the worst people on the worst app talk about the worst subject. happy friday everyone!

48  2021-06-18 by GeauxHouston22


I actually feel myself physically getting more racist the more tweets I read.

The Twitter to racist pipeline


Pro tip - you were already a racist, you never "became" one. I'm glad you are acknowledging what you've always been though lol!

Your post has too few words for me to understand

Yeah fr who's this imposter watermark?

The joke is that the place is called Sneed's feed and seed but it used to be owned by Chuck.

>pronouns not in reddit bio

Someone cancel them


So much this!



Dramoids absolutely seething anytime Waterchad posts anything that isn’t a schizopost

Nature is healing

If this is the real you I’ve missed you so much. If your an imposter you’re failing horribly at honoring his legacy

For the life of me I can’t figure out why these people have jumped on critical race theory as the ultimate boogeyman.

Wait, are Dems now denying that they have a hard-on for stuffing critical race theory into every organization and business they can find?

It drives me crazy that normal people think there’s an actual debate over Critical Race Theory and try to engage in it. CRT is a good thing for grad students to learn, nobody’s teaching it to kids and it isn’t an issue of public interest.

Jesus Christ, it forms the theoretical basis for every modern school lesson and corporate/government seminar on racism. I hate Twitterati so goddam much.

CRT is a good thing for grad students to learn, nobody’s teaching it to kids and it isn’t an issue of public interest.

this must be that, "gas-lighting" thing I've heard so much about

The right ways to restore white supremacy and this is yet another of their endless influence operations to do that. Critical race theory doesn't exist, it's a moral panic by white supremacists and nazis who should be purged.

Mayocide when.

I don’t know whether you’re really r-slurred or just pretending, but I do know that you shouldn’t be downvoted for it

The only good CRT is the kind you play super smash on with your bros

Sir, I need you to step away from those kids for a moment.

Smashcels 🤢🤢

CRT is a good thing for grad students to learn, nobody’s teaching it to kids and it isn’t an issue of public interest.

These people are giving me very big 2008 "Democrats don't really believe X, that's just something kids say on Tumblr" vibes.

All of those crazy Tumblr kids we were told not to worry about are schoolteachers and Democratic "activists" now. They never grew out of their Tumblr kid phase.

Same. These people are so arrogant and out-of-touch that they don't realize how transparent their gaslighting attempts are to anyone with a working memory.

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lol ok watermark

I'm specifically referring to modern education material on racism, not standard history curriculum.

Why are you sperging out all over this post

He's a cringe CRT fan vs us chad racism enjoyers.

So apparently I have some arrrgh politics soyjacks checking my post history after I put down a couple walls of text there that got some people buttmad. So dear arrgh politics soyjack, if you're reading the above statement, please know I'm 420% serious.

Lmao why is the sky blue? Why is water wet?

Oh I just saw his name, makes sense now

Why did Judas rat to Romans while Jesus slept?

Missed you a lot babe

Why do we ban teaching factual content about racism that embarrasses white supremacists, while it is simultaneously still legal to teach lost cause mythology? I was taught that the kkk was founded to protect confederate widows when I was growing up, that's legal, that's still ongoing. You're fine with that. But you want to deny systemic racism exists and ban all discussions of racism to reimplement white supremacy. You are animals, not humans.

None of this has anything to do with what I was talking about. Which leads me to believe you're the real watermark.

I honestly can’t tell if it’s real or not. It’s either an A+ troll or the real WaterChad

I don't think it's the real watermark. OG watermark baited from a Marxist, anti-imperialist angle. This poster baits from a wokie angle. Not enough references to the triumph of the proletariat and the evils of Western capitalists

I feel like he stopped giving a fuck near the end and succumbed to Adderall-induced psychosis, but yeah, I also don't remember him leaning so hard on the woke angle. That being said, he's ticked off a lot of the other watermark checkboxes, namely the schizo tangential replies, multiposting, and spamming specific comment sections.

Good points, but it's going to take him sperging out in a post about Syria or China to confirm it for me. I have to find some recent Romanov/1917 revolution drama to post to settle it

Honestly this seems more like recallrethuglicans bit than watermark

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Wtf I didn’t link anything

and yes obv this post was made in the attempt to get pizza to sperg out today.

God's work.

Apparently we have watermark back so good enough

Khwarij were right, Ali had it coming

Idk how anyone glances over the wiki page for crt, goes over it and thinks, “yeah this is perfect for kids”.

Hide the facts of history from children all you want, they'll figure it out themselves. White supremacists liars.

I've missed you

They figure it out but then forget about it the next time they try to form an opinion. The shortening of the American attention span has been more destructive to society than Covid could ever have dreamed.

The 24hrs news-cycle and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race.

But remember only rightoids do this.

Anyways here's how blump will take away your bussy

don't know what race theory is and i refuse to look it up

To really dumb it down and oversimplify it.

“Guilty of the sins of your fathers” but only if you’re white.

Yeah, throw post-modernism, the same type of logic early 2010s feminists used, and race in a blender and you get CRT out. Basically, whites are guilty of original sin, if there is not equality of outcomes that is racism, and if you are not actively fighting against this definition of racism you are racist. I'd honestly recommend reading some of the anti-racist stuff out there with a critical mind because most of them are absolutely bat-shit crazy if you have a functioning brain.

I love how all these people say they Love ScienceTM, yet they love critical theory (the racial one or the classical marxist one) in which one of their main tenets is the rejection of falsifiable science. Same with postmodernism.

Hell, the fathers of that theory (the marxists) used psychoanalytical disgnosis to discredit their detractors, when it's a proven pseudoscience (the modern equivalent of phrenology, but for hipsters).

I pointed this out an an academcutist had a huge spergout. He went apeshit a and started with absolutely every cliché in their arsenal: stemlord, living in my mother's basement, being poor... everything. It was glorious. His only argument was that critical theory "worked" (literal word).


To really dumb it down


It's basically Intelligent Design for leftoids.

Lmao thats really a perfect comparison

It's something that causes massive amounts of sperg on both sides therefore it's a good thing.

It's yet another in a long line of rediscriptiona of the concept of political correctness by various white supremacist groups seeking to regain control over the United States and institute a fascist totalitarian regime

This dudes the left wing Alex Jones 😂

“White supremacy is turning frogs heteronormative” 🧙🏻‍♂️🐸

It's a secular religion that will hit critical mass very soon and the destruction as it expands will be a sight to behold.

It's the theory that the the law is racist. That's pretty much it. It also has some elements of "lived experiences" and stuff like that, but those are more from it's adherents than the core

It's really not important what it is, it's just a symptom of the ongoing struggle over whether or not discrimination can be a good thing

I mean, it’s pretty clear that laws can be racist.

Look at the racial segregation in the south before 1970

Socialogical lens of analysis that no one teaches outside of graduate level courses. It takes critical theory’s class analysis and attempts to use it to look at racial groups. Actual sociologists like to use it with regular critical theory but because of a warped libbed up version of it pushed by dumbfucks like Robin DiAngelo it has become the rightoid boogeyman because it is supposedly being taught all over the nation to make hwites feel guilty for the sins of their ancestors. Also many of our resident “radical centrists” have fallen for the hype, sadly this includes leftoids like Pizza

i refuse to read this


Actual sociologists

Yes and?

[Critical Race Theory took my guns and give them to Transgenders] It's official now, Transgender is now a race!

I don't think we should teach CBT to kids

Hey cock and ball theory is valid social science

If they all have it so bad in America and it’s all white peoples fault that they have it so bad, why don’t they move to a place without white people?

Holy fuck I hate Twitter.

Thank god for rightoids that American children are too retarded to be brainwashed to hate the huwhite man.


Critical race theory is another word for "the truth". The right wants to ban it because they only want to teach lies. Because their ideology is the ideology of lies. Teach your lies, the same lies you taught me growing up, as if this comes from your racist white supremacist school system anyway! You ban teaching about racism, wow so you've continued the status quo, congratulations, you've banned nothing. American history books are already white supremacist hogwash. Your children will learn the truth eventually and curse your name, then we will establish a communist revolution and overthrow this evil country and establish a glorious workers republic.

This one made the longest post so it is correct.

Words words words

Chapo Larp House