For Juneteenth the posters of Resetera demand reparations. From their fellow posters.

24  2021-06-19 by MadBoomrPixl


Because of the way it was phrased, the posts comes across as a direct request for cash, rather than supporting black businesses or artists or so on.

Edit: Several people have called me out for being an ass and they are completely in the right there. Apologies.

That's right mayo, know your place😤

Inb4 "User banned (Permanent): racism."

I'm glad the type of people who post shit like that are also the type of people to voluntarily get a vescectomy

These people need to learn how to agree and amplify

It's the internet. Grow a pair of balls. Create the drama in the world you want to laugh at.

The only proper response to someone being rude to you on the interwebs is to escalate

Being polite to the point their aggression stands out also works.

True but then it’s pretty easy to sound passive aggressive (aka seething)

Sometimes that makes it better, tbh. You want your foe to either:

  1. Need to tone their response down to your level. Hard if you got them big mad already.

  2. Respond asymmetrically, giving you big laughs.

They might not do either if they think you're being absolutely sincere.

Maybe I’m just shit at passive aggressive dramaposting because they often stop arguing and only respond with Ok 😞

Well, I was going to add that you have to adopt this early in the conversation. If you turn to it after the "continue this thread" shows up, you definitely appear to be seething and hiding behind a bad smile.

just be like that one family that revenged murdered the drunk boating retaraaaard that killed their daughter.

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, England (and the rest of the UK) should put its money where its mouth is by giving reparations to the Irish, including posters on this board.

Don’t let St. Patrick's Day turn into just another day off where you celebrate by getting drunk and whatever the fuck.

Give us money.

Money? Nah, send the ir*sh a bunch of potatoes and tell them to fuck off.

They will just turn the potatoes into vodka. Cut out the middleman.

How about don't send them potatos and tell them to fuck off?

don't send them potatos

This kills the Hibernian.

I accept this compromise

Ireland was a mistake

Any Black 🏴‍☠️drama posters: DM me pics of your BBC (to prove your negrosity) and I'll send you money.

Edit: you have to include paper with your username on it, next to your (preferably erect) penis. Don't just send me photos of some random black dix.

Edit2: No clumsy shops, either. I can tell from the dixels.

This is the gayest subreddit ever

Das rite str8 boi

Imagine not slaying bussy.


Ok straggot

You know what's gay? So-called "cis straight sex." Cis straight sex is 50% feminine. Half of the genitals involved are vaginas, for Christ's sake! Bussy is 100% masculine.

Real men choose bussy because gussy is for f*ggy str8bois.


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And that's how we like it

Do you accept azin dick pics? It's not BBC but it's still big, and y'all owe us Vietnamese for that war anyways >:(

we gave you agent orange but you gave us hippies, so we're calling it even. no reparations.


That's exactly what it is. Black people deserve reparations regardless of whether or not they own a business or can do art. Our collective labor and suffering built this nation. If you can't even spare a fellow Black ERA member a fiver on the first federally recognized Juneteenth in light of that, that says more about you than it does the OP. 🍵

Why do I have to work to get money? Why can't I just stay at home and play vidya 😭😭😭😭

Also lmao at the morbidly obese mayo monkey

Yes picking cash crops to make bank for wealthy Southern aristocrats definitely built the roads, railroads, factories, and every other bit of essential infrastructure in the US. The industrialists of the North that actually did all that weren't a major reason that the Union won the Civil War. Slaves built the interstates and the Hoover Dam, sweaty 💪🏿

It isn't like the cheap labor benefited the northern textile factories or anything.

It certainly did. I'm not arguing that the labor of black slaves in America didn't contribute to a portion of this country's wealth, but to pretend like the uncompensated labor of slavery is the reason the US is a world hegemon today is ridiculous. I'd argue the labor of Chinese immigrants in building the transcontinental railroad system is more of a contributing factor than cotton based slavery. Slavery was eliminated in part because it was antithetical to urban, industrial capitalism. It was a dying, inefficient system of an older era and was already becoming economically untenable by the 1860s because of British imperial ventures in India.

Our collective labor and suffering built this nation.

I don't even feel sorry for the actual real-life slaves anymore. They were only victims of slavery for one lifetime. Their great-great-great-grandkids who were born free have been victims of slavery for a whopping 400 years now. One lifetime of involuntary servitude is nothing compared to that level of oppression.

400 years

That’s nothing, try over 2000 years! And if the Egyptians were black kings, then it’s time we Jews ask for reparations

True. Blacks should have to pay Jews for that.

On the other hand, it's time for the Ashkenazis to pay reparations to the gentiles for the delicious blood that goes into matzo. We know where all of the missing children in history ended up, Nosferatu.

I don't think the Sephardim have to pay tho? But Spain and Portugal need to pay them?

tfw you "built the country," by building the part of the country that's full of poor rednecks and incest.

Lol this is great. "Wait, when I meant I was in favor of reparations, I meant for other people to pay, not meeeeee!" Then again, it's kinda the OP's fault for expecting to squeeze anything out of penniless chapos

Listen you capitalists pigs, the government owes me a Nitnendo switch and I'll downvote as many successful people as it takes to get it.

This is exactly how it went down in the Soviet Union: forced collectivization and mass-downvoting of kulaks.

Hit them with this classic Snappy quote: "I think black people really owe white people reparations. Okay hear me out think about it. If you are black and aren't the descendant of slaves likely you're still in Africa sucking sand. Now if your ancestors are slaves likely you're in America and have an iPhone and a car and a refrigerator. So you take the average net worth of an African-American and subtract it by the average net worth of an African-African multiply that number by the total number of African Americans today and that's how much they owe. If I had to choose whether my great great great great grandfather was a free man in Africa or a slave in America I know what I would choose..."

Edit: Oh damn, it's closed... 😕

Never seen that from snappy, but I whole-heartedly approve.

God our species is pathetic

Yts deserve their incoming genocide

As a pure black KING in arrslashdrama I'll expect everyone to give me at least 10,000 karma each on this fine Juneteenth.

All you're getting is a breaking, buck 😘

Another mayo has gone mad fantasizing about the ebony bussy. Pathetic but not surprising

I'll settle for some trappy nudes. I know someone here has a fresh supply. Pay up, whytes


And they actually fucking gave him money too. Seems like the cheap mayos are only giving fivers though 🤢

A commentary on the need for reparations due to slavery is fine, but given the security, privacy, and doxxing concerns on individual GoFundMes, it's really hard to justify keeping open when actual money is exchanging hands.

Sounds like a horrible excuse. Bad move Era.

Lol how pathetic

The mayo wearing the "Black girl hockey club" t-shirt was particularly weird.

Like Black Women are not just a virtue label to plaster over yourself because you bought a t-shirt.

Resetera remains a parody of itself.

My DMs are open to all who which to aid me in paying my black fees.


Bengal is asking for reparations from Allied powers for starving them to death in 1942 famine.
