Wake up babe, new twitter schizo thread dropped

48  2021-06-18 by loli_esports


Why would a chinese defector have Hunter Biden’s laptop?

It's pretty well-known among international intelligence agencies that Hunter's got the best porn collection by far. It's one of the reasons the Chinese made his Dad president.

However, after 5 years of hard work, and a rigged election, Chinese spies have finally stolen his laptop, only to find that the drive only contains the databases, and not the data. Spies are defecting left and right, at least the ones who aren't killing themselves.

Dong Jingwei, however, is willing to sacrifice country and honor for this now personal goal, though it's always possible he's just a double agent. Should he be granted the highest security in the US, it's unlikely he'd even have access to video evidence of the wildest shit white women have ever done. Hopefully we'll get updates on these developments in the next couple days, though it seems pretty conclusive right now: we've won, and China is defeated.

Chad Biden doesn't need porn because he gets more ass than a toilet seat.

you don't understand

he is such a chad that he gets all the ass he wants, but still jacks off anyway

Hunter jerks off 7 times a day, but cums 18 times.

President Biden talked about it in an interview. Everyone knows these things

Qoom anon.

The porn actually has secret messages in it. Valuable intel that only one with a sharp eye can decode. It also has top secret Jutsu's that the US government wants to weaponize.

Nah, it's just dumb skanks with daddy issues.

Hunter don't give a fuck about national security: he care about titties

he care about titties

Based and Red pilled

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Because we live in a simulation, dummy. Just go with it

I'm sure the go-to answer for some people will be the usual "because Russia(n disinformation)," but it's not hard to believe foreign intelligence services are spying on the close relatives of those who hold high office.

It's also no less hard to believe that it would be Russian disinfo.

In this case it's actually harder to make any "muh Russia" arguments because the Chinese likely sourced the information themselves and wouldn't have put much trust in any proffered Russian intelligence. While they're not as antagonistic toward Russia as they are to us, they aren't pals. This isn't the 1960s. Russia is no longer a communist state and because of that has lost what little bit of China's trust it may have had. Even if they were commies China now sees itself as superior to other nations, thus its military dick-waving all over the Pacific, and would have prioritized its own intel over anything Russian brought to the table.

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Probably. I imagine trump 's ineptitude probably has compromised much of the US's defense against spying.

I'm not sure how you got to Trump from here, but good job squeezing that in.

It's really simple. Biden is the current president. Prior to that it was trump for four years. In those 4 years this dummy put his people in charge and pretty much promoted yes men and people he could trust. Not based on merit. Anyway I speculate that we have number of weaknesses because of that r-slurred's management of the USA.

Our intel community has been compromised far longer than Orange Man's tenure as Dementia Patient in Chief. Aside from restraining the intel agencies in ways they shouldn't have been in the 80's and 90's, and removing restraints on them that were absolutely necessary under Bush and Obama (which is why there is now bulk data collection and agencies spying on elected/political figures), the intel community has the same problem as many other federal departments/agencies. It has come to be controlled by a large, increasingly powerful bureaucracy staffed by people who see no problem with using/abusing their positions for political purposes.

So in a way you're right that four years of Trump caused this, but you're right for the wrong reasons. The bureaucracy that controls these agencies prioritized thwarting the Orange Man over doing their fucking jobs. That led to Orange Man being fed bad intel, good intel (like the lab leak shit) being ignored because it might help Drumpft, and leaks to the press and other shenanigans meant to undermine the administration.

There's a reason no one was allowed to publicly name the alleged "whistleblower" that filed a complaint about the Ukraine call. It would have exposed how the agencies have been politicized. It would have raised serious questions about why and how rules regarding such complaints/reports were changed shortly before He Who Shall Not Named filed his complaint that allowed them to do so despite their complaint being based on hearsay (which before the rules changes wasn't allowed). It also would have made it impossible to ignore the political nature of the complaint because of the personal/career connections of the "anonymous whistleblower."

Our intel community has been compromised far longer than Orange Man's tenure ...

Upon reflection I would agree and I would go back to the civil rights movement. This is just anecdotal but I think your government both sides have misused this arm of the government.

The bureaucracy that controls these agencies prioritized thwarting the Orange Man over doing their fucking jobs.

On this I am not sure if we have agreement. Do you think Trump was a threat to the US? Intentionally or not.

That led to Orange Man being fed bad intel, good intel (like the lab leak shit) being ignored because it might help Drumpft, and leaks to the press and other shenanigans meant to undermine the administration.

Honestly, I think the guy was an idiot regardless, but again this has been an issue before. George Bush, war in Iraq? Might be intentional. The other thing I will conceded this people were taking intel of his desk. Even still the guy is a shit man. A human write off. Low value.

no one was allowed to publicly name the alleged "whistleblower" that filed a complaint about the Ukraine call. It would have exposed how the agencies have been politicized. It would have raised serious questions about why and how rules regarding such complaints/reports were changed shortly before He Who Shall Not Named filed his complaint that allowed them to do so despite their complaint being based on hearsay (which before the rules changes wasn't allowed).

Dude this is some q-anon level shit. Like the whole point of being a whistleblower is to be safe in whistle blowing. Now perhaps you have a point, because others like Chelsea Manning, Snowden, Winner have been prosecuted (Edwin hasn't but would be ).

Do you think Trump was a threat to the US? Intentionally or not.

It's not the job of government flunkies to make that decision. Their job is to perform their duties in accordance with the law in support of the elected officials at the pinnacle of their chain of command. If they want to play politics they should quit and run for office.

Like the whole point of being a whistleblower is to be safe in whistle blowing.

As you point out, those protections are selectively applied, and even if they weren't there are enough protections written into whistleblower statutes that anonymity isn't necessary, especially in regards to a matter that was being portrayed as so serious that it required am impeachment inquiry.

I think you're an alright guy (not altright, fuck that). I think you are misguided though. There three threats to a nation. External, Internal, and lastly your on government. Intelligence agencies should be protecting us from all three. Anyway man I know a lot of things are open to interpretation but Trump was a fraud, a con man, a charlotton, but most importantly a human write off. A man of no value. He's not someone you look up to. He harmed this nation and the people in it. Anyway that is my take and I hope overtime you see that. It's okay if you don't and still disagree.

Asides from that you want to talk about anything else? I got time to kill.

GWB kicked off the invasion of Iraq based on one of the largest political falsehoods in recent memory and the entire bureaucracy went with it, as well as the Democrats. The same bureaucracy that spent most of the past 25 years building a massive, opaque surveillance system to spy on US citizens and allies. Now all of a sudden a bumbling, narcissistic asshole is an existential threat to the country and a bunch of faceless, nontransparent bureaucrats that have grown drunk on power over the past two decades are the savoirs of the nation? Lol.

External, Internal, and lastly your on government. Intelligence agencies should be protecting us from all three.

Jesus Christ, this was literally the plot of a fucking Marvel movie.

Intelligence agencies should never have the capacity to institutionally undermine elected officials. If you can't recognize how terrible such a precedent would be for the health of this country, then you have no business calling anyone else misguided.

They did in Canada.

Who's "they"? Intelligence agencies in Canada?

Yeah, I think CSIS

What exactly did they do?

To politicians were compromised by the Chinese government.

Jubbergun was not describing investigations like the Mueller report. He was describing the intelligence agencies using back channels and bureaucratic relationships to continually undermine the executive office. The bureaucracy does not get to decide who sits in office. Even the results of the investigations are brought to court.

I love you, too, BB, but I'm firmly in the camp that believes that barely accountable functionaries who weren't elected don't get to make the decisions about whether or not people who actually are elected are "a threat." Say whatever you like about DD(R), but he did win an election, unlike the bureaucrats who mistakenly believe they're supposed to be the ones calling the shots.

I appreciate the civility. I don't discount that he won fair and square. I just take issue with his ability. I was for Donald Trump I really felt he would be better than Hillary for America. It is what it is. You have a good rest of the weekend.

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There's a reason no one was allowed to publicly name the alleged "whistleblower" that filed a complaint about the Ukraine call.

Publicly naming whistle-blowers is not exactly a defensible position.

Of course it is, if for no other reason than the public knowing who the "whistleblower" is gives them the ability to assess their credibility. There are enough protections written into the law for whistleblowers to be able to come forward safely without automatically assuming they should have anonymity.

There are enough protections written into the law for whistleblowers to be able to come forward safely without automatically assuming they should have anonymity.

Tell that to Russ Tice.

Tice's public statements about what the intelligence bureaucracy gets up to only serve to prove my point. If I recall correctly, he accused the NSA of spying on President Obama when he was a senate candidate, as well as multiple lawyers, members of congress, and federal judges.

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How else am I suppose to play EPIC games?

All the good games already came out and you've already played. All the good movies you've already watched.

Anyways where the fuck is the next tony hawk remaster?!

Would be down for that. Guy's a G. What is he like 50 still going strong?

He'll fucking ya dog

Yo I know Ted talk are kinda cringe but you might like this one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lpTLt1I9de8

Oh man I had friend who loved those until I told him about Tai Lopez and that fat acceptance lady. It was hilarious because he was shocked, went home and was like fuck that.

They also were striking people for making commentary videos on the talks I think. Lame.

There are some good one's. I will check it out man. Thanks bro.

Oh, man, did you miss the whole "CCP 100% owns the Bidens because Hunter fucked a Chinese chick that one time" conspiracy that's been going on since the primaries?

A blue checkmark is telling all her crazed fans that 1/3rd of Chinese students are spies at a time when everyone is all hopped up about anti-Asian racism. Yeah, this will end well.

About 1/10 are, so she's not wrong.

1/3rd of Chinese students are spies


About 1/10 are, so she's not wrong.

Either you're using the new "2+2=5" math or you don't understand how fractions work.

>doubting the eternal glory of new maths

You're on the wrong side of history, hon.

The rent is more affordable on this side.

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> Being a pedantic rslur in dr@m@

Read the sidebar, plebe.

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You must not have been here very long if you think I'm in any way new.


Right but she's actually doing more harm than good. Spying happens. America does it too. However a spy once uncovered is very valuable. You can actually weaponize the spy by feeding them misinformation. Enemies are more valuable than allies.

Should go without saying this women is a rancid cunt.

If you have free travel between two countries you're going to have spies. China's been spying the entire time, Israel's definitely spying all up in our shit, even the Canucks probably have a few spies in here. Like at the basic level some of these may not be particularly aggressive, just having people on the ground to verify information you're getting and shit in case you're paranoid you're being lied too.

Every American embassy in the world is basically a center of America's spying apparatus within that nation. The Chinese consulate in Houston we closed that was burning their documents in the three days notice they had, people were like "Whoah man we have proof China is spying they're trying to hide something!" No shit man, really. There's a reason we do not storm and steal all that, we absolutely do not want to set the precedent that this it's appropriate to storm an embassy and take their documents, that would be much worse for us than it would be for China. When Iran stormed our embassy and stole and published publicly the documents that proved we were behind the entire 1953 coup in Iran, that was a diplomatic outrage they've yet to recover from, and every country in the world hated them for it. They got the proof of our dirty deeds finally but broke like the one biggest rule between nations. We sit there and allow China to cover their ass before their eviction, because we also want them to do the same in the converse situation for us.

Embassies also provide perfectly legitimate services to their own citizens in the country, of course, those who often have nothing to do with spywork. But that synergizes with the espionage purpose of course, if you have a constant flow in and out of perfectly normal people doing nothing at all suss, it obfuscates the ones who are actually the spies. The spies are easily able to hide among them.

Embassies of course also tend to be bugged up the yazoo, people are not generally so respectful that they avoid this. Like where do you get all the services required for the maintenance of the embassy building in a certain nation, oh yeah, from that nation itself. And they slide there own spies in with the legitimate HVAC guys or whatever, and that HVAC guy throws up a tiny camera. This is how we have footage of Jamal Kashoggi being dismembered, Turkey bugged that consulate. It was such a huge information coup for them as well that they straight up blew their cover and released the whole video, they didn't care, the damage they could do to Saudi Arabia was more important to them, than the embarrassment of revealing that they bugged the Saudi's up the yazoo.

-Canucks are complacent IMO.

Speaking of spy stuff, check out that video of the Israeli hit squad in Dubai. Fascinating stuff and IMO Mossad is probably #1

1/3 sounds kinda low tbh. And who exactly do you think the anti Asian racism is coming from?

Emerald Robinson

Doubt she would be confused with a teen assaulting anyone.

Blacks can be rightoids too you bigot

Only when they internalize white supremacy, then you're free to treat them like dogs and call them shit like "Uncle Tim" because it's OK to be shitty to mayos.

most black people over 45 have basically rightoid opinions

they just dont vote for republicans because the GOP is somehow even more racist than democrats

Tareeq is a prime example.


Tariq isn’t a rightoid, he’s just a r-slur. But that may just be a distinction without a difference.

Jealous qweens who want white dick but white dick like skinny bitches

Confucius institute at my uni is pretty much a pooh bear propaganda center so I wouldn't be surprised

Confucius institute at my uni

Try every uni. They are headed up HanBan, which is a CCP governmental entity with its mission in spreading their message to the foreign countries.

They are CCP mouthpieces, no doubts about it.

Sounds pretty based tbh

Plenty of countries have cultural exchange programs and I doubt any of them actively promote negative information about their home countries.


United States has cultural exchange programs as well which I'm sure tell other countries how great it is that America spread liberty and freedom in their country, as well as being full of spies:


They do a lot of legitimate things, but of course any spying program has to do a lot of legitimate things to hide the other things they do that are in fact spying.

This is an underestimate, it's clear you didn't go to a good school where the Chinese pay universities for visas.

Even if it was 100% it wouldn’t stop universities from taking their tuition money.

Universities are deep throating the CCP so hard that they've killed their gag reflex.

it's r*cist to call out CCP spying now?

If no one else is gonna, lol, dong.

Dude dong lmao

>He has confirmed that a THIRD of all Chinese students in US are spies.

Unironically probably true, our universities here in Australia have hosted numerous Chinese spies. University of Queensland literally works with the CCP and takes their money. It was exposed and nothing happened. An anti-CCP student even got harassed by the Chinese government, so the university expelled him lol.

that is a bit of an outlier because Australia is basically a CCP experimenting ground for what will work in the other mayo states

The West in general is, the issue is, they have lots of money and our politicians love selling us off to them. Take a look at the housing market, industrial assets, corporate executives, and universities.

why do people just post shit on this board without either being dramatic or trying to make a joke

I got my old account jannied and all the good words are censored

And why did the relationship collapse? I'm sure America's own vast spying and covert operations have nothing to do with it. Like all the incriminating recordings that "magically" landed in the hands of reporters, I'm sure this was just by a concerned citizen and had nothing to do with American bugging and phone tapping the entire island because it considers it to be their territory.

As if Chinese patriots need orders from the CCP to hate Asian gusanos

Rumor has it that Dong has told the DIA the secret of why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch

I have in this briefcase a list of Chinese names

Wang, Wei, Hung, Dong, etc

I don't believe anything unless it comes through realrawnews.com

Before It's News always gets it first. It's in the name.

Finally. I've been dying for fresh pics of Hunter's hog.



I met a lot of mainlander chinese in college 10 years ago.

They were pretty cool dudes. Had fucking big money and flaunted it. But they chain smoked and spat and coughed every 5 minutes. All of them had something respiratory illness going on, and it just wasn't for cigs.

Anyways they were cool dudes wish them the best in the upcoming WW3 Nukalo Boogalo EMP hellish landscape

I had a Chinese coworker once, went to lunch with him and rambled for half an hour about Communism, Mao, and Deng Xiaoping. Later on he told my boss that I was super smart and should be a diplomat. Thanks bruh!

Of course they would latch on to the Dong Jingwei rumor and try to spin it into an anti-Dem narrative.

edit: rofl

edit2: This site says sources claimed he was defecting with evidence about Wuhan.

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Wake up babe, new twitter schizo th... - archive.org, archive.today*

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I like how the fake name of this Chinese traitor is Dong Jingwei, an obvious rip of the Chinese collaborator Wang Jingwei

Collaborated with the superior Japanese, Chinacels on self safety watch.

I spoke to one of my old associates this afternoon and they dropped some juicy tidbits. Apparently the DIA didn't share any of the information gathered due to the defection with the rest of the intelligence community. This has made a lot of people in the intel community very angry and should be widely regarded as a Chad move.

I can only think of two reasons the DIA would do that. The first is interagency gamesmanship and showing who the true alpha is. The second reason, which is more likely, and will cause lots of drama, is that the DIA didn't share because their source outed a bunch of people in the intelligence community who were dupes of Chinese intelligence or possibly even outright collaborators.

There hasn't been much reporting on this outside the conservapshere echo chamber, which probably indicates that the lefties who engage in journalisming don't have any inside sources on this story, or that they're ignoring it because it's going to end up being full of "DD(R) was right again" shit.

Oh boy McCarthyism all over again is

When are you going to release that list of hundreds of known Communists in the Army

I don't know how you make the leap from "our intelligence services may be compromised" to "McCarthy," but I'm amazed that a fatty can clear that kind of distance.

Misinformation is a strategy in war. However, rightoids are so ironically r-slurred that they themselves are a liability in war...probably to society in general too.

George Washington himself warned of this and where party politics would take us.

Rightoids will unironically believe anything no matter how absurd it is as long as they can use it to fuel their weird conspiracy cult.


Imagine not believing this lmao

I think the downfall began with the Tea Party. It's just gotten worse since then.

Literally ever since the Tea Party, their only strategy essentially has been full on using every lever of power to sabatoge any administration on the other side, counting on them getting blamed for the resulting inability to accomplish anything and people turning to the Republicans instead. I am still amazed Biden is trying with the infrastructure bill, like 100% it's a Lucy and the Football situation where they are stalling and wasting his time, and will not agree to anything, even their own proposals. There's no reason for them to ever allow him to pass a bill, if he passes a huge infrastructure bill he looks good, and that makes him more popular and more likely to get reelected. That's all they care about stopping.

We were traditionally governed by essentially an eternal grand coalition between the Republicans and Democrats, that's clear that isn't the case any more. The Republicans will not give the government support, because they want it to fall and for them to get elected instead. But there is of course no mechanism in our system to trigger such an election immediately. So they literally just sit around and wait for the country to fall into ruin hoping it gets as bad as possible, so they can win as much as possible next time. The only strategy. Moderate Democrats are stupid as hell.

Well said. And I agree both parties are pretty R-slurred. I remain hopeful that more and more people will wake up and realize how important competent gov is.

Liberty is to faction as oxygen is to fire

His name is Dong


God damn is hunter's cock that good


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All will be made public when Daddy is re-inaugurated and the Democrat adrenochrome junkies are executed for crimes against humanity in August! Q predicted this!



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What the fuck is DIA?

She is also a Bible thumper

You don't even know what the DIA is and you are making fun of her for being a Christian?