We banned literally every gamer to prove gamers aren't people.

28  2021-06-16 by megatwins100


You targeted gamers. GAMERS.


That post was legit mad funny

You're playing with fire here, what if they now go outside and shoot up a school??? 😱

don't live there and i love drama

so let it happen

This is how genocide starts. First with words then with gaming camps.


Genocide only counts when it's against people.

Trump 2024 confirmed

They should release a racial slur count

>no, vidya does not make me racist

>sends racial slurs to modmail

Chad move

bideo games don't make me racist, I was born that way 😎


I'm a 48-year-old CS undergrad, and my course is naturally infested with millennial or zoomer gamers. If they ever show their faces on MS Teams they are often at pains to make sure their gaming rigs are visible, which I can well understand, given the ludicrous amounts they spend on them (sometimes hundreds of pounds on a single component, from what I gather). Sometimes I like to ask them how much they spent on their machines so I can quietly bask in the glory of my perfectly adequate £170 PC and actually very reasonable £90 laptop.

These gaming rigs have much better specs then a cheap pc, could your computer run 50 chrome tabs at once? Didnt think so

Seriously, that wouldn't be unlike me to have as many as 16-20 tabs open, especially when I am flailing around with my programming homework.