Birth giver applies traditional wom*ns science to predict future of autism coin

100  2021-06-13 by diaoyudaoshiribende


I’m a really serious person

is into crypto and astrology

This is your brain on føid.

It’s almost entirely m*ids who are responsible for cryptoshit hysteria though. What does this mean?

There is too much estrogen in the water supply

You joke but society has become increasingly feminized along with industry and technology. It's given us good and bad things, such as creating more bussy and less violence, respectively.

Obviously to counter-act this we need to put more lead in the water so we can have violent dumb urbancel femboys.

violent dumb urbancel femboys

You ever been to LA?

i like these conspiracy theories about the water supply because who the fuck still drinks enough water to have fluoride or anything else effect their brain?

??? People drink water all the time you obese fuck.

rofl go have your 2nd soda of the morning.

Video games kill testosterone. Its almost exclusively g*mers who like crypto.

W*men always latch onto popular things they have never contributed to, demand attention from everybody, and alienate the people who made it popular in the first place.



Highlights for those of you too poor to afford a subscription:

“As a child, she would take the family newspaper and head straight to read the daily horoscopes. In her teenage years, which she said she spent “on the social margins,” she started to seriously study astrology”

“In a typical crypto astrology video, Maren reads the birth chart of a particular currency and offers thoughts on its immediate future.”

“New moon in Capricorn, January 13th, looks big for bitcoin,” Maren says in the video. “Little before that … Saturn will join the bitcoin Mercury exact by degree on January 11th, which looks like some corrections with Mercury and Saturn. It could be news about something that leads to a drop momentarily. But with this new moon, sun moon Pluto, right on top of bitcoin’s Jupiter, this is like atomic-level new beginning.”

“She became something of a controversial figure after being accused of plagiarizing some of her readings, which she vehemently denies, and came under fire for comparing eating animals to the Holocaust, for which she later apologized.”

And of course she's a looney vegan too 😂😂😂

too poor to afford a subscription

Imagine bragging about giving your money to j*urnos.


Excuse me. No people is more oppressed than papa bezos. I’m just doing my little part to make sure that he and his ex wife have the lifestyle they deserve. You heartless anti-Amazon folk are, in the words of our goddess yoko ono, the buck-breaked persons of the world

I love amazon and bezos but i support them through other means like my 7th concurrent amazon prime subscription rather than funding journos (even if bezos benefits)

Wapo of all things too lmao. State of it.

Who let's this happen to their child? I would've been on this shit the moment she touched the horoscopes

Jews did this


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I feel so bad for her dog.

🐕 💊

TFW ppl in the Asian continent (especially indians and chinese) have been doing these for thousands of years

Yeah, and it doesn't work. I just don't get people sometimes, it appears that any snake oil only needs a little time and everybody forgets that it is bullshit. Give it a couple of years and we will se magnetic bracelets on top shop again

Yeah, and it doesn't work.

Holy fucking shit dude you just absolutely slam dunked astrology 😳😳😳

Why is 🏴‍☠️drama filled with actual redditors who always feel the need to point out the obvious and say r-slured shit like "uhhhh astrology is not real dude"

What's next? Are you gonna tell us how the earth isn't flat and feel smug about your how much intellectually superior you are to single celled organisms?

Opening the sub to unapprovedcels was a great mistake

Wait, is this satire? I have to double check to make sure it didn't fly past me. I have a whole paragraph written for you

Part of conversations are fluff, auttie.

Yeah that's why it's overrated


something something industrial society

Finding an edge in the crypto market is already a fuzzy art. Is attempting to use celestial bodies so far off?


How many sex toys are we owning?

If you believe in crypto and/or astrology you have the downs.

I believe 100% in other people giving me money for either tho




Can we get nuked already please?