Chad Harley rider lives rent free in the minds of Columbuscels after riding down a walking path. Anger ensues after ๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ do nothing.

1  2021-06-13 by AlphaMale3625


sorry link broke cuz I switched from base36 to decimal, here's the new link

sorry link broke cuz I switched from base36 to decimal

codecel lmfao

So Iโ€™ll be the dick and ask; if Iโ€™m running down the trail and this asshole rides up next to me and I tip his narcissistic ass overโ€ฆ?

Pictures with mouth open in profile and a neck beard

At the very least I'd speak to the police captain on duty about an officer ignoring a report of a motorcyclist potentially putting pedestrians' lives in danger. And send the video to a couple of news outlets. They can add it to their collection of wild shit going on that the police won't take care of, and maybe they'll get a response from PD.

Sorry sis itโ€™s Harley boy summer ๐Ÿ

From op:

Iโ€™m not looking for that but he technically assaulted me at least 4 maybe 5-6 times before I started video telling me he was gonna whoop my ass as I stopped him on the trail. Iโ€™d subpoena him and his skank just to be a dick. Had multiple witnesses tell me it was awesome. Iโ€™m 145lbs. Iโ€™m not whooping anyoneโ€™s ass but Iโ€™m not putting up with this bullshit on the trail I run every day.

Technical assault is heckin valid

Send it to the Worthington Police Department. Send it to their mayor. I'm assuming somebody would take umbridge. The fact that its posted here will get it to someone's eyeballs. The level of weird lawlessness right now is goofy. Why would you even want to ride your motorcycle on a walk/run/bike path; you'd get hate and scorn from everyone. "This will be fun" said no Harley driver ever. Anyways. He'd have a heart attack as soon as he started "whooping" you. What a goon.

Rent free

Columbus is mecca for soyjack redditors.

Fuck them. Hope you reported it.


As tempting as it is to engage the motorboomer in situations like this, he is incapable of understanding right from wrong and you are better off avoiding him.

Not only that but heโ€™s had multiple hours to cool off from it and heโ€™s still angryposting about it

It has to be his first encounter with an exceptional specimen.

I remember when I was a teenager a black family in an SUV did circles around the public square going the wrong way. All I did was raise my hands in a ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ and one leaned out and yelled "shut the fuck up you skinny-ass cracker."

I was very disappointed in their behavior and found it unbecoming of citizens and of neighbors, but over the years I think back to them and realize I'm probably in a much better condition than they are.

shut the fuck up you skinny-ass cracker


All I did was raise my hands in a ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ and one leaned out and yelled "shut the fuck up you skinny-ass cracker."

I love people shouting at others to shut up when those haven't said anything. It's basically a giant "im seething so hard i can't articulate coherent thoughts anymore" billboard.

Did you report this anti-white hate incident to police?

Nah, I went and got a burrito.

How is running over Ohiocels "wrong"? ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•

The only thing Ohio has going for it is it's stance on the Michigan Problem. Their incompetence to finish the job cuts that down pretty far tho

I never got how people don't understand the fact that cops don't have infinite time.

Of course the f-slur isn't wearing a helmet too, which would have protected his identity

God those people are insufferable. This is exactly what vigilantism exists still to solve.

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Chad Harley rider lives rent free i... -,*

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