Actress famous for family related roles found dead after visit to George Floyd memorial

1  2021-06-12 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Proof Ghost Floyd is a vengeful spirit.

Why would George Floyd kill a fellow pornstar

Because he wanted some gussy to keep him company.

Gussy 🤢 🤮 🤢 🤮

Nah he went to heaven. She went to hell.

They're both in purgatory, which is exactly like Catholic school.

I spit out my coke, God this fucking subreddit is killing me

Just couldn't stand not being the center of attention for like 5 minutes at a memorial.

you presume she didn't go there with forethought and the deliberate intention of doing this

Thats a lot of words to type when you could have just said "lol f*idbrain"

i typed fewer words than you did. i still have.

Still lots of words for


this is why we need Islam

Inshallah brother

Skye's been on a downhill jam for years now. At least since around 2016. Lots of just off the wall shit going on, marriage falling apart, domestic abuse, drug and alcohol problems. People have been aware of Skye's problems for awhile, and while it sucks this happened, nobody is really surprised it did.

A pornstar has a dysfunctional life? Say it ain't so!

I mean, yeah but hers was a lot worse than most.

Are you a big fan of hers?

I've never seen a more blatant coomer post in my life and you're the only reply noting it. Is Arrr Drama is changing...?

How many litres of cum do you reckon you've lost to her?

Not much. I liked some of her stuff but not as much as others stars.

Doctor ever stop for a minute and think about your life? Or lie awake at night, wondering what went wrong, that you follow the personal life of a pornstar and even rate the "work" of different pornstars and have preferences?

I was born ugly. That's went wrong lmfao


On one hand, we've lost a life. On the other hand is mayonnaise for reasons I'm not sharing.

Lots of honorary faps tonight.

Another member of the 27 club. Nah but seriously as disrespectful as it is she shouldnt have been killed for it (if she was killed by someone who was outraged at it)

She definitely just od'd on fentanyl

Just looked her up. 4/10 mayofoid yawn