Opinion: Tom Hanks' Tulsa Essay Shows It's Time For Him To Be Anti-Racist

30  2021-06-14 by caliberoverreaching


the entertainment industry, which helps shape what is history and what is forgotten

Hollywood produced "documentaries" should be taught as fact in history classes. Zoomers deserve this.

"Buck Breaking" is mandatory viewing for all future Black History Months.

One of the most entertaining films I've watched in ages. It absolutely should be

Is it worth it? I’m kind of worried one of my woke friends or family will ask me about it and I’ll have to choke back so much laughter.

It's incredibly worth it and the second half is incoherent /pol/ tier rambling about gay people so there's no chance your woke friends would be able to sit through it.


He's built a career playing righteous white men

If he played black men then wouldn’t he get cancelled though?

take the Jolsonpill

Never go full minstrel.

actors can't play a character outside of their race

voice actors can't voice a character outside of their race

translators can't translate works from people outside of their race

white man spends his career playing white male characters

Here's why that's problematic.

More gibs, whitey.

The absolute state of NPR

They should make an X Men or Disney Princess movie set during the Tulsa Riots, maybe then American "people" will pay attention.

They did

Watchmen TV show

It's time for Tom Hanks to play MLK in a new feature film featuring Chet Hanxs as Malcom X

I'm looking forward to Chet's 2040 docudrama on White Boy Summer.

He'll be a civil rights icon by then


Serves him right for letting Steamboat Willie go.

Fun fact: Steamboat Willie did not kill "Fish" Mellish. The German soldier who stabbed Mellish was wearing a Waffen SS uniform while Willie wore the uniform of the Wehrmacht Heer. Therefore the only "crime" Steamboat Willie was guilty of was failing to surrender to American forces, some of whom had already almost executed him, and instead returning to his own side.


The world needs reliable sane journalism more than ever, and NPR once again lets us down.

NPR and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Tom Hanks is basically the result you would get if you were trying to produce the most perfect wholesome celebrity in a lab, but if you're a disgusting mayoid and you make a movie about mayo-moids, you basically bombed Tulsa and need to apologise.

NPR is glowie trash.


What the hell happened to NPR in the last 5 years? I used to love tuning in for cool stories about all kinds of different topics, but the last several times I've listened it's only been about race and gender. Shit sucks now