arr Sino has had enough of bullies ganging up on them!

1  2021-06-12 by fernguts


do they really view the west as the aggressors now?

If the Eight-Nation Alliance came into my house I would be forced to spread my bussy for them

now look at the hecker G7 and tell me if the same thing would happen

The G-7 would be way more badass as a G-9, with Korea and Australia, and would piss off China even more.

North Korea's economy isn't big enough


do they really view the west as the aggressors now?

Always have been.

Bro arr Sino is alt-right satire.

Chinacels still seething over slights from 100 years ago. Even Pajeets have let that shit go.

Qingcels aren't even around to seethe. Besides, it was their fault for allying with the Boxers instead of using CCP methods.

Imagine bringing boxing gloves to a machine gun nest and naval bombardment match

Smh yeah they should have brought their katanas. Why do they even make those things if they don't use them?!

Also I guess that thing the monks do, where you can crush a brick over their head and they dont feel anything, doesnt works as well with .30cals.

If anything, they should have thanked the West for stopping them short of going full boxer, and the United States for urging the West for returning the reparation and use it for building schools.

Sweaty arr Sino is a racist parody of arr Zino

From Century of Humiliation to Century of Asspain

Mao decided to react to a century of humiliation by outside powers with an additional thirty years of humiliating the country himself.

Why is China always cruising for a bruising? Their entire history is basically one dynasty or another saying "Look at us! We're huge and rich! We fear nothing!" Eventually this attitude attracts the attention of some smaller, more aggressive and technologically advanced power, which says "Look at them! They're huge and rich! What a tasty new addition to our portfolio they will be!"

They keep behaving this way over and over again, so some point in time you've eventually got to wonder if China really hates foreign dominance like they pretend to, or if maybe they secretly like it and crave that sort of rough attention. How many times do you have to get caught in the geopolitical gay bar before people start wondering if you're secretly gay, China? I'm Just Asking Questions here!

🤔🤔would you say the chinese buck has been broken?

The Panda-buck? Rice buck?

Christ, I wish we could still ping ping.

Imagine getting imperialized by a leaf lmao 🤣😂😅💀

Literally nobody who posts on that sub is actually Chinese. They're all second-generationers in Vancouver or Sydney who's parents moved out of China to drive up the property prices elsewhere.


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  1. arr Sino has had enough of bullies ... -,*

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"This picture has people, and that picture has people, and that's a sin!"

i am just happy we have a president that doesn't bring shame to our country by embarrassing himself in front of other nations. maybe the US will finally be respected again.

big redditor energy

Show me on the doll where the bad man touched you.