The most scientifically advanced 🍔 person.

66  2021-06-14 by WarBoyPrimo


Unironically, why are rightoids so predisposed towards mental illness? I know that people joke about leftoids wearing their illnesses like a badge, but it's always minor shit like slight depression. With rightoids, you have complete breaks from reality.

the virgin moderate depression vs the Chad full blown schizophrenic enlightenment

The rightoid has absolutes who transcend his mental illness and the shame who come with it "God made me this way" while the leftoid c.uck will go to the therapist to deconstruct more his leftoid personality, paying 100$ to hear things like "yo maybe your mama was so fat you wanted to secretly fuck her, no ?" 😎

Remove the colored squares and u have a decent meme

Anyone who seriously identifies with a political group has a mental illness. Rightoids identify with political groups. A=>B; B=>C; Thus A=>C;

Same with cuckoldry. Leftards like it, rightoids in denial about how much more they like it.

What a religious upbringing does to a mfer

It's not mental illness. I love throwing the term out too but conspiracism has little to no connection to mental illness.

It's more like conservatives are way more likely to be religious fundies and being a religious fundie basically fries your brain and lets you engage in magical thinking at a much higher rate.

It's not even shocking religious fundies tend to be conspiracy theorists at such high rates either, because religion is a byproduct of the same cognitive foibles that lead to run-away conspiracism.

Combine all of this with an inherent resistance to expertise and education and you have a recipe for American conservatism.

Really cause I read a study that says it's because conservatives are much cooler than libtards

This mfer really used the word "foibles"

Haha faux balls.

There's plenty of papers/research linking (or at least trying to) conspiracism with things that are recognized in the DSM. Since that inevitably drags in fundies too I imagine it gets hairy real quick.

I'm for the most part very skeptical of anything linking normal conspiracism to mental illness.

It's kind of like how you see people pretend American politics has recently become conspiratorial when in reality it's pretty much always been this way with conservatives escalating recently.

There's a famous article on it from the 1960s:

You can find mass conspiracy movements during other time periods in other countries, too.

My point is politics seems to have a serious ability to radicalize conspiracy beliefs. Rob Brotherton writes about similar conspiracism is to politics:

As with any psychological foible, we’re each drawn to the myth of pure evil to a greater or lesser extent. In 2011, psychologists Eric Oliver and Thomas Wood surveyed one thousand Americans. Among questions about various conspiracy theories, they included one short statement about the fundamental nature of the political process: “Politics is ultimately a struggle between good and evil.” More than a third of the people surveyed agreed with the sentiment. Revealingly, the more strongly someone agreed, the more likely he or she was to buy into conspiracy theories. A black-and-white worldview provides a perfect canvas for conspiracy thinking.

Joe Uscinski and Joseph Parent point out that conspiracy theories are far from an entirely alien way of viewing the world. Conspiracism, they argue, isn’t all that different from everyday political discourse; it is merely intensified and stripped of nuance. “Where regular politicians highlight problems, advocate solutions, and call for concerted action soon, conspiracy theorists highlight an abysmal state of affairs, advocate titanic policies, and call for concerted action right now.” There are genuine problems in the world; our liberty is sometimes threatened, bureaucrats can be self-interested. Through the filter of conspiracism, these issues take on the guise of a melodramatic struggle between good and evil, ripped straight from the pages of a comic book. From John Robison’s claim that the Illuminati was intent on overthrowing all the governments of Europe, to currently fashionable theories about psychopathic bureaucrats with no qualms about murdering thousands of their fellow citizens, the best conspiracy theories are stories about manically evil villains, with the vaguest of motives, wantonly perpetrating outrageous evils on an innocent, unsuspecting public.

Yes, yes, settle down your pulitzer is in the mail

Informative and well-written article, but it just goes to show this bullshit is cyclical.

I think even with similar lower levels of education and iq, there's more propensity in certain families to be roped into wilder conspiracy theories. A history of bipolar, bpd, deluded or schizophrenic individuals in these families. Religious fundamentalism plays a part, they go to school but it isn't prioritised by their parents from a very young age, and you get people amazed at middle school science thinking its magic, no wonder they go on to exaggerate stuff like covid vaccines and microchips because they haven't got a good grasp on what's possible so they exaggerate everything out of the realms of possibility. My extended family is poorly educated, I'm fairly well educated, only difference between me and them is how much crazier the conspiracy theories they believe in are, I used to look up conspiracy theories which were more grounded in reality, but its still there and heightened imagination and delusions sometimes would consume me. Only solution is higher quality education, but at the end of the day it only mitigates it to an extent

Rightoids were a mistake.

Because they've conflated being a bat shit schizo and godlyness

Same reason Rasputin got taken seriousl

I think it's poor emotional control at the root of it. Like these people are not psychotic there just very flawed (and often irredeemable) human beings. Some are smart enough to leech of them like the right wing influencers. Marjorie on the other hand isn't mentally ill she's just old, ugly, and desperate for attention.


Radical leftoids are pretty similar

If anyone can prove they voted for this woman, they should automatically become approvedcels.

I got into an argument with my girlfriend a couple months ago, because she couldn't understand how this kind of person got elected. I had to explain to her that this woman is a representative, and she might be one of fewer than a handful who perfectly represent the brainrot of her constituency. So many reps and senators are just greedy politicians who know what to say to get and keep their jobs; but then there are the tiny majority of MTGs who are proud to represent their electors, and my girlfriend should be proud to live in a country where people can directly vote for politicians who so strongly believe in what they speak, even if that's just space lasers and the curative powers of dog semen.

She didn't like that, though, because føids just want their stupid opinions validated, which is why I'd never ever vote for a MTG myself, but only on the objection of her being a woman.

is this pizza?

Kinda sounds like it, with the insistence I have a girlfriend, a mean contentiousness, and a steely hatred for women.

But believe me: I'm neither as smart as pizza, nor is my jawline as strong as his. I'm only a poor imitation of the legend

But believe me: I'm neither as smart as pizza, nor is my jawline as strong as his.

How far the bar has fallen...

No, he said he has a girlfriend

Pizza has a girlfriend, she just goes to a different school.

Also hes never met her.

Was she this batshit before getting elected? What did she even say/promise to get elected? Baffling

ever since obama got elected i think most republican platforms are just "no more nslurs in the white house"

God would never create a fatal illness that harms people

She’s never listened to someone read the Bible, even just the plagues part, much less read the Bible herself huh? Where does she think all the other fatal diseases come from if she believes god created everything? Also virus mutations aren’t technically what people mean they say evolution in even lay people context unless you’re actually rslurred.

Obviously it means God doesn't think Egyptians are people.

Because they aren’t. No I’m not biased, why do you ask? Stop noticing (((things))).

it's absolutely over for mummycels

So god is a white supremacist too

Never mind the whole book of Job 😂

I bet she's the christian who never reads the Old Testament, because the church she goes to doesn't include it.

There are churches that do that?

I think I've seen it once. The bible they have only has Psalm and Proverbs from the Old Testament, and the rest is New Testaments.

Gideon often distributes a version of the Bible that just consists of that. However this isn't an attempt to claim that that books are an independent canon, it's just because those are basically an abridgement, a summary of the core Christian message that takes up significantly less space than a full edition of the Bible. The way Christians usually read anyway is to start with the new testament, and then go back to the old and be like "Whoah Jesus totally did confirm all these prophecies and all this really is about him!" So providing the new testament, is a simple way to proselytize and introduce the Christian message to new converts, which is what is intended. They intend to eventually get them into a church and guide them back to the old testament. I'm unaware of any school of Christianity that literally discounts these books from their official Canon, the New testament references them constantly and it would be almost impossible to form a coherent theology that literally just discounted them while keeping the new testament.

When doing Christian proselytization anyway its actually preferable from the Christian perspective to just give the new testament, otherwise an entirely new proselytize might begin on the old. And just become deeply confused at why they're reading a bunch of old Jewish myths, traditions, and religious laws. That's how Jews read the Bible of course, but Jews don't proselytize, so nobodies going to explain to you a reading of the Bible from that perspective (besides Chabad and their whole "Oh yeah we're just doing outreach to secular Jews", while on the sly accumulating basically this vast Noahide cult somehow, whoops wonder how that happened, yeah Chabad you totally are not proselytizing). A Christian reading of the old Bible, again, is starting with the new and getting primed with the Christian way of viewing things, and then going to the old and being like woah Jesus and man I'm glad we don't have to follow all these laws anymore because Jesus came. That's how a Christian proselytizer wants to introduce the Bible to a convert.

I'm actually an atheist but I study the Bible and Abrahamic religions constantly in between bouts of mental illness, that's my game if you are wondering. I'm sorry for being an asshole to you in the other thread, it's because I'm a huge asshole.

Good point. The New Testament is a better choice for proselytization.

We're on drama, so I don't really mind the name-callings. We cool.

Half the bible is literally about God smiting random people just because he got pissed at them.

He literally burns two of Aaron's sons to death because they basically lost a game of Simon says. He asked that they put incense in a thing so it could be burned for Him, so the went and got incense and lit it and put it in the thing. But whoops, notice something there, when he asked that incense be burned for Him he never once mentioned lighting it on fire, you were supposed to know that he wanted unburned incense in the thing, and He would light it on fire Himself, even though He never mentioned that. So naturally the only acceptable recourse is to burn you alive in front of your father.

And actually also while his two eldest sins are screaming in agony as they are slowly burning to death in front of his eyes, God makes sure to inform Aaron that it would be a huge buzzkill if He were to ruin the mood by beginning to cry at that moment or alter His facial expression in a way that would indicate any feelings if displeasure or sadness at watching two of His children be horrifically tortured try death for failing a stupid game of Simon says, and that if He does do He will also be tortured to death. And also that His two children can't be mourned and basically have to buried without ceremony in unmarked graves later on in the day. Later because he's expected to complete the rest of the ceremony as is and not be put off by the execution by fire of His two children in front of His eyes.

Later on in the day, Moses makes sure to chastise Him for not eating certain sacrifices and asks why He's being such a jerk. And Aaron is like, it's because I was afraid God would kill me. And Moses is like, oh shoot, yeah, right He totally would've killed you actually had you done that lol, my bad, and then goes off to continue celebrating the glory of God and their huge party over the ashes of his nephews. Quite a character, you can see why God likes him so much.

This is the source of all objective morality BTW. And it's not the only time He kills people for losing dumb games of Simon says, it's like practically His favorite thing and He keeps on doing it over and over again, wording commands in the most asinine way possible that is almost begging for a mistake and then being like "Gotcha!" as He inflicts some horrific death on them. Like you almost begin rolling your eyes at some point, you see a command phrased in some odd way and sigh, this fucker is at it again. The Jews like never fucking see it coming either, just barge into the trap of the straightforward interpretation with zero fear at all, and the others are always super impressed afterward and like, oh I see there was a trick there, that God, what a fucking joker. And are like, yeah fuck those guys they deserved to die, even though none of them saw it coming either and would've also done the some thing and been killed had that been given the same command.

God would never create a fatal illness that harms people

This is why Christians in the United States should read the Old Testaments. OT is way more exciting than NT, anyway.

They do, but Christoid Burgers only read Genesis because muh evilution and Daniel because muh end times prophecy.

lol what? This is odd for even Rightoids they are all about God Smiting people for their Sinful ways like Sodom and Gomorra. Since when did God get soft?

Depends if they're trying to attract followers or control them

But to answer your question, when the new testament came out God pretty much backtracked on all his policies

not really though, is the thing

sure his jewish death count was smaller but shit was still way fucked up

Look at that arm though, by lawd she is ripped!

In fact, you know guys, I'm sort of ready to join the trainspotting crowd. That's interesting, the trainspotters also intersect heavily with MTG fans, does that cause internal strife and drama?

Taking up a heroin habit would be very libertarian of you.




You sound a bit upset lol

What? Do you know what "trainspotting" means in slang?

I don't care about your fslur slang, in my slang trainspotting means recognizing that Michelle Obama is a locomotive. Among many many other trains.

Good luck getting that to stick when there's a classic film that goes by the same name.

Consider how many people shoot up heroine and go watch actual trains for no reason besides that their heroine addled brains make this utterly boring pastime feel pleasurable.

Now consider how many people feel offended by trains and how many people feel offended by people feeling offended by trains. Now we are cooking with gas, man! Trainspotting is going to mean spotting trains, not your silly babies crawling on the ceiling thing.

Almost everyone over the age of 18 has seen Trainspotting. That's the only reason the word entered popular consciousness to begin with. The movie itself pops up as the first dozen results in a search of the word "trainspotting", before you could even find the actual Urbandictionary listing on it that explains the title of said movie.

Who else outside of some subreddits and maybe 4chan would a person associate the word "train" with you-know-who, let alone the word trainspotting with trying to identify them?

I'm not really sure why you are choosing this particular hill to die on. I was just making a quick joke about your use of the word "trainspotting".