79-year-old gaybro shares how much he loves sucking cock, ever since his cousin made him suck his cock when he was 8 years old

57  2021-06-17 by Leandover


the virgin “you got raped” vs. the chad “you’re entitled to your opinion”

(seriously though that isn’t good)

There is ambuguity when he says he still likes boys and their cocks today. How old are these boys, grandpa?

How old was his cousin tho? 🤔 And does he still suck his cock? 👀

trust me sweaty he still sucks cock


The virgin "this literally happened!" vs the chad "lmao fake as fuck story"

How do cocksuckers reproduce? The answer may surprise you.

Snappy no!

By osmosis, duh.

like vampires

Ask mao

Honestly though, why do homophobia tards think this is some kind of compelling point? Do they think if Big Homo and chemicals in the water disappeared tomorrow we’d have no more gays, just like Iran? Just seems like another tarded “I’m not actually saying the stupid thing, only implying it” meme like /pol/‘s various go-to canards on muh blacks and muh j00s

Implying the CIA isn’t also polluting Iran’s water with the same gay chemicals.

Be better

Do they think if Big Homo and chemicals in the water disappeared tomorrow we’d have no more gays, just like Iran?

In all seriousness, this is probably true to an extent. Only a very small portion of LGBQ is actually exclusive gay/lesbian (somewhere in the ballpark of 5-20%), and it’s hard to measure the impact trending has on t-slur numbers but some estimates put it at 90% assuming they receive treatment (via the fact that 90% grow out of it without treatment). Add in that bisexuals are very much a product of society because they would not act on it in a sufficiently regulated society even if you want to argue that there is no environmental component to their attraction (child sexual abuse and instability statistics disagree).

With that said, I still fuck men because I find it a more enjoyable experience than fucking women.

>implying there is anything at all enjoyable about sex with women

Fucking women is like the gayest thing you can possibly do

I used to know a gay guy in high school who had sex with like a dozen girls because all his female friends were convinced that they would be the one to turn him and kept begging for his cock until he was like, uhhhhgggg, ok you dumb hag. And each one he pumped and dumped and went back to the bussy.



"If the 8 year old enjoys it, it's not rape, guyz"


no word on the age of the cousin

"It depends on the child" - Carl Benjamin

Snappy was right. 😳

Since when it wasn't?

Would you call it... sentient? 😏


It was always the truth

46% of gay men reported being molested as opposed to just 7% of straight men

im proud of not being molested and still sucking grandpa age cock. all natural born degeneracy 😎


Wait really?

I wouldn’t be surprised- I’m gay and I was molested as a child lmao

I got molested as a kid and it didn't even turn me gay :/

Like at least give me the fucking consolation prize of liking bussy ffs

Embrace political homosexuality bro

If it's good enough for separatist lesbians it's good enough for men to take over

Damn bro that sucks bro






Harmful upbringing is extremely common in the LGBT community.

Many of these people are a product of their environments and are just trying to fit in somewhere.

It's all become so messy now.



How do homosexuals reproduce?

By consuming female flesh and temporarily absorbing their DNA

Similar thing happened to me, actually. I'm not gay though, I just really like how nice cocks look and would probably put one in my mouth if I could and let him cum wherever he wanted.

No attraction to men though.


Didn't know Nick Mullen was 79.

Snappy warned us but we didn’t listen

I knew a gay dude who got picked up by 2 40 year old men at age 16 and gangbanged. He claims it was completely normal and did not affect him at all.

I know that women complain about being catcalled at 16 and how that traumatized them. I think men are just built different.

Yeah, I was crazy wild at 14 but calmed down by the time I was 17. Having said that, 8 is way too young for anything other than exploratory kissing amongst kids of the same age.

You think straight girls have never fucked guys old enough to be their dads?

Oh they definitely have but they play the victim like Mia Khalifa

Maybe in public they do

Can someone teach Snappy that pasta?

"From that moment there was no question that I like boys and their cocks. Sucking them became a passion of mine and remains so today."


At least he has a passion that he pursues. I’m told this is an important part of living a happy life.

Something similar actually happened to me. I'm pretty sure I'm gay. I'm starting to become seriously concerned the copypasta holds weight. Have there been studies done on this? I'm actually scared rn

There is a scientific test for this.

Refrain from masturbation for 7 days.

Then watch gay porn. Measure the volume of the resultant semen.

Then wait another 7 days, and repeat with lesbian porn.

Finally wait 7 more days, and watch men and w*men having sexual intercourse, and once again measure the semen.

Interpreting the results:

  1. gay porn most semen - you are gae
  2. lesbian porn most semen - you are a lesbian and should go see a doctor to get you started on hormones to complete your trainsition
  3. MF porn most semen - you are either bisexual or pansexual. Further research required.

You just want to know how much nut I shoot on average 😡😡🤬

Perhaps I'm just r-slurred but I can't find any study newer than that 2001 study that's been posted elsewhere in the thread. Which is non-clinical and seems to be working off of older data. Most news articles seem to quote that 2001 study as well 🤔.

This one from 1978 thinks the connection is random https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/665354/

Here is another from 1986, different stats but from their group about 1/3 of the molestations by men were homosexual. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.2466/pr0.1986.58.1.327?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub++0pubmed&

There doesn't seem to be a lot of new research on it, but do your own research.

If it's concerning you to such a degree go see a psychologist or something. 🤷‍♂️

It's because if you tried to run this study today you would be fired.

The alphabet cabal in full force 🧐




Gays are so wholesome 🤗

the sexual childhood abuse to bussylover pipeline High-Speed Maglev-Train connecction is real

The shit that some gay people think is normal, makes me really ashamed to be gay. They seem to love incest, especially between brothers/cousins/father and son

Fuck I relate to this. God forbid you take issue with any of this shit though, otherwise you'll get bombarded with "wow sweaty someone needs to check their internalized homophobia 🙄" takes.



Lol no 80 year old comments on Reddit. You guys got got

yeah I thought that but the comment history is pretty consistent. I mean the alternative is someone has a fantasy about being an old guy who got raped as an 8-year old, which is cool too.

Bro I pretend to be Chinese or Nigerian all the time on Reddit. People are idiots and believe anything if you throw out buzzwords
