Burger upset physically repulsive matchup turned out to be a one sided relationship

114  2021-06-14 by manapelike13


It's not really hard to imagine him being a turbo for creep IRL.

I recently watched his video about the how the YouTube algorithm is sending sexual explicit videos to kids and it felt like he was projecting super hard.

Is there really a YouTuber out there that you'd want around a women or child alone?

This is 20-30 year old men with a fan base half their age, just like men teaching elementary school, it ain't right.

thank you boomer bot, very cool

Let YouTubers raise your kid, I'm sure they'll turn out just fine.

My nanny uses my kids for her "child bathing tips" channel on youtube already. They're basically famous, blows my mind how many views they get... must be lots of moms out there who need advice

Get that bag king

All proceeds go to the catholic church

thank you for your service amen o7

If you could pick five youtubers to ween your kid on who would they be?

Filthy Frank, Tamers12345, Frank Hassle, noobdog/boring, Sam Hyde

I'm sorry but are you the legendary Iowa_Hawkeye? I didn't think so.

no mention of EDP445

Terrible parenting.

Malcolm reed bbq is really the only one I can endorse.

Malcolm reed bbq

Subbed. Check out I think Mythical Kitchen. There pretty cool guy's and not Gordon Ramsay Fans (IMO)

I will check it out, don't do a lot of in the house cooking.

Thank god I thought I was the only dramatard who watches Malcolm

Malcom rules

Matt's offroad recovery is my household's favorite


projecting much?

Is this Trisha girl actually r-slurred? She seems legitimately “slow”, even beyond what you’d expect from a YouTube celebrity.

"Is a woman r-slurred? Gee, I wonder. 🤔"

If you have to ask you might be r-slurred, which also means you might be a woman

No, she acts rslurred because it makes money in the hellhole that is Los Angeles. She's a grade A, OG troll.

God she’s such an ugly slut... 😈

I’m not 12 years old so I’m not really up to date on YouTubers, but if this is the Trisha I’ve heard of, they use they/them pronouns which should tell you plenty.

No she's a cunt.

Is this that paytas girl? She's super r-slurred no?


God fucking dammit.

Does that word trigger you?

It makes my skin crawl. It's supposed to be "y'all."

How about “y’all” choke on dez nuts? Haha

Haha gottem.


... Unless?

Y'allah is the correct way

Oh hell. I think I'll take it.

It's neither its yall you yankie dipshits.

Just look at Ethan Klein, I rest my case.

He looks like he tries to stick his baby dick in anything that moves

Chill with the antisemitic remarks.

stick his baby dick in anything any baby that moves

Isn’t his wife a mail order bride ?

Other way around. He's a mail order groom so she could get citizenship.

I'm pretty sure her brother is the fat hookers husband. They're connected twice. Completely believe that Ethan is a creep, but this dude is BIL, he should have seen this coming

That guy Moses is a pretty handsome dude. Seems like a standup chap. I feel so so sorry for him. Like he's basically doing charity by wifing up trisha fucking paytas. I don't even think she can bear children.

Maybe he's a softy or some shit.

Maybe wrangling is the family business.

I dunno. It's fucked up that both his BIL and his Sister were like okay marry this women. Also with all the shit she has said you would think, you know?

Yeah she can't have children because she got double chlamidia, I think part of the reason she went apeshit is because hila just got pregnant and she was jealous of the attention

What a cunt.

he's a brap farmer


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There are people in this world who unironically simp for Hila.

She has the personality and presence of a mute

Who is Trisha? Are we talking about Trisha Paytas?

She looks like she will scare away any man within 1 minute.


Stop misgendering them with their birth-identified pronouns, shitlord.

Some men like them ugly.

Problem because?


Literally who?


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Trisha is a patron saint of drama

As much of a cunt that she is this is true.

You say that as if it's in spite of the fact.


Her and Tariq should mate, their offspring would be the drama Messiah.

Tariq having heterosexual intercourse lol

She is white. Haram for Tariq.

She is white a woman. Haram for Tariq.

You cannot tell me that the man behind Buck Breaking isn't deeply closeted.

When he dressed up as a woman was probably the worst thing since the Chernobyl victims photos

Oh... god... 🤢🤢🤢 OH NO!🤮🤮🤮

Hahaha, I knew they were going to fall out eventually. I remember some of the fembots on lolcow were totally in love with their dynamic. Trisha is a serial friend dumper. Eagerly awaiting her inevitable break up with Moses.

BPD, the inevitable time bomb

Did anyone seriously think something like this would not happen to creepy klein

around male feminists never relax

I didn't.

I started to try to figure out what was going on and then I remembered idgaf so i made this comment instead. You're welcome.

Oh I remember that ugly ogre. She had beef with Joe Rogan a couple weeks ago

literally who

Is youtube drama on the menu again? I thought that was looked down upon? If it I think thats a good thing because these people are the biggest milk machines out there.

this dude is such a chode lmao

So the fat unfunny shithead got me too? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Is this more zoomer shit?

Okay weird question but the h3h3 subreddit downvoted me for saying that people I knew who were biracial had identity issues (serb/bosnian and ukrainian/russian), so I won't ask them. Why did he use a turkey baster to impregnate his wife and not his dick? Is this a meme but I keep seeing it. Am I retarded but don't you usually just nut inside? Have I been pulling out for no reason this whole time?

He's fat, depressed and on depression meds - his dick probs don't work.

i dont care what fat people do and think

defund fat people
