DDR: I feel like me and Juneteenth might still have sex

4  2021-06-19 by JimieWhales


“Nobody had heard of it,” Trump told me.

He was surprised to find out that his administration had put out statements in each of his first three years in office commemorating Juneteenth.

“Oh really?” he said. “We put out a statement? The Trump White House put out a statement?”

Each statement, put out in his name, included a description of the holiday.


“This is f------ terrible,” he exclaimed.

Trump said he wanted to speak immediately with Attorney General Bill Barr.

Trump was still shaken by the video the next afternoon when Barr arrived in the Oval Office on Thursday to brief the president about Floyd’s death, now three days later.[...]

“I know these f------ cops,” Trump said, recalling stories he’d heard growing up in Queens about savage police tactics. “They can get out of control sometimes. They can be rough.”

Trump’s assessment struck some in the room as surprisingly critical of police, and the president showed a level of empathy for Floyd behind closed doors that he would never fully reveal in public. Had he tried, it might have helped dial down the tension.

It's weird he has these moments where he shows empathy that if he made public could have closed the 80k vote gap. Just put him on stage and have him ramble about how he knew cops were violent as hell.

The thing is he built his brand on the faux conservative perception of "law and order."

Sure, he could have done that, but it's unlikely it'd improve his overall performance because members of his own base and conservative voters might have not shown up.

Saying "I agree with the Democrats" isn't good for him, because he primarily wants to define himself as in opposition to democrats.

This is the trap a political movement falls into when they stop caring about policy and make culture war issues their only focus.

They can't give a single inch, because giving an inch is a weakness.

Yeah but he's Donnie. Those rules apply to everyone else but not him.If he put out a statement saying how much he hates Jesus half his supporters would throw out their bibles.

I think Donnie wants you to believe the rules don't apply to him, I think conservatives want to think the rules don't apply to him, but in the end, nobody escapes traditional political wisdom or political dynamics.

Trump's win in 2016 didn't really violate the laws of traditional politics. The pundits and people convinced he had no chance simply ignored them and the growing geographical polarization.

Not all, obviously, but 538 talked about this:


Seemingly everyone forgot the election of Bill Clinton, a man himself that shattered a "red wall" to become president.

Realistically the "rust-belt states" were always highly competitive. Obama just tricked people into thinking they weren't because he was a once in a generation politician.

The concept of the blue wall always seemed to me to be profoundly ignorant, and I was against Trump the entire race. Let's say, it was actually a vulnerability, not an asset. That's a shit ton of electoral votes just sitting there waiting to fall over to the other side if the polls are off by 3-5 points. Which they, in fact, were. Actually it meant that the electorally landscape was advantageous for him and he could win with far less popular vote that might normally be required had the distribution not had a huge clump right there. Like had the blue wall actually been "bluer" on average than the average state, then it would be an advantage. Then Hillary a given reduction in popular vote, would result in Hillary having lost fewer states on average. Instead they were redder on average than the average state. And they were very close to the threshold of the actual predicted final popular vote. That prediction is not a "wall", it isn't solid, you should not feel confident in this situation. It means you're a few points from eating shit.

The concept of the "blue wall" also lead to assinine strategizing among the Hillary campaign. They just straight up ignored it, oh that's the blue wall, we got that solid, we don't even have to worry about that shit. Instead they ran off to Georgia and Texas and shit tilting at fucking windmills. Like look - there's zero fucking reason she ever should've been in Texas for a microsecond. You win Texas, and the election is fucking over anyway, who gives a shit. It will never have any chance of be the deciding state. It was hubristic, oh I'm doing so perfectly I'm going to concentrate on padding my electoral vote count. Jesus fucking Christ. When the so called "blue wall" should've been the entire focus of the campaign, because if she'd won those, she's got it. Just concentrate on the core set of tipping point states required to win, focus on the states that, if the polls are way off and you're eating shit, that those states will be the ones that just barely pull you over the edge. Never spend a second in states that can only conceivably pad your total in an already comfortable victory.

Like what I said above, that's what Trump was doing, he was trying to win. Hillary wasn't trying to win, she was trying to flex because she knew she was going to win. But winning is all that matters you idiot.

While I agree with the first half, I don't think clinton ground-game had any tangible impact on the way the election went.

For example, she campaigned a lot in PA and lost it by the same margin as she did the other states.

And take colorado, according to Nate Silver it had the largest gap between spending of any state, and she easily won it even though Trump out-spent her there.


Yeah, true. She needed three states anyway and she wasn't off the mark on Pennsylvania. A good ground strategy would, at best, make her lose the EC by less, which is fairly meaningless.

The fact that you have 10 upvotes means 9 other people read that entire dump of text. To anyone reading this if you did that you should be ashamed

Imagine reading the things you updoot.


Nah people just upvote things I say without reading them usually actually

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I did not

If he said something retarded like "tough on crime, soft on people" or some r slurred thing like that I am sure people would have liked it

Or "law and order means no one is above the law, including cops". Really, its pathetically easy to come out of a situation like that looking good to both sides. You just have to not be a partisan hack. It doesnt even take much brain capacity, because the law itself already provides you a perfect play book.

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I wonder if he fully committed to Justice for George Floyd the dems would have abandoned it and how it would look like exactly? It worked for literally everything else he supported.

Vox: Why 'justice for George Floyd' is a front for White Supremacy

Systemic racism is underpolicing Black communities.

WaPo: Prosecuting police officers is scapegoating that excuses the rest of white society.

Damn, this is VERY good!





Then follow it up with a feature about black police officers and their experience dealing with racist mayoids. Et voilà!

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wtf, there's no slashes or anything!

Didn't he did say the cop was in the wrong, though? I remember seeing those lines on the news.

I don't think much difference would be made.

I mean I've seen police union heads saying that Chauvin was in the wrong, which is the only time I think I've ever seen a police union head ever say a cop ever made a mistake ever. As well as like every other cop present in that event, they also threw him under the bus, which is also more or less unheard of. This was the one thing where literally everybody was like, hmmmm may have gone a bit to far there.

I remember that, too. Guy really fucked up hard.


It's weird he has these moments where he shows empathy that if he made public could have closed the 80k vote gap.

The entire 2020 election was characterized by DDR getting fucked over by things he could and couldn't control. It's going to be one of those things future generations look back on as an event where all the stars aligned just to fuck over a single person.

And still he came pretty close to winning. Which really just shows how the woke bullshit the dems are peddling doesnt actually appeal to most people. Which brings me back to twitter, and how those slurs, and the fact that they can directly interact with national level politicians, has an outsized influence on politics (that even Jews could only dream of) and is a danger to democracy.

But he then got mad at all of the riots going on, which basically completely changed his mind

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We are entering a new phase of the American presidency where clueless boomers just sign anything the apparatus gives them, then goes out in public to entertain us with gaffes.

Based and cabal-pilled.

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I didn't, you retard.

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Don't make me cyberbully you.

Why is it called Juneteenth? That sounds like a very stupid name


Oh that makes sense. I guess I need to do some reflection.

I mean

Mirror starin back at me at, racist ass yt boi.

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Maybe we are no longer allowed to use words that start with the *eversed letter "я"?





Oh man, seeing phrases like that here always reminds me that we are a retirement home for the "good" old internet culture. I cant imagine seeing that on another sub, not without being met with blank stares.

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This is unfortunate, I'd really enjoy that!

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It’s a fun, hip kind of way of saying June 19th!

It's short for Nine Juneteenth.

“I’ve done all this stuff for the Blacks—it’s always Jared telling me to do this,” Trump said to one confidante on Father’s Day. “And they all f------ hate me, and none of them are going to vote for me.”


The frustration and anguish that had accrued among Black Americans after decades of debasing systemic racism had been emphatically—finally—cracked open by the death of George Floyd,

Only racists believe this.

words words words xTDS

Unfortunately, the rise of the Internet didn't knock out enough news agencies. I pray that the next DDoS is permanent.

I also wonder how these people reconcile their racism narrative with Obama's presidency. 8 years with a black president, but it supposedly didn't make any difference?!

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Wow a surprisingly good read

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