A Tale of Two Minorities.

208  2021-06-17 by busslordlowkeybussin


“Non white people should stop moving to white countries and fucking them up.” — Tareek

hes right

Indians in America are better citizens than whites

Objectively true statement

Same for Nigerians

nearly all first-gen immigrants are badasses who take no shit and will raise successful children. it takes big balls and a shitload of effort to properly migrate to america. over time they assimilate into the moral degeneration that comprises mayo society and become american citizens - in every sense of that phrase

Selection bias works brilliantly for immigration. Lazy idiots are not the type of people who risk their lives to resettle out of their shitty country

If only it weren't for regression to the mean...

Immigrant's children become just as shitty as white children, yes.


Show me bob

Nah their kids feel like they don't fit completely into american culture or their parent's culture so they act out by being lazy fuckheads, focus on the grind and fucking white women, or just shoot up a school

or just shoot up a school

Please show me the last time a second-gen immigrant shot up a school instead of a MasterLawlz clone

Elliot Rodger's mom was Chinese and his dad was from England, also the Virginia Tech shooter

The solution is clear: shut down all immigration from A*glo Saxon nations until we figure out what the hell is going on


mass shootings happen in chicago every week

It isn’t immigrants or their children who do them


This sounds like some nazbol gang shit

Lol it’s because they are usually wealthy and upper class — at least from where they came from. You think a man selling coconuts is going to be able to afford a plane ticket to America. Case in point, all the shitty immigrants that have been settling throughout Europe. Europe certainly isn’t better for it.

Nigerians in South Africa are Hella cool people.

no clue about amerifag society, but in Europe the gypsies and muslims are fucking the whole continent up

Not sure about the rest of Europe but the kangs in France, Sweden and the UK have similar "DESPITE" statistics as the USA.

Living in London I know, anecdotally, from West African coworkers that the bulk of shootings and stabbings seem to be done by s#malis and c#ngolese.

That also lines up pretty well with what I've heard about the parts of Canada and Minnesota that got enriched with People Of Captain Phillips.


Very poggers mdecel

Whitoids absolutely BTFO'd

Well only cause whitey keeps fucking their already Stone Age society further back

Europe doesn't need non-yts to fuck their continent up 😂😂😂


Because europe’s inferior cultures are not build to assimilate foreigners and their cultures

Everyone but mudslims get integrated fast though. It's mudslims thats the issue

They integrate very well here though

in america? Thats because theres so few of them. When they get close to 5-10% of the population and cluster together you will see

Dearborn MI is 40% arab and doing fine


Whitoids absolutely BTFO'd

Brain drain will do that

That's because they do the needful.

Coolies aren't American

Ok, and?

I just want to use a 1800s slur before it's vogue again 😎

I've been using Oriental recently. Gotta say, it's a wonderful slur


Let him go, there will be people from him who will pray and fast so eagerly that your prayer and fasting will seem comparatively small to you; they plunge so deeply into the religion that they come out on the other side, like a sharp arrow through a target on which no trace of blood and flesh remains.

Is this the “dogs of hell” Khawarij quote?


Khwarij were right though, Ali had it coming

Do you expect him to argue in favour of the particular circumstances which lead to his own ancestors "migrating" to the United States?

Am I getting more mentally ill or is this an actual coherent take from Bussy Buck Breaking fetishest Tariq

EDIT: It probably doesn’t help that I have a long standing case of Dinesh Derangement Disorder.

I think it's just because Dinesh is one of the few people on Twitter rslurred enough to possibly make Tariq look sane

His DR3 takes from like 2017 are so cringe its like he graduated high-school at age 55.

This man is 60 or 61 years old. 🤣

No, if all I knew about Tariq was these screenshots I’d think he was basically sane and even cogent

It's amazing how the Foundational Black People of the Buck Broken built all the roads, farms, houses, forests, factories, and clouds of America.

Sure it’s exaggerated, but you don’t need to be totally nuts to make the argument that the contributions of slave labor to building the nation’s early infrastructure and agrarian economy entitles their descendants to reparations

EDIT: the triggered conservatards itt, holy shit

Wasn’t Civil War the reparations? I mean, the nation risked breaking up into pieces to be able to give black people their freedom. Moreover, welfare benefits and affirmative action over the past 60 years have provided black Americans more government monetary support than handing each person $100,000 today could. Furthermore, it might seem callous but manual labor is replaceable and not what builds the wealth of a nation; if there were no slaves, there would have been underpaid laborers. So the idea that this country couldn’t have gotten where it currently is without slaves is an untruth that just panders to the black voters and white guilt of the liberals.

the nation risked breaking up into pieces to be able to give black people their freedom.

Is that what they teach you in burger schools?

Do modern Europoors think civil wars look like music festivals?

Yes, the country broke apart. That's what started the thing. Southerncels felt like they couldn't keep their economy without slaves, so they tried to form their own country. That ended when William Sherman, the most GigaChad American to ever live, went down to Georgia and burned all their houses down (and that's not even dramatized).

👏🏿 Not 👏🏿 my 👏🏿 job 👏🏿 to 👏🏿 educate 👏🏿 you 👏🏿 sweaty (but here a 💯% historical reenactment)

Right but i mean the N*rth didn't go to war to free slaves

Is a dixie something burgers eat like a Twix?


Yeah and your mother and father fucked for fun, not to make you.

I'm pretty sure they were in the same literal boat as Dinesh.

What kind of europoor are you? Want me to lecture you about the various revolutions of 1848?

Fuck off.

Why so triggered?


  • isn’t the Civil War reparations?

“The Nazis lost the war, isn’t that good enough for you?”

  • welfare

The overwhelming majority of welfare benefits go to white people, but associating them in the popular imagination with ungrateful black people sure has been a proven way for conservatards to gin up racist votes since the Civil Rights era!

  • the country could’ve been built without slave labor

But it wasn’t, so what kind of point is this?

Honest question: do you think civilian populations subjected to state-sponsored atrocities are ever entitled to reparations, or is slavery somehow different in your mind? I can understand the practical arguments against US reparations for slavery, but the moral ones are pretty weak.

Majority of welfare recipients are white because the country is majority white. As a proportion of population, black people vastly outnumber any other group as welfare beneficiaries. Furthermore, the whole point of affirmative action was that black and Native American people had been systematically disadvantaged and needed a push up to make up for being left behind for so long. That is reparative effort to make up for past wrongdoings to their ancestors.

“But it wasn’t, so what’s the point?” The point is in response to the claim that the country could not have existed and gotten to where it currently is without the free slave labor. There would be cheap and underpaid laborers who would have replaced the slaves. So if your claim is “black slaves were forced participants in building of this nation,” I’d agree with you. However, if your claim is “without forced slave labor, this country would not be where it is today,” I’ll laugh at you.

All this aggro because we were too lazy to pick our own damn cotton.

"I'm too lazy to be self-sufficient. I know! Instead of waiting just a little bit longer for the agricultural revolution, let's bring over people we don't like (and who don't like us) to do our jobs for us! What could possibly go wrong?".

oh god he's seriousposting again.

WE should give all the welfare benefits to the Undead. Just give it to all the Wights

EDIT: the triggered conservatards itt, holy shit

don't be such a redditor

I genuinely didn’t realize this was a rightoid safe space tho. The mods kept insisting all those Breitbart-lite agendaposts every day were an abnormality!

pfft I didn't know arr drama was so conservative and alt right, I mean people disagreeing with me :/? I expected better

being against reparations makes you a deranged rightoid now? Or is it thinking that slaves actually didn't build most of the country?

You realize you can't just call anyone you disagree with a rightoid in hopes of invoking a tribal response from your "side"?🤔

The word only works when it has a meaning lol, and the Overton window didn't move that far yet so you're a bit too early with your hot take dude.

Yeah wild to conclude a guy bitching about muh blacks and muh welfare is a conservatard, truly nuts

I’m pro Israel, pro cop, pro LGBT, and pro reparations. But you’re seriousposting so you’re likely to get downvoted no matter the opinion. This sub doesn’t like preachers. I upvoted you btw.

Edit: also pro landlord

Seriousposters that just put a little effort into seeming edgy get updooted regularly zozzle

I upvoted you btw.



The comment I was responding to was serious too. Or are people here so dumb they think couching an argument in sarcasm is like crossing your fingers?

Just shrug it off. Rightoids exist here even though they’re not really people.

pro israel



What are you gonna do about it? Throw a fire balloon at me?

He'll probably shoot rockets at your house from inside a school or hospital then whine when you flex harder and demolish the building with your space lazers.

I'm both pro and anti-Israel.

The radically centrist position is to blame both Israel and the Palestinians.

stop downvoting the lolcow you r-slurs 😔

Each downvote is a serious-vote. Change my mind.

Aside from the moral complications, provide an estimate on that contribution while factoring in the value of the civil war, govt welfare, and non-monetary policies. Until then, dude bussy lmao.

You think black people owe the US government for the Civil War and welfare? lmao

At least a thank you

lol stfu


thank you amerikkka

No I just think they owe me in particular

No estimate provided? Oh you.jpg

Here's a dramatic way to think about it: Imagine being born within one of the richest countries in the world and complaining about how you're owed more. Were it not for the slave trade, almost all black Americans would be living in one of the many struggling and fucked up countries of sub-Saharan Africa. (Notable exceptions are Ghana, Botswana, and some parts of Somalia, Nigeria, and S Africa).

I'm a liberal and your take is dumb and out of touch. You must be young

Do better sweaty 💅💅💅💅💅💅💅💅

lol no

contributions of slave labor to building the nation’s early infrastructure and agrarian economy entitles

The south barely had any infrastructure to begin with and most wasn’t even built by slaves. Also, the agrarian economy that slavery promoted prevented industrialization and economic development. Since the vast majority of the economy is driven by consumer spending, having a large slave class that can’t consoom product is detrimental for economic growth

Possibly even likeable.

Buck break this dick lmao

Dinesh managed to get caught breaking federal felony campaign finance laws, he is probably the most r-slurred big name rightoid talking heads out there at the moment.

The FBI or reparations one?

Reparations discourse is all moronic but at least this is a coherent train of thought with an interesting framing.

As crazy as it sounds Tariq is one of the few prominent figures consistent on race so he has the benefit of honing the same argument rather than making shit up every time he’s challenged.

Oh yeah. FWIW, this line of thought that FBA's built the nation and everyone else is profiting, therefore they're owed seems pretty old and common among hoteps, Black Israelites and the likes.

Nobody wants to be the one and point out that they were used to produce cash crops for export and didn't build shit. Like just take a look at the south.

And the fact that slavery and the agricultural based economy it promoted held back economic development. There is a reason why the free states in the north were all more developed and wealthier. With most of the economy being consumer spending, having a large slave class that can’t consoom product is detrimental to the economy and growth


Nah these are coherent takes, probably because he's arguing with Dinesh D'Souza, one of the dumbest people on Earth.

This is from January prior to Tariq noticing all his gay thoughts.

I mean think about it. Is Cleetus, who is currently gathering courage on 4chan to say the n-word in public, the greatest threat to you or is it the large mysterious beauracracy that acts with impunity by creating boogeyman for the loudest morons at the time. It was the FBI/CIA 15 years ago, its the FBI now. Its just loud moronic leftoids became more powerful than loud moronic rightoids.

I think Dinesh just got his buck broken

he's making a legitimately good point here wtf

didnt he make a post about dogs breaking bucks too? is he dogpilled?

Tariq will make a movie where MLK wasn’t murdered by the US government but by KKK followers that buck broke him because that’s what really happened

I mean just what do you think our government meant when they said he attended satanist drug orgies

I would love to watch that.

Did you watch the movie? I think they said something like that at one point

Tariq's next film is breaking briyani

I could go for some of that right now.

Pegging Punjabi

Brahmin Breaking.

Does Tareek know what country his ancestors were from or does he think all Blacks were stolen from Wakanda.

this tariq guy seems pretty angry

He is the king of arr drama, and his anger will bring about the death of a 1000 mayos

and at least one currycel

this tariq guy seems pretty angry based

Japanese reparations were a repayment of the money and assets seized from Japanese people prior to being placed in internment camps. In other words, they were paid back what was taken from them in the first place. Often times the reparation payments were much less than the value of the assets the Government seized. I don’t think it’s fair to say that tax dollars were used to make these payments.

1.8 billion paid out decades after the fact absolutely used tax dollars

Just speaking from my family’s experience. We never got a dime beyond what they took from my great-grandfather’s laundry business.

Did they factor the inflation in? I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even do that.

Your family should have asked the government to at least send you a sheet of that "Go for Broke" stamps for free.

I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if the values were written way down too.

Why would the payments not be less? Do you think it cost nothing to provide years of housing, education, swimming pools and baseball?

Great and valid point.


reparations them and reparations those. when am I getting reparations for the consequence of the industrial revolution that are effecting MEEEE????

Wow I had no idea black slaves built all the roads, buildings, and infrastructure in the entire country!! And then brought the country out of insane debt after they were freed!!

Normies to ancaps: Who will build the roads?


Libertarianphobes btfo

Well the irish, chinese, and italians are not white so I suppose they can be honorary blacks



Last one savage lol

I love Tariq, he is so based. I would let him buck break me any day 🤪🤫🤤

lmao, t-dog is 100% a bussy connoisseur

That fact check is something else

Wasn’t Civil War the reparations? I mean, the nation risked breaking up into pieces and hundreds of thousands citizens who had nothing to do with slavery died in order to be able to give black people their freedom. Moreover, welfare benefits and affirmative action over the past 60 years have provided black Americans more government monetary support than handing each person $100,000 today could. Furthermore, it might seem callous but manual labor is replaceable and not what builds the wealth of a nation; if there were no slaves, there would have been underpaid laborers. So the idea that this country couldn’t have gotten where it currently is without slaves is an untruth that just panders to the black voters and white guilt of the liberals.

Uhh like half those deaths (probably more considering Dixiecels got absolutely BTFO) died to preserve slavery lmao

Also I think a lot of the Union motivation both leadership and grunts was "fuck them for leaving put the nation back together", not a bunch of John Brown's.

It's still pretty wild that one 'race' went to war with itself to free another 'race.'

Like when has that happened before.

I don't think at the time that the North considered it a war of abolition so much as a war for the survival of the United States. That changed somewhat eventually hence Lincoln deciding to dunk on the South mid-war with the Emancipation Proclamation. If the South didn't REEEEEEEE so much they seceded they probably could've kept their slaves even longer than 1865.

I'm pretty sure FDR didn't fight the Japanese and the G*rmans for the sake of the Chinese or the Jews at least at the start.

Even with Barbarossa the US probably would have let the G*rmans take over the whole damn western half of the continent until sushicels blew up their shit.

Uhh like half those deaths (probably more considering Dixiecels got absolutely BTFO)

Dixiecels had a better KPD, 290k vs 365k

jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. A Tale of Two Minorities. - archive.org, archive.today*

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You'll be back.

Lol I like how the people that constantly claim they aren't white nationalists get so upset when law enforcement goes after white nationalists.

Are they actually white nationalists or just being called white nationalists?

Those are two different things.

I mean if the FBI is watching you and infiltrating your community, that happened for a reason.

And I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: every single patriot militia you see is ethno nationalist in nature.

They just have the mask on in public and pretend it's something else.

This is something the FBI has known for years now too, which is why they're watched. By far the biggest rallying point these people use, either in dog-whistle form of explicit form is the government is bad because minorities are getting something for nothing.

Damn, I guess hundreds of thousands of Muslims in thousands of mosques were just really up to something, because the fbi infiltrated them. I'm sure there were tens of thousands of Muslims who were in fact al Qaeda members planning another attack on the US, if we go by just how many mosques/communities the FBI infiltrated. Oh wait no.

But yeah if the FBI says something it's true, they are just not the kind to do the dirtiest kind of entrapment or enticing vulnerable people, whom they love to target, to commit crimes and adopt ideologies they wouldn't have been interested in otherwise. Wtf, I love law enforcement now? They are the thin blue line between us and the white supremacists

And yeah bro if you're the only one hearing the dog whistles maybe you were the dog all along. Because the mental gymnastics you'd need to get "I hate minorities" from "I don't like government" are just insane lol. Yes obviously lolbertarians are just dog whistling because we all know... minorities can't live without being dependant on daddy government?! You got it right lmfao, puzzle solved!

Lmao mosques were breeding grounds for islamists.

Yes and? I'd bet only a tiny tiny minority of the mosques they "watched" were actually involved in terrorism or in radicalizing people. If that wasn't the case the fbi wouldn't be so desperate for terrorist plots that they'd go on years long entrapment plots where they themselves coach the "suspect" and push him to radicalize with any mean necessary. (I can pull sources for at least a few cases where that happened but this is arr drama lol). That means it's pretty r slurred to say that if the fbi is looking at X specific militia it means there's something going on. Unless you meant the FBI should just watch ypipo in general (and not just militias) like they did muslims? Because I don't see how you fight elusive white supremacy otherwise.

And imagine supporting police state tactics to own the rightoids lmfao. I guess I'm not surprised that democrats are now unironically supporting W. Bush, his policies, big 3 letter agencies and now his mass surveillance of Muslim Americans (with you saying "they deserved it!" ). As long as it means they can use the same surveillance apparatus to dunk on magahats I n s u r e c t i o n n i s t s and muh white supremacist, right?? Literally deranged

Friend, I get you're very desperate to shill and pretend there wasn't a real islamist problem in tons of mosques across the country, but there absolutely was.

Just because not many were making the leap from islamist to terrorist doesn't change that fact.

I support police state tactics targeted at any extremist group, especially leftists, but I'll settlle for patriot militia groups.

Okay glowie, but the thing is the FBI doesn't even protect you against those scary extremists. The extremists by the time FBI got to dealing with them already had their networks or were dead. Just like they missed the 90s lolbertarians bombings before and will miss whatever the real threat is in the future. I mean you'd be very hard pressed to find more than a few cases where they genuinely dismantled a planned attack or have arrested someone that didn't involve the FBI setting up the whole thing in the first place to trap some r slur after manipulating him for a few years. If as you said the FBI was actually good at going after actual radicals they wouldn't need to make them

I'm not shilling for Islam, of course there were tons of actual al Qaeda supporting Muslims and some were even ready to act. But my point is that the FBI sucked at dealing with them, just like the European anti terrorist agencies always seemed to have the attackers on their radar but couldn't prevent even very very big & coordinated plots like the bataclan attacks. So giving them any credibility is fucking r slurred

I'll take my chances with the FBI over your weirdo pro islamist/militia/left-wing extremist agenda bud.

I wish I was what you say I'am. Sounds extremely centrist to me

And I'm sure you do, you always sounded like the type of guy that would talk and spill the beans to any LEA in earnest because he trusts™ them . Why are ypipo always so naive?

Uh oh did pizza make you seriouspost?☹️

No, my higher than average Addy dosage did that.

Lmao anyone that knows me knows I hate the police with a burning passion.

I just hate you more. I grew up in the ghetto, I don't talk to the police. I had a cop asked me if I saw a robbery suspect come through my yard once as a kid (I did) and I told them to fuck off.

The mosques were so effective they turned mayos from pants sagging wiggas to freedom fighters

I mean if the FBI is watching you and infiltrating your community, that happened for a reason.

This is the exact same argument white supremacists used when the FBI was infiltrating civil rights movements lmao

Things never change, ever, they're always the same no matter what.

And if something bad was done in the past, that means it's done for the same reason today.

I mean if the FBI is watching you and infiltrating your community, that happened for a reason.

lmao I knew mlk must've been up to no good

What's a patriot militia?

Well i see FBI nerds really put some effort into this graph.

Still doesn't tell me what a patriot militia group is, i'll guess it's something journos made up to destroy your country even more.


You wish you'd look that cool with sunglasses dont you

That sounds like victim-blaming, sweaty.

You really trust the fbi a lot don’t you. You know my grandparents trusted the German government for a while as well. But we all know what happened there don’t we. It’s a shame I never met my grandfathers sister. But I guess that’s the way the nazis wanted it.

Not to compare nazis with present day idiots. My only points is you shouldn’t trust a government organization just because they are part of the government.


First they came for the White Nationalists...

I personally am not very upset, but I also don't give the government a lot of benefit of the doubt in the time when every politicians is trying to out-<insert ideology here> each other.

Still good drama, though.


Why do you think I give a fuck what BLM loons think? I hope the FBI is after them too.

Native Americans and Japanese got reparations?

Japanese did, but they were pretty shitty. The difference was you could directly pay the same people who were interned though since they were still alive.

Was not aware. I don't think Canada did anything for those people ( and they should)

The amounts were laughably low though. Welfare to the average black family is already significantly more than interned Japanese received.

Damn, they got paid internships? Millenials and Zoomers must be upset

Gotta say, a Tariq and Dinesh collab would be amazing. Dinesh could have done proper re-enactments in Buck Breaking instead of having to rely on a Ken Burns slideshow of Deviant Art commissions.

Dinesh the rice bag Christian makes a statement and immediately King shuts him down.

The gay porn director makes a sort of coherent point.

this twitter search is still one of nick mullen's best bits


Culture war when?

WTF Tariq is capable of an actually reasoned argument? This pushes me fully into the buck breaking was just an excuse after he got caught watching fetish porn camp.

hey now that labor wasn't free. People paid perfectly good beads for those slaves.



Can we invite Tariq into this sub and praise him as our lord?

Daily LEO status update:



Still waiting for buck breaking 2:This time its personal.

Shits 26 dollars on Amazon?!? My girlfriend says she only pays 14 bucks to have him come over and beat me up! Come on Amazon, how’s an honest man supposed to get a nut off


Tariq dunking on pajeets and no longer about gay rape? Let's gooooo

Excellent points, well made.

Finkelthink 😒😒😒😴😴😴🤤🤤🤤🤤





Why does anyone ever talk to DESIGNATED Dinesh


That last slide lmao. Fuckin’ TORCHED!

How? Blacks still live like that even after generations in America and Indians in America are rich and successful?

Ah, no, incorrect. Find me a photo like this from the United States.

Have you never seen Detroit?