ago? No way its not at least also a 🚂

The 🚂 🦌is even uglier than carrot top over here

In our defense, Xoomers and Boomers are the ones limiting the creative freedom of the replies.

I remember people ised to say that a lot a couple of years back.

I think people have now realised they can’t make calls to the pizza place without having a panic attack so they don’t say that anymore.

That made me feel disgust. What makes them do this?

Why do broads gotta ruin everything

The ancient Greeks wrote a whole play about the menace and we still didn't listen.

Is that one about the Athenian women wearing beards to pass as male senators? The ancient Greeks were 2000 steps ahead of American 🚂🚂 drama.

They fully embraced the Homocracy, dudes rock 💪

Just more proof that being gay is more straight than liking bitches.

Gay = insult/bad


Straight = good

Men = good too


Gay = good

This is maths baby 🤓

Tyler Perry's Medea

Worse yet, she had this outburst because people rightfully roasted her ass for playing Kingdom Hearts 3 on baby mode.

She was playing it for the plot, incel!

The plot that nobody likes and everybody makes fun of

You know who else plays on easy mode? Little fucking kids. Babies. The mentally handicapped. No wonder women and "women" need to do it too.

Just rename the easiest difficulty Normal and the rest Hard, Hardcore, etc. Then pathetic gamers won’t have a leg to stand on and different kind of pathetic gamers can feel good for conquering Normal Mode

Just ban videogames entirely.


Yes hello I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter

Join the crusade at 🏴‍☠️/banvideogames

Gamers: not people. Never people!

Super simple stuff!

Dont forget to join the facebook group too🙏

Nah, these people have gotten enough outstretched hands, only to take the entire arm and then berate you and get you fired from your job for not also giving them your other arm and leg.

🚂s are the most capable g*mers out there. When you spend your entire life locked inside playing games for fear of the outside world, you get really good. The people setting all these ridiculous speedrunning records are always 🚂s.

That doesn’t take skill though. Speedruns are pure rote memory and concentrated “artism”. 🚂s are rarely top of the skill based competitive leaderboards which might give credence to their cause of being women.

They do fill the middle to lower-upper tiers though so you have a point.

Defending game journos should be illegal

Friendly reminder that game journos aren't people and were wasting precious shots on euthanizing pets.

To jannies out there, I only mean any of this in minecraft

That’s not gonna save you the feds cracked the code

This is why I hate when degrees are locked behind hard exams you have to work for! I like getting a degree, but I don't want to wreck my brain to get one. Get that gate keeping outta here!

The soft bigotry of implying minorities are rætarded.

Why bother implying, its obvious just by looking at them

Dopamine addiction

That's called bullshit degrees.

Achievements are just goomer bait. CMV.

I will never understand how someone can take pride in a fake obstacle that was meticulously designed so a literal child wouldn't get too frustrated and quit. Like watching toddlers brag about 'beating' their dad at backyard soccer.

Gamers are so pathetic they got upset and quit when a 1/3rd chance didn't happen on the third try in Civilization, so Sid Meier had to famously lie to them about simple math. Gamers are literally too emotionally fragile to face basic reality without daddy developer coddling them.

Every gaming 'achievement' ever could be replaced with "has too much free time"

every hobby ever could be replaced by has too much time

n-n-no m-m-my bideogame achievements are proof my sedentary lifestyle of cooming digital media has equal parity with the likes of painting, gardening, and woodworking

Gamers are literally subhuman.

then why are you on r drama

why don't you go out and garden and do woodwork

u/BroboxylicAcid is literally a hypocrite


Cyber bullying is a respectable hobby, someone's gotta tell those 14 year olds how fat and ugly they are

Doesn't mean much when the person saying it is 5'5" and 105lbs

Broboxylic confirmed manlet?

The recently confirmed manlet was Landlord Messiah, I'm the crazy eyed rural.

And boy howdy will they stay that way unless they move toward more active forms of leisure.

I think he just managed to ping you tho so even if he's a gamer retard he's still somehow above all of us 😭

Early and often!

Honestly its not a hobby but a public service

Thanks for your service

Super fucking based


paintoomers also

Gamers aren't people and aren't worth any time

Consuming isn't a hobby

That's right; no fishing/quilting/woodworking, back 👏 to 👏 work 👏 wagie

Post your weight buddy

Why didn't you just stick with "gamers are subhuman" instead of writing a soliloquy?

The only thing more pathetic than gamers are meme lords

"Gamers are subhuman" is not a meme. It's a statement of fact.

sounds like someone couldn’t platinum bloodborne

No reason to change a view that's correct. They're designed to make g*mers spend more time with their probably-broken rushed shit and thus more money and less time interacting with the outside wor-...

Wtf I love achievements now.

Serious question: at what point does months-old ragebait that’s probably been shared 15 times on KiA by now stop being Drama material and start being agendaposting

If it makes you feel better that’s why my other post calls rightoids c0pers. Im trying to dish out some insults their way because it’s way too easy to get upvotes here from shitting on leftists. The unfortunate thing is since i dont follow their shit i have no idea what theyre up to so its easy to miss good drama

If youve got any drama you find on righty infighting i’ll be happy to give it engagement, and im thinking of going to bird farms to look up some alt right lolcows even tho i dont really agree with their overall forum politics. Sorry for a seriouspost but thats all i really do in comments

Gamers aren't people no matter the difficulty level.

Literally only children intentionally break their controllers like how old are you that you cant get up and take a break you loser

A friend of mine got mad playing a game, broke a key on his keyboard, and then accidentally cut himself with the broken key. I mercilessly made fun of him for it.

I hope he somehow has a scar from that cut so he is permanently reminded of his shame

Literally only children play video games.

Big kids use reddit

All achievements should be unlocked when you first get to the title screen.

You shouldn't even have to buy the game to get them. Just give them out like social security numbers once a person is born.

Like le Deadpool game

There has to be a solid middle ground between way too hard or way too easy. Both extremes are completely r-slurred. Btw. I havent played vidya in years so stop mentioning game x or y.

I agree 100%. People want either press x to win or play the game for 20 hours to beat level one. What happened to a game being easy at the start and hard at the end?

This is why gamers are sexist

I'm sorry, but that's how Achievements work. If we as Gaymers want to use videogames as a replacement for real world success and work, we need benchmarks that are actually difficult to reach for the average person.

If you ain't willing to grind to earn those [Brutal Mode] achievements, that's fine. It just means that us who do can feel better about all those hours of minimum wage we could have earned instead of practicing our frame perfect 359 burrito roll parries.


they want easy achievements? The entire point is that the achievements are supposed to be a challenge.

Making achievements easy just makes the achievements not even achievements.

It's only a game so It shouldn't be speedrunner hard but damn they should atleast be challenging enough to need skill

Calm down dude, tho u are right achievements are just for the losers that want them. It’s a bit weird to want all the achievements but not want them to be difficult

No I won't calm down, my platinum trophies in dark souls and bloodborne are worth something

Let me assure you in total sincerity that they are not.


Git gud white girl gamer

There are no girl gamers. Gamers aren't even people.

Neither are white women

The only thing as dangerous as a gamer

The absolute state of goomers

Good. You deserve the degradation of your "hobby" for being a g*mer

Unironic G*mer posting in are slash drama. Fucking disgusting.

why be good at something when you can just call yourself good at something. is there really any difference?

Imagine thinking even video game achievements need to be handed to everyone and anyone because imaginary life is also too hard to meaning engage with. 💉☠️🪦

You are not entitled to an achievement in a game. They are not participation trophies. I'm fully aware of the fact that the reason I will never get a Platinum on PS is because I just don't like working that hard and I am a lazy POS. And that's fine, I like playing games casually unless I have a massive investment in them, and I don't need to flex on people to show anyone I'm a good gamer, because by standards, I know I'm shit. Taking the merit, fun and challenge away from people who do like difficult games just so I can feel better about myself and have a fake sense of accomplishment and self worth would be selfish and stupid and I don't understand how you can think otherwise.

I don't know if this really applies. That Ashley lady do look disabled. Can anyone confirm?

Is it me or does Ashley actually look r-slured. Not trying to be a dick but you gotta be honest just looking at that picture alone, something is not right with her.

I'm barely a gamercel and this had me seething.

