๐Ÿ”ฅ Hot Take: SJW is a misogynistic insult ๐Ÿ”ฅ

34  2021-06-15 by carly_rae_bopsen


It's nice to see terms like "SJW" and "feminazi" still generating seethe to this day.

Feminazi hits them harder than it used to in the past

โ€œFeminaziโ€ was a term created/popularized in the early 90โ€™s by that radio dude who passed away recently.


Unironically agree with teens being able to vote. It will only lead to politicians being even more rslur as their try to woo zoomers on TikTok and social media. If this video of old millenials is anything to go by its gonna be great.

MTG vs AOC dance battle, DDR on Joe Rogan, DDD jacking off on Zoom when?

Bro is that your video? It has <100 views, how do you find something like that? lol

Lol nah was looking for the original news segment but found that instead. The music actually makes it less cringe.

You'd think so but young people are a completely irrelevant demographic as they don't vote lmao

The persecution complex only gets worse.

The only people that get offended by the term sjw are sjws, who else would get so offended so easily by an innocuous insult?

Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


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I dont know what i hste more, w*men, twitters, or leftoids/politicลฏcks in general.

Needless to say, Xinjiang sounds really nice for this time of year