Oathkeepers in shambles after founder spends $250 at an adult book store in Montana 🇺🇸

21  2021-06-16 by WarBoyPrimo


Why can’t they be like BLM and just accept that their money is gone? How much could this boomer have spent on hair dye anyway?

The group also spent money on phone games ($275) and at an online perfume shop Fragrancenet.com ($256).

At least they're not smelly gamers. Still gamers though.

How do you spend $275 dollars on mobile games as a grown adult?

A grown adult doesn't need to join an edgy boy scout troup to reconnect with his masculinity.

You just described all of American politics.

For all their bravado these people are scum. They don't contribute anything but love to harp about the contributions of actual great men that happen to be white, who wouldn't be caught within 5 feet of them.

There are people who have dumped well over $100k into mobile games (Game of War is probably the worst with this).

Just consider them to be utter r-slurs and move on

Paretos principle

Brain damage

I assume those japanoid c00ming games that bait you to spend money by dangling "9000 year old dragon" tits in front of your face

All gamers are smelly.

My favorite part:

The leader of the Proud Boys, choked off from the financial system, is printing “Black Lives Matter” T-shirts to make money.


Blows my mind that a cunt like Gavin Mcinniess for all his harping about "da gweat why man", creates a group of degenerates that will contribute nothing to society. Furthermore these morons will never understand how they could be ripped off and treated like pay pigs time and time again. They'll fall back on denial and delusion.

Never forget that proud boys get their name from a Disney song.

Woah. Was not aware. Also Gavin Mcinness (the founder) penetrated himself anally for attention (?). Also shafted these losers.

It was a song from the Broadway version of Aladdin.

I find it amusing that they name themselves Proud Boys. Like why not boy scouts or something else infantile? Maybe' it's symbolic of there need for a daddy simulator.

Hahahaha no way

I know people will call this hyperbolic but a lot of the proudboy or oathkeeper or three percenter type groups have a lot of behavioral overlap with the brownshirts. I don’t even mean this in the ideological way I mean it in their motivations, most of these people are losers who just want to beat the fuck out of people they don’t like just like the brownshirts in 1920’s and 30’s germany.

Thats literally every terminal politicoid, no matter what side they're on.

I totally believe it. I think we can all agree that they are low value men until they learn to confront themselves and change for the better.

yeah but unlike most of the brownshirts who had real combat experience from WW1 roughly 60% of Proud Boys and Oathkeepers are a bunch of LARPing civilians with no serious combat experience.

Well yeah, of course. These are the only groups that the leftoods call fascist where you're like "yeah, kinda"

I'm still blown away that some gay hipster's comedy podcast ended up turning into an internationally recognized terrorist organization. It's like fight club expect 50 times as r-slurred.

proud boys ≠ oathkeepers, nerdboy

They are basically wannabe men. Pretend playing if you will. Instead of doing the difficult thing like working a job; working on yourself; and building yourself up. Fucking losers.


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Activist group scams its own members? Wow I am shocked.

I thought the Proud Boys are already done?

Imagine donating all your money to an organization for the glory of the white race, only for some fat guy to spend it all in Alley Katz Nighties N Naughties.

It never even began for mayocels.

I'll never forgive the Oathkeepers for what they did to Demons & Wizards

This is why stupid people shouldn't have money

BLM is a terrorist organization

Literally the founder of BLM bought 4 multimillion dollar mansions. Y'all are dumb asf.