Comicels mad they didn’t get their award

184  2021-06-13 by Llamayoda


Ben Garrison robbed...

Prime example of how you should all be feeling about this, especially considering Benny has been having a stellar year because of all the COVID shit to sperg out about.

I guess the Pulitzer committee doesn't have many ass men.

We need a cartoonist Kelly / Ben collab

wow, this is the best (only?) funny shitposting thread i've ever seen on twitter. People are posting absolute works of art.

Despite having done so much wrong, the Lord still sees fit to grace our world with beauty.

Your Pulitzer is (not) in the mail

Shitlibs in thread think comics deserve a cookie because it confirmed their mental illness and made them cum. Do the funny thing, Pulitzer. Award it to Stonetoss.

They should award it to one of the guys on 🏴‍☠️imsorryjon, some of those are works of art.

Agreed. The last true place for wanton creativity.

Don’t you love our brood?

Sounds like they forgot to pick a winner.

There are no winners in the comic world.

Fair enough. Sounds like they forgot to pick the least worst.

Cause all the good ones would piss off china and all the acceptable ones are narrative-pushing, super-cringey trash.

They didn’t want to have to give the award to stonetoss

cartoonists are not the same as comic authors or artists

Not sure why but the “Sickos” guy always gets a laugh from me.