American Psychoanalytic Association diagnoses terminal mayopathy, “not yet a permanent cure”

1  2021-06-12 by Ni_Go_Zero_Ichi


Honestly, it's a good thing these loons are developing their own language.

Just a giant list of red-flag words you can use to dismiss people instantly without considering a single thing they have to say.

Yeah if you use any of these words or phrases on a daily basis you’re pretty much an r-slur:

  • Whiteness

  • Subversion

  • Conservatives

  • Libs

  • (X) Theory

  • (Y)-phobia

  • Toxic

  • Heteronormative

  • Diversity

  • Breadtube

  • Comrade

  • Awesome

  • Offensive

  • Offended

  • Free Speech

  • Freeze Peach

  • Representation

  • Accessibility

  • Lynch Mob

  • Epic

  • Cancel Culture

  • Transphobic

  • Incel

  • TERF

  • Systemic

  • Cultural Marxism

  • Revolutionary

  • Is/Are Art

  • Patriarchy

  • Inherently racist/sexist

  • Alt Right

  • Ctrl Left

  • Dogwhistle

  • Mainstream Media

  • Brave

  • 1984

  • Handmaiden’s Tale

  • Kids in Cages (unless you’re trolling the other side)

  • Hitler

  • Stalin

  • Fascism

  • Venezuela

  • “We should improve society somewhat”

  • ACAB

  • Sex work is work

  • Terrorist

  • Billions of people starve under capitalism

  • Not Real/Really (z)

  • Society

  • Redditor (when both leftoids and rightoids claim the opinions of the other side are reddit opinions)

  • Did nothing wrong

  • Was right

  • 4channer

  • Trump supporter

  • White men

  • Cis

  • SJW

  • Dangerhairs

  • Voldemort/Thanos

Am I missing anything?

  • POC

  • neurotypical

  • neurodiverse

  • yikes

  • Wow, just wow

  • red flag

  • narcissistic

  • Orwellian

  • "black and brown"

  • solidarity

  • "My [x] is not your [y]"

  • chud

  • normies

  • globalism

  • neoliberal

  • libtard

  • traditionalism

  • parasite

  • clown world

  • "[x] is literally [y]"

  • cancelled

  • woke

  • "crony [x]"

  • heteronormative

  • reductionist

  • unpack

  • therapy

  • demonic

  • Satanic

  • milquetoast

  • hegemony

  • theocracy

  • degenerate

  • "dead white guys"

  • insurrection

  • decolonization

  • modernity

  • imperialism

  • "the dark underbelly"

  • y'all (yes even if you're a southerner. that makes you automatically retarded.)

Dont forget “triggered”, when it’s used by either side

hey it's not my fault that sometimes i have to clarify i mean something literally that i might conceivably mean figuratively

Shut up Chud

libtard, commie, leftoid/rightoid, pizza

Super agree on libtard

you missed

• bed time

• did you take your meds

• as long as you live under my roof

• get a job

• go to school

I hate my dads

  • no binkie

  • you may not

  • time out

  • go to your room

  • Mommy-Daddy time

  • poop in the potty

Putting effort into making such list is more r-slured than half of the words there.

Black bodies


Global south

Mutual aid



feeling personally attacked rn

what if you use all these words but carefully cloaked in a well-tended camouflage of sarcastic irony?

Then its fine

Add the word based too

Lots of words that aren't red flags on this list.

Your mistake was assuming that you aren't an r slur yourself


I agree, “Griffith did nothing wrong” types are the worst Berserk fans

this is a good list

Is/Are Art

what's this? like "(x) is/are art"?

Like for example i hear people say “games are art” or “(this piece of media) is art”. The former especially really bothers me because it reeks of insecurity, like because some fat movie critic said games arent art a decade ago there’s this consistent cope to prove theyre art. I personally believe theyve always been art because theres an artistry even in the design of old NES games, even if the stories arent engaging theyre still emotionally affecting in how progression works and all that. Ebert doesnt understand the medium and he admitted that, plus his whole thing was he believed the experience of interactive media was too variable to be art he didnt say that the storylines being shit was the problem he was just being an old man. Plus the games people recommended to him i remember being really bad like visual novels. The problem is his bad take has resulted in more and more games taking control away from the player due to insecurity at not being “art”, like there’s a magic formula to making something art. Anyway i think the one thing we can all agree isnt art is webcomics


Also, you forgot the word "Based"



Sounds like yer a mad Mayo

This is like one of those insane opinion pieces except it's not an opinion piece

Implying that soft science papers aren't opinion pieces

Most people have no understanding of science. If you wrote a paper saying it’s toxic not to get naked in the mall and try and blow themselves they’d try it at least once because of the sciencyness of words in a journal.

Yeah it was true for me until I had Sociology in college. People just assume that scientists are completely objective and anything published has a degree of certainty.

In a perfect world it would be. Unfortunately, we don’t and people are stupid

my buddy god himself reviewed this comment now it's categorical truth.

I'm waiting for their National Museum of Af-Am History & Culture moment. Psychofreuds confirm that whiteness is strongly correlated with showing up on time, being independent, thinking rationally, and working hard.

This is uniquely scary given the platform because it indicates people with some institutional authority sincerely(?) trying to lay the groundwork for carting off sufferers of mayopathy (i.e. wokeness dissidents) to the loony bins. Fortunately I’m pretty sure psychoanalysis is barely even considered a science or taken seriously anymore outside the crustiest corners of humanities academia.

On the other hand, please also enjoy Twitter rightoids with shit reading comprehension freaking out over their LITERAL WHITE GENOCIDE CONFIRMED OMG takes

Psychoanalysis is considered about as meaningful as Tarot cards. It just hangs on in academia because people who fund grants vaguely remember who Freud is. So I would not call this an institutional power play to send people to loony bins as much as I would call it transparently grifting in a desperate attempt to hold onto funding.

Nothing is more pathetic than people in useless academic specialties realizing that nobody wants to fund them anymore.

If you ever needed proof for how unscientific psychology is, there it is... Freud's been debunked for decades but his ideas refuse to go away, what actual science has that level of inertia?

Freud was a fraud, but one thing that he was right about is that 👏 all 👏 politics 👏 is 👏 sexual 👏 pathology 👏

Freud’s been debunked by… psychologists. So clearly the field of psychology is doing something?

Apart from a handful of kooks like this, psychoanalysis mainly holds on in like continental philosophy and literary theory, i.e. fields without even the pretense of testable hypotheses or practical application

Economic Marxism.

Pretty hot take to write off all of psychology because of psychoanalysis cranks lol. But please elaborate its always funny when internet commenters go on their screeds about how bad Psychology is.

Replication crisis ring any bells? The lack of rigor in soft sciences is well documented, I don't need a screed.


"We've conducted expirement X with 30 college students; therefore, our hypothesis has been confirmed and is generalizable to the entire population" x100. You're kinda right about the distinction, but psychology is simply a long-winded way of saying, "kys."

He’s not writing off psychology, he’s writing off Freudian psychoanalysis.

Psychoanalysis is considered about as meaningful as Tarot cards.

Please don't say that, my tarot readings have been pretty on-point lately. You're disrespecting a reputable profession here by comparing it to this crazy carny nonsense.

carting off sufferers of mayopathy (i.e. wokeness dissidents) to the loony bins

And this is supposed to be a bad thing?

Psychology has been such a useless and cucked science since they stopped elaborately torturing people and recording the results.

The one guy wondering about worker's comp lol

The rightoid going “pro-white movements have never been this hateful” is also a gem

Why are burgers like this?

whites susceptible to catching whiteness, hm makes sense.

Seems logical, like how bаsketball-americans are more likely to catch bаsketballs.

If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


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psychoanalysts are nuts

I mean, yes?

Seems like a made up association


Lol, I submitted this to kia2 a couple of days ago. And yes, it is real:

Reads like pure satire.