ReviewTechUSA Tries To Own TheQuartering

1  2021-06-12 by Lyosea1994


People that fall for woke corporate signalling have to be learning disabled.

I always love how these spineless corporations jump onto this shit when it reaches a social consensus and then everyone pretends they're fucking brave.

It's like the moron that tweets about how he "supports black history month and doesn't care if he loses friends over it."

Yeah, I support gay people and have many friends that are gay but pride month to me has to be the biggest insult to the gay community, making every gay person look like clowns, when in reality these major corporation's are a bunch of clowns.

Nobody cares except for the rightoids who throw tantrums at rainbow flags

Plenty of leftoids (more red fash tho tbh) use it as another time to screech about corporations.


Edit: so when i try to post cope against rightists i get negative points, now when i post it it against a leftist i get negative points? I dont know where this sub’s circlejerks are going sometimes

caring about downdooterinos


Oh dw it’s not the reddit score it’s even gayer than that: what other people in this sub think about me

You’re right, that is worse

Oh well the solution to that is just to be less rslurred and read the room. I also post without thinking way too much, to the point i’ll go and look at my comments and delete the gay, cringe ones. So best just to go back to my more successful style of not trying to always contribute to a convo with every inane thought that gets in my head reading these posts

No you r-slur, stop caring about what others think and post what you want


The CIA pays me by the upvote.


👏No👏 u 👏


woke corporate signalling

I always love how these spineless corporations jump onto this shit

Does this apply to businesses beyond a certain size, or does it include mom and pop shops and the employee-owned?

Where's the hate really come from, Ex?


You made this? I'm so sorry for your mother.

Didn’t watch but since The Quivering still does the goomer gate shit 6 years later and I have no clue who ReviewTechUSA is I’m going to assume that The Quartering got owned

No, TheQuartering got banned by Xbox for just commenting "stunning and brave" on Xbox's post on pride month and ReviewTechUSA got all butthurt about it.


Say gamergate bitch because its going down in leftist history books as the catalyst to the fall of western society. One must give credit where it is due.


If I had 2 pumps of a super soaker and I had ReviewTechUSA, TheQuartering, and Adlf Htler in the same room, I would squirt RTUSA and TQ in Terraria.

When planets collide

did youtube soy (right) wrong youtube soy (left) in some way? this seems to be personal but i'm gonna go ahead and assume the f*t one just wanted some ad money and brownie points

Yes, reviewtechusa is just an e-begger. But TheQuartering is far from soy.

Go outside

I still can't believe Rich is still doing videos. I remember when he "peaked" back in 2014 🤣🤣

Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


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has anyone else forgotten that these people exist?