Women fuck up another male created franchise

58  2021-06-16 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Reminder that the wachowski 🚂s got the axe because their dominatrix told them to


Everything posted here is true!

Got a source for that?

fug 🥵

Well that's just pure speculation then. It's pretty common for trannerinos to first go around in drag semi unironically before transitioning.

There’s an archived Rolling Stone article floating around somewhere that describes the 🚂‘s derailing. It copped a lot of criticism at the time. I think it’s been officially scrubbed now. But it’s out there

That was interesting to read.

yeah up your butt


This is what happens when you binge watch porn with your brother for 20 years.

It's gonna be sooo bad isn't it.

“I CREATE LIFE and I destroy it” or some shit Idk.

Yeah it’s gonna be dogshit


How did those two get any more chances to make anything after the disaster that was Jupiter ascending

did you see how many morons bought that cyberpunk shit cause of their Keanu boners? Take that, add the established billion dollar franchise he's famous for and then market the shit out of how it's directed by 🚂's, This shit is going to sweep the oscars like that Lord of the Rings movie


Matrix was never good

The films are really starting to show their age.

Should have stopped after the first.

Imagine liking the 1st one.

It was just as crap in the 90's as it is now.

They had some nice special effects but everything else was complete utter garbage and a waste of time. Both the Wachowski's and Reeves have done better.

Controversial statement: I actually enjoyed Cloud Atlas.

I loved the book and thought the film was a totally okay adaptation.

That book was gonna be a fucking clusterfuck to adapt to a film, it was about as good as it could have been.

Now a better format for Cloud Atlas would have been like an HBO miniseries with each chapter being an episode.

Every argh television/movies thread is "yeah this movie adaptation sucked, but imagine if it was ON HBO!!!"

It's really just more like super autistic shit is better in book form and better meant for it's medium. Have you ever seen a WWZ thread?

The format of the book is like tailor made to be a miniseries rather than a feature film.

The rslurs on tv/movies are right about this one.

I hadn’t read the book but fuck, at least the movie was a little different from the good guys-bad guys-single crisis event-happy resolution within 100 minutes format.

To put the book vs movie in perspective, while the film, for good narrative reasons, breaks up each story happening in different timelines and splices them together to keep the pace going, the book is different. Each chapter is a different timeline, 1 the 1800s in the South Pacific, 2 1920s in England/Belgium, 3 1970s in San Francisco, 4 2010ish in London, 5 Seoul in the 2100s, 6 post-apocalyptic Hawaii.

So the order of the book goes, 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1

It's like made for a miniseries.

Yeah, but it was only good because they had a third guy around to tell the two siblings to knock if off periodically.

When the guy’s last name is literally tweaker I don’t expect too much

Hey don't knock the guy who made Run Lola Run he's awesome.


I enjoyed how each cast member played a different part in each timeline.

Do I have to be autistic to understand this?

Do I really have to explain the joke? I will if you really need me to do it.

No I was referring to the tweets. You’re good. I’m just a boomer. Y’all got any more seasons of MASH?

I've never watched it other than seeing clips for references. I know it's a good show but I never have taken the time to appreciate it.

I think it’s just fine as far as that kind of thing goes. It was just a boomer reference.

I expect WOM to be wildly mixed but the people who love it will *love* it.

They always say that about a turd. Bracing myself.

Everything after wom*n fuck up is redundant