0 2021-06-16 by tr3yway9191
9 Racist_FemboyV2 2021-06-16
89 subscribers 69 Views
89 subscribers
Op stop trying to advertise your channel.
-3 tr3yway9191 2021-06-16
sorry for trying to do something...
3 JanetYellensFuckboy 2021-06-16
Show us you mean your apology. Post bussy.
1 tr3yway9191 2021-06-16
3 UnheardIdentity 2021-06-16
Nobody cares.
-1 tr3yway9191 2021-06-16
stay mad bater
2 UnheardIdentity 2021-06-16
Lol sneed harder spammer.
stay mad masturBATER.... gottem
1 UnheardIdentity 2021-06-16
Lol ok
1 SnapshillBot 2021-06-16
They targeted gamers. Gamers.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
9 Racist_FemboyV2 2021-06-16
Op stop trying to advertise your channel.
-3 tr3yway9191 2021-06-16
sorry for trying to do something...
3 JanetYellensFuckboy 2021-06-16
Show us you mean your apology. Post bussy.
1 tr3yway9191 2021-06-16
3 UnheardIdentity 2021-06-16
Nobody cares.
-1 tr3yway9191 2021-06-16
stay mad bater
2 UnheardIdentity 2021-06-16
Lol sneed harder spammer.
1 tr3yway9191 2021-06-16
stay mad masturBATER.... gottem
1 UnheardIdentity 2021-06-16
Lol ok
1 SnapshillBot 2021-06-16
They targeted gamers. Gamers.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers