Deranged Mayo returns to store then murders grocery store cashier and shoots several other people after being asked to wear a 😷 by the cashier following her stores policy.

23  2021-06-15 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Man's eye so lazy he probably screams at it to get a job between hits of fent

Good job on the bait-and-switch, OP.

Wait why is the thumbnail completely unrelated to the article haha

Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. Deranged Mayo returns to store then... -,*

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Snappy can see the truth through your lies.


Mayo isn't a race. It's an illness.

Hello fellow psychoanalysis scholar😎😎

Please let me know when I will be receiving my bullet psychomommy


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After Monday’s triple shooting, the un-named owner said he was contemplating whether to allow customers to carry any guns inside the store going forward

Something tells me that wouldnt have helped much in this case lol. " I would murder this bitch, but im not allowed to carry a gun into the store... guess she's gonna live"🤔🤔

Should be mandatory that Cashier's have gun's. Would stopped this sack of shit.

People of downs deserve guns too!!

The gunman will likely shoot first so it probably won’t make much of a difference. Though another cashier will kill him with fewer casualties

Would they risk it? You would have to watch your back.

Brazilian wife cuts off husband penis & cooks it in frying pan after bad break up

This is the real drama



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