Grinding is not Lindy. Ancient Hunter Gatherers worked only a few hours a day. Peasants in Europe had 1/3 of the year off b/c of feast days. Conclusion - grinding is not Lindy.
Paul goes through this cycle of following me on whatever new account I get on Twitter to eventually blocking me once I post the N word. He does a good job of keeping his Twitter professional, given how many autists he attracts.
In a very loose sense. He’s very big on the dangers of the modern life and how it crushes the spirit, but more moderate in that he just suggests ways to adapt rather than bombing people.
28 TK_RAO 2021-06-17
Sigma grindset.
21 loli_esports 2021-06-17
is grinding lindy?
13 throafdmjk 2021-06-17
Grinding is not Lindy. Ancient Hunter Gatherers worked only a few hours a day. Peasants in Europe had 1/3 of the year off b/c of feast days. Conclusion - grinding is not Lindy.
28 Llamayoda 2021-06-17
Paul goes through this cycle of following me on whatever new account I get on Twitter to eventually blocking me once I post the N word. He does a good job of keeping his Twitter professional, given how many autists he attracts.
16 Woolgun 2021-06-17
Definite proof that N word is Reddit not Lindy
19 ProudCapitalist1776 2021-06-17
wait so is this guy tedpilled?
I see something about "wisdom from antiquity" on the top but I don't want to give j*urnies my money.
25 quitsocmedia 2021-06-17
In a very loose sense. He’s very big on the dangers of the modern life and how it crushes the spirit, but more moderate in that he just suggests ways to adapt rather than bombing people.
19 UpvoteIfYouDare 2021-06-17
Pretty much everyone is more moderate than Ted, aside from maybe those people who want the human race to go extinct.
14 shwoooooop 2021-06-17
3 UpvoteIfYouDare 2021-06-17
You realize that Ted lies the extreme end of anarcho-primitivist ideology, right?
2 shwoooooop 2021-06-17
He didn't even use stone tools and survive on a diet of berries and raw squirrel meat. Sad.
1 UpvoteIfYouDare 2021-06-17
True, he wasn't Tarzan-pilled.
13 loli_esports 2021-06-17
Just scroll through his twitter
17 SneedReborn 2021-06-17
Surprised a NYT article didn’t sneak in a single dig at Twitter rightoids in an article on Lindyman
10 loli_esports 2021-06-17
Was really expecting BAP when they said Bronze Age
5 Llamayoda 2021-06-17
Lindy will block pretty much any far rightoid who comes near to his profile, dude goes out of his way to not have association.
4 [deleted] 2021-06-17
15 shwoooooop 2021-06-17
Set meals are retarded, literally just eat when you're hungry like what are you even doing lmao
4 Wopitikitotengo 2021-06-17
Based and grazepilled