North Korean defector says 'even North Korea was not this nuts' after attending Ivy League school

124  2021-06-15 by ChapoDestroyer


"In North Korea I literally believed that my Dear Leader [Kim Jong-un] was starving," she recalled. "He's the fattest guy - how can anyone believe that? And then somebody showed me a photo and said 'Look at him, he's the fattest guy. Other people are all thin.' And I was like, 'Oh my God, why did I not notice that he was fat?' Because I never learned how to think critically."

"That is what is happening in America," she continued. "People see things but they've just completely lost the ability to think critically."

“How are all your people so much larger than dear leader?”

She just secured a job as a Fox 🦊 News 🗞 talking head 🗣

Did she not consider that he probably lived in a good desert?

Someone doesn’t have the ability to think critically and it’s the North Korean in this case.


How anti-immigrant are you. Diversity is our strength. Please do better.

are you saying refugees aren't american?

no it means she's perfectly assimilated into american culture.

Calm down, please don't peacefully protest this women she's been through so much

Women don't have beards or penises. My sister and aunt have facial hair, but they shave.


shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame

This woman is a r*ghtoid’s wet dream

“political correctness is literally worse than having your family executed”

The context of the title is even funnier.

"English is my third language. I learned it as an adult. I sometimes still say 'he' or 'she' by mistake and now they are going to ask me to call them 'they'? How the heck do I incorporate that into my sentences?"

"It was chaos," said Yeonmi. "It felt like the regression in civilization."

"Even North Korea is not this nuts," she admitted. "North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy."

A lot of PC culture is silly but pronouns are worse than North Korea? I think we found our new queen.

"I learned 3 languages and I'm all done learning forever"

You're not really "learning" when you call someone "they". Your dumbing yourself down. There is no "they". There is He, She and a few morons who think they're something special because it bothers them to be seen as what they really are.

Bonus for being a qt K-Waifu, as having yellow fever is a requirement to be a rightoid in 2021.

Mashallah moment

That and a weak chin

“political correctness is literally worse than having your family executed”

ok but yes

Yeah I mean, it depends on the family, right?

Well,e it's objectively easier to live without certain familites than within a PC culture.

I mean one sad day so I can rap along to my favorite tunes? Kinda tempting

So what rightoid online media outlet you think will pick her up?

My guess is maybe The Rebel then once her rightoid following picks up and a couple of Tucker appearances she'll end up at The Blaze.

Get her on Infowars, the only diversity they have is some wamen and totally not recloseted Milo

Did Milly leave?

Dude Fussy, lmao


This link name makes you go 🤔🤔🤔

She'll be on tucker by the end of the week for sure.

That's cool. Imagine she wouldn't be on Tucker by the week for sure. Then she would really be nowhere. Just like anyone who has a negative opinion on woke culture and the education system in the US wouldn't be anywhere without Tucker and Fox. I mean, we certainly don't want our audiences to be exposed to any counter argument to the leftist's narrative that the white man is the devil.

If anyone ever thought reddit comment sections are r-slurred, just check out a 15k+ comment section on there.

Since she's in college, FIRE would do nicely.

Bannon had some random chinese lady last year, not sure if she's still around. Maybe he will continue to assemble his jewels of the orient.

I was gonna say this is a very career minded woman. Pretty soon she'll be on tour w/ Tomi and Candace.

Well, i can't answer that, but i can tell you no mainstream leftist propaganda machine will pick her up, since they're all about promoting leftist values.

A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. North Korean defector says 'even No... -,*

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When did arrrr Dramada become a train yard? Also, I remember the days when downvoting was considered a sign of poor character for a dramacel.

Every argument I have I instantly upvote the other person and downvote myself to bring out the most ridiculous responses. It’s just good form.


This is actually genius. Gonna have to try it sometime

Also highly recommend the anti stereotype role. Works especially well in games. Had a great one today in csgo. My profile has a boomer vet picture and heavily implies that I’m mid 30s or 40s but anytime someone drops the gamer word or the f slur I instantly call them a Trump lover and a Nazi. You get some fantastic reactions. Almost as good as dunking on Canadians.

I don't use the voting system at all aside from upvoting zoz

other than that, it's just not worth clicking on either arrow

So you admit you downvote on r/drama?


This lady is very clearly a grifter trying to get rightoids to s*mp for her.

Already assimilated🙌

Based and model-minority-pilled.

Don't hate the playa hate the game l 😎

I know. It's beautiful. I want her to run for office.

Its kinda funny because Nork defectors get scammed constantly in South Korea.

What's wrong with that? We can't have only grifters trying to get leftards to simp for them. You need balance.

Because it works every goddam time.

it's not hard

“Then she said, ‘Did you know those writers had a colonial mindset? They were racists and bigots and are subconsciously brainwashing you.’”

I know academia is retarded but I refuse to believe this is a sentence uttered by a real human being.

It was probably another student. College student are r-slurred as fuck.

could be but i've seen how many of the liberal college professors behave so the student likely heard it first from the professor and is just regurgitating it.

smdh it's a shame she internalized white supremacy and started enabling whiteness in others so quickly

another noble poc corrupted

i bet they even turned her straight 🤦🤮

Comparing having to call someone "they" to the horrors of living in North fucking Korea is hilarious.

Get bent lady.

She’s had to do both, you’ve done one. I think she’s the expert here 🤔

Sorry sweaty, no one is calling your hairy "male f*minist" ass they.

My pronouns are she/her anyway. Thank you for being considerate.

Um, no, sweatums. Pronouns belong to the people. Reported for wrongthink.


Reported for being an women

Reported for being a woman. DO BETTER

I didn’t spend 32 months on HRT to be YELLED AT BY AN UNAPPROVEDCEL.


Imagine thinking that I didn't donate to fight malaria after my main account got suspended.

The singular they thing is always been funny. It’s been used as a plural and singular descriptor in English since the 1800s. Know how we know? It’s used a singular descriptor in books.

Cuz English dumb and decided not differentiating between singular and plural in either the second or third person is fine.

Everyone uses it as a singular descriptor all of the time and don't even think about it. It's hilarious how rightoids act like the word "they" in its entirety was invented in 2010 as a way for lefties to destroy the gender reveal party business or some shit.

Dweebs will forget the english language even exists if it means "offending" the sensibilities of a twitter checkmark for five minutes.

Singular they is only ever used when you're referring to an unknown person. No one who wasn't r-slurred would ever seriously point at a dude and say "they have my car keys."

No one who wasn't r-slurred would ever seriously point at a dude and say "they have my car keys.

I dont know where you were taught english but that's literally what people do all of the time.

Maybe you're just r-slurred.

My friends and I actually have real, respectable educations and nobody ever uses singular “they” except when trying to not get run over by a 🚂. Sorry you’re a dingy farmer lmao.

Approximately how long was the bus you and your friends rode to school for this "respectable education"?

My mom drove me cus the older kids bullied me 😎

lmao love when all you flair phags in this sub come out to defend each other

I'm going to take away your updoot and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Do better sweaty.

Everyone uses it as a singular descriptor all of the time

Interesting. So whenever I see "(((they)))," I can safely conclude that they are talking about the One and Only Train Behind the Curtains.

“Radical Centrists” seething over this

The absolute state of this sub

Unnapprovedcelcide when?

"""radical centrists""" downsnozzling smh

That's it. I'm taking yours too. This is NOT ok.

This is poor reddiquette 😤😤😤

There goes another upvote. How long can you keep this up? You think reddiquette can contain my power? Think again, sweetie.


I downvoted you.

It gave me an orgasm.

And not so much as a reach around for me? Typical.

Plenty of sloppy seconds to go around here in ☠ 🎥

Ewww gross I feel icky wicky after not reading all these words.

Do better sweaty.

a North Korean defector fears the United States' future "is as bleak as North Korea" after she attended one of the country's most prestigious universities.

Yeh gonna doubt this. I'd believe her if she said glorious instead of bleak.

hmm it’s almost like only r slurs would want to leave the dprk (🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵)


Alternatively, does this not imply that NK is actually not that bad?

If she's lying now, when was she NOT lying?

when was she NOT lying?

in all seriousness Best Koreans are known for embellishing or fabricating their experiences according to what they think interviewers want to hear, to the point where it's extremely difficult to conduct research with them, especially when there's a financial incentive involved. Not surprising given the conditions they're raised in tho.

North Korea cares about political correctness? Columbia U is starving their students just like in NK? Is she actually from NK?

Have you seen the lunch room at Columbia. You'll starve to death unless you're willing to eat shit.

Working your ass off for twelve years and paying a ton of money to go to a school with too much money and nasty food. What a world.

Daily status update of Ivy Leagues, apparently:




The amount of angry people in this thread proves shes going to become a lovely up and comer in the drama wars.