Factorio dev introduces the community to his uncle, derailing a bunch of trains in the process

106  2021-06-18 by Available-Influence


wait til kovarex finds out a good chunk of the game’s fan base is 🚂

he knows

it's a game about watching coal being chugged onto machines so they can chug metals onto other machines

only the mentally unstable would like it

I was about to say. Factoria seems like a game for autists. Wouldn't be surprising if 🚂 made up that fan base

I'm not a choo choo but I a an autist. I should check it out.

No, go do useful things like past autists, dont become speedrunner and waste life


Let me know if you want to play with me, I get a game together with trappy most nights


There is a direct correlation between Ritalin intake and the ability to play that game.

only the mentally unstable would like it

Bought it 3 days ago and I'm hooked on it so I can confirm you're absolutely right.

All the butthurt 🚂s saying they'll never play Factorio again after sinking a 1000+ hours into it are going to be back playing it again tomorrow after they wake up at 3 pm.



Le epic meta circlejerk 😎


BRB I haven't been to circlejerk in like 5 years lemme see how it is....

A surprising number of these games are the passion projects of moderately right wing people.

Who would have thought that techie shut ins would be right wing??? Shocker

He got jannied out of his own subreddit lmao

It's probably for the best, he doesn't have to listen to insufferable redditors now

Truly a blessing

Just add a link reddit account to factorio account and then counter-janny them later and blame reddit for redditry as an excuse.

Jokes on them since they cant jannie their money back from him, lmfao.

Any game dev who still uses this shithole of a website is basically begging to be harassed/threatened/doxxed over every trivial thing because 99% of redditors are whiny losers.

Drama is the good 1%

No it ain't buttboy

We are at least self aware mmmkay

Where else do we have to go. This is the 4chan retirement home.

My God if drama is shut down will I finally have to go outside!?!


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the ardrama website

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Our website of course

I know but I was simping for reddit karma 🤓


wait till he finds out trams play this game

How can you be a tiny, oppressed, and marginalized fraction of the population and still to have the monolithic purchasing power to ruin a company? What kind of cope is this?

Such a small percentage of the population, yet they make up such a large percentage of all the online seething.

Despite being 0.13% of the population, they make up 52% of Twitter seething.

Because factorio is pheromone for autistic 🚉

Theyre alphabets. They pretty much live on the internet. They see games as an escape into NEETdom

Side note that Jesus Christ the up and down votes here speaks volumes to what a miserable, hostile place reddit and the community arrr factorio has cultivated is

The comments in question: https://i.imgur.com/iV29Wkx.jpg

Seeing these teenage trains try to convince this older Czech man who speaks broken English into changing his views on anything is magnificent.

Especially when they're low-key threatening him. "I'd consider the consequences of these unwise actions." It feels like an attempted mob shakedown... if the mob were made out of gender-confused teens. 😂

Remember they’re the “scariest generation” out there. With the ability to cancel whatever they want.

Despite crying at anything that doesn’t go their way in real life.

You think it was the natural evolution of generations that made them that way? Or is it more external? By that I mean these kids grew up on the internet so they can find any “in group” they wanted and their every move was recorded. They don’t actually care about being good people and functioning members of society. They care about social clout and being perceived as “good people” and functional members of society. They grift for social credit scores.

I think it is the fact that social media gradually turns every behavior into a performative display, combined with the fact that these kids didn't receive enough negative feedback when they acted in an entitled self-centered way. I mean, Twitter doesn't even have a downvote button! When our main tool for social interaction is designed to coddle kids so much that even allowing strangers to take away one worthless internet point is an unconscionable attack on their feelings, of course many of them will grow up to be narcissistic garbage. Wouldn't you?

Remember the French flag after the truck of peace being on everyone's profile?

That's when I realized every one was just being fake and performative on social media. I checked out of social media even before that lol

Of all the damn things, that was your last straw? Not the billion other things, but showing solidarity after a terrorist attack? That was happening before social media

Oh god no I havent had socials since like 2011, 2012.

I did make an instagram for my art stuff but I lost interest in art stuff. So the only real "social" media I have nowadays are lurker twitter accounts for niche interests. And reddit, I guess... But I'm not a mainstream le epik redditor da cake is a lie XD! kind of fahgoht

I checked out of social media even before that lol

I'll quote myself to show how 200 IQ galaxy brain I am

I mean dude bussy lmao

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lol that is your takeaway? I havent had socials since 2011, or 2012 or so. mainly because I just wasnt interested in that shit. im a boomer bro.

also fuck auto jannie reeeeeeeeeeeee

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Wear. A. Mask. Bigot.

LMAO best description of what is happening yet

not knowing the sexuality of all of your employees is literally a hate crime.

That parent comment was damn confusing. It's a euro dev. Eastern European even, how many non-white people were they going to have?

still that dev's comment on statutory rape was some anime fan shit. no one here is worthy of anything but jahannam

I think you severely overestimate the wokie's understanding of the world out side of their heckin cute little diversity bubble

Its amazing when you tell mayos that the obsession with racism is a white/american thing. They have such a hard time believing how racist people are outside of america and europe and how blatant it is. Just call a korean person japanese and watch the fireworks

mistake a singaporean for a malaysian or indonesian and you will hear hellfire

Call a Pajeet a Paki and start nuclear winter.

I knew an Iranian in college and asked if he was from Iraq

I crossed a line and he would have beat the fuck out of me if we weren't in the middle of a discrete mathematics course lmao

He hated me and rightly so. He knew I knew that I called him an Iraqi on purpose just to get a rise out of him.

You should have called him an arab. The iranian government wouldn’t even need a nuclear program from the seethe

Same thing really

I actually checked it. The biggest non-white ethnic group in Czechia is Vietnamese people with 0.3% of the population.

They did send a black guy to Eurovision this year, so they're working on it.

how else are you gonna get the one black guy to leave the country?

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Incredibly racist tbh

Central European, but yes.


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Anyone who is this deep in the Twatter hole needs to go out and touch some grass.


bought it, go off king

Same. I had the same reaction when xey tried to shit all over Ion Fury. I should almost be thankful, as it's an amazing game that I wouldn't have heard of otherwise. 😎

I already bought it but now I'm tempted to buy a copy for my friend.

based will cop too


There are like 30 posts saying cancel culture isn't a thing while actively saying this Bob guy shouldn't be referenced because he has bad opinions.

Lefty groupthink is a helluva drug. Also found a "quacks like a duck" analogy in there. Jfc they really do nothing but repeat their dogmatic talking points.

People who ask you to ‘educate’ yourself while not having actually read any books themselves, while not being able to intelligently defend their own ideological positions, because by ‘educate,’ they actually mean ‘parrot what I say, flatten all nuance, wish away complexity.’ People who do not recognize that what they call a sophisticated take is really a simplistic mix of abstraction and orthodoxy – sophistication in this case being a showing-off of how au fait they are on the current version of ideological orthodoxy.



He's an author of a couple of popular books about software engineering. I'm pretty sure most of the stuff he's being accused of is made up(as always), but I remember seeing his tweet about his views on police. Nothing spicy really, he just said that police shouldn't be defunded. By now you should probably understand what kind of reaction twitter folks had. Right, people started calling him fascist, bigot, and all kind of nasty nicknames.


Some older programmer who had said problematic things at some point


He had a failed cancellation attempt apparently...

Lmao 95% of online wokieism is trying to convince people to warp reality and pretend things that are happening aren't happening.

Some guy called me a nazi once for saying maybe Hillary Clinton didn't lose because of her gender and then spent 25 minutes trying to convince me wokies weren't throwing out "nazi" anyone that challenged them.

Ok Nazi

Literally a game by and for autistic people


don't put autists and trains in the same basket

Why not? There's a massive overlap according to some papers.

All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares, something like that?

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You get some free speech trains too, perhaps not a great number, but they exist.

trains prey on autists

Trains reproduce by raping autists?

no by convincing autist "greys" they're actually trains

These are just remnants of the ever-dwindling old generation of trains, from back when they weren't such huge autists

Absolutely incredible that you can demand some person you don't even know to do some ridiculous thing and they're the bad guy when they tell you to fuck off.


I looked up what the crazy uncle said to derail some many trains and its was the basic boomer shit. I was expecting Qtard shit or borderline /pol/ shit but no he is your average milquetoast conservative. Doesn't take much to derail a train.

This is what the comment which started it all links to. Lmao, this is the most innocuous shit imaginable 😂

Using the word craftsmanship to describe programming is a 100% reliable indicator of someone who is blind to the effects of structural oppression.

Somehow this led to SRD jannies removing his comments

The police are not the problem. The police were never the problem. Defunding the police is a terrible policy that will put hundreds, if not thousands, of lives at risk.

this Tweet is pretty damn racist.


People who demand to defund the police clearly never lived in a place without them.

I am honestly shocked. Even by low IQ wokie standards going after the term "craftsmanship" and calling someone sexist over it seems... weird.

Words words words and more fucking words

Elderly, probably a-slurred s*ftware eng*neer has rubbed someone the wrong way at some point in their life.


That probably explains why my elderly, probably a-slurred physics professors didn't assert their commitment to trains every lecture.




top zozzle

How do the people in those twitter comments always manage to sound so obnoxious? Seriously how to they do it, even when I try to ragebait people I’m not able to sound so obnoxious

I won't even search him up. You know why? Because I don't care at all. I don't care if he cheats on his wife, is a bigot, or pays proper tips in restaurant. These things are simply not relevant. If Stalin had a good writeup on programming, would linking that be dangerous, because some people might read it, start liking HIM, thus start liking communism and the ineviteble mass murder that follows it? Is this how little we trust other individuals when it comes to access to information? I personally trust my readers to have the ability to create their own opinions instead of blindly following whatever says the person they like.

How is this even controversial lol? Why would you care what a person famous for a certain accomplishment (not a programmercel so I have no idea who this Bob guy is) does beside that accomplishment

it's controversial because leftoids want to play gatekeeper to all culture and expression, so they naturally support the idea of gatekeeping

Why would you care what a person famous for a certain accomplishment does beside that accomplishment

I mean, I try not to buy stuff from people who diddle kiddies, for example. The market is so huge, why not let people decide what kind of a person they want to buy their goods and services from?

If a kiddie diddler is selling something useful I’m still going to buy it

For real. Life is too short to check everyone against a registry before interacting.

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Na, the shift is primarily from counting phone "games". Where you fill in a paint by numbers picture.

Also making money by just showing a little cleavage in twitch. They don’t even have to get fully naked either.

I almost respect e-thots for the grift alone. But then I remember they’re e-thots.

You can respect the game without respecting the players.

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In a Factorio subreddit census a few years back, there were more trains than women.

Same with neoliberal and actuallesbiasn

The overlap with ActualLesbians is literally incredible

Same thing in twox

Same thing with speedrunners. Look at this article about four women in speed running. https://www.speedrun.com/news/632-2021-3-24-spotlight-four-women-in-speedrunning

four women in speedrunning

first photo is a dude with long hair in a tight fitting top

I guess I’m a woman, too, by these standards. Don’t tell my wife or daughter. … does being a “woman” mean anything anymore? We need a new word for persons with vaginas/wombs/capable of reproduction.

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the cognitive dissonance am****ans feel when they're exposed to someone from a different culture never gets old

Wow, I had no clue he became controversial.

Thanks for letting me know. I'm going to restart playing Factorio, and reread "Clean Code".

Clean Code is an absolutely terrible book full of terrible advice that has done irreversible damage to the IT industry. Good job 🚂


there are unironic gamers in this very thread

People seem more offended by that than the shit that got dug up about statutory rape being sjw shit lol

Tbf that was probably a cultural disconnect. I don’t think he was endorsing statutory rape, just questioning the use of “rape” in the name of the offense. Which I could see being surprising if you’ve never heard of the term before. Still autistic ah of him to post that tho.

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What do you mean precisely?

That tweet was the one 🤔 he did say but it's probably explained by English not being his first language

Gib sauce

>Well, there’s a game I no longer have to try to figure how to make time for.


no refunds tho 😊

Yeah but that loss of one player will bring down the entire game, just you watch

I will buy it right now to break even the loss



Those people are unreasonable but the factorio guy also handled it poorly, instantly going full gamer kamikaze mode. It's a very eastern European mentality, western developers with any degree of success would never say anything antagonistic like that because they know it would burn a lot of bridges (and derail some trains) /seriousposting

He handled it well enough, but a "cope" would've sufficed. Redditors should be told to shut up when their pet peeve is unrelated and stupid.

And how is burning bridges with the eggshell community a bad thing? Oh no! He won't have to cater to their numerous pointless demands! Oh gee golly, the nerve of him!


every mention of the game will have a disclaimer of transphobe dev!

You're terminally online because you believe a majority of people will see that shit or even care in the first place. Every game gets this disclaimer already thanks to resetera, yet everyone in the know already is aware that RE is r slurred and should be laughed at. No one will give a shit about what people of bird or reddit trains have to say about it.

Yo i just realized theres probably tons of seethe in RE right now about this thread...

Resetera is full of unhinged, pathetic, mentally ill, incel adjacent, maniacal terminally online dregs. By Allah they deserve severe bullying of the highest order. It's a wonder that gaming "journos" give any credit to that site of melt brained literal whos.

unhinged, pathetic, mentally ill, incel adjacent, maniacal terminally online dregs

Stop bullying dramatards 😡


8 pages of seethe, google Resetera Factorio Dev and it comes up immediately


Yeah i saw that and laughed as well. In what schizoid dimension do these people live in?

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people of bird

We can close the post now lol.

It's all performative, they'll still buy it


Yeah. Dev screwed up real bad. He had nothing but goodwill and he threw much of it away in an autistic fit.

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Nah he's based, fuck the trains trying to cancel him

Another L for 🚂


Add it to the pile

ok, I wanted to know what these horrible views of his are:

Race: Martin says that he's "disgusted" by the NFL players who didn't stand during the national anthem and that they should be fired (he's against cancel culture though, and thinks that it's "evil" to get people fired for debate). He also writes that police do not target people of color, and that the United States was not founded on slavery.

Gender: Martin has a long, well known history of making sexist remarks in talks at conferences and in blog posts. He made sexist remarks during his 2009 RailsConf keynote. He later said that he "misspoke", but didn't remove the bit from his talk. in 2012, he apologized for making more sexist comments, but his apology for those remarks didn't stop him from writing a blog post with multiple sexist metaphors about female secretaries, harems, and concubines. He apologized, but that hasn't stopped him from defending James Damore. He has a long history of making sexist comments, apologizing for them, then doing the exact same things again and again.

Lmao. Also, a game made primarily for autists has a large train fanbase 🤔

Uncle Ted > Uncle Bob

i'm conflicted about this drama because i love Factorio, but i'm a dev myself and i hate TDD and don't respect uncle bob at all, but i love kovarex and wube. this is all very painful

Speak English son

Uncle Bob the programmercel blogger? I didn't know he got cancelled... If he did it hasn't impacted his popularity like, at all.

That's the problem with jannie enforced slang, I spent way to long wondering how you derail trains in factorio before remembering what we lost. I always felt the game was more geared toward higher functioning artists then the train type anyway, I've been playing since 0.10 and haven't really come to hate the community yet like most other games but I guess we'll see.

If I buy fartorio but leave a negative review, is it that bad or good?

If 't be true i buyeth fartorio but leaveth a negative review, is't yond lacking valor 'r valorous?

I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.

Commands: !ShakespeareInsult, !fordo, !optout

Sorry I’m not robosexuaI


"as the maker of factorio I thought you'd have more tact"

Redditor doesn't understand other humans, shocking absolutely no other well adjusted member of society.

this isn't funny anymore lol

You'd think they'd fix the tracks since you know.. Trains are so easy to derail.

Jannie's are working hard over in the factorio sub, seems to be getting flooded with "concerned" conductors and trainspotters.

Any of my comments suggesting that dragging politics into the least political game ever is r-slurred are getting memory holes within minutes

I don't even care for his game but i'm buying it this instant.

More drama over at ResetBrain: (usual arch1val site - extension yw6zC)

One quote includes:

Eastern European devs keep deliver.

... Can we not?

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Sam Hyde's MDEcels are anti-factorio. Trains do not like factorio. Someone tell me if im supposed to like factorio

Do you even know what mde is?

You're funny dog

Million dollar extreme

How autistic are you 1-10?

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