President says America is doomed because European Whites are going to become a minority.

14  2021-06-19 by Nouveau_Compte


"Twitter canceled me 7 times now and purged hundreds of thousands of my followers. hence the name impactusa8... I am speaking the truth."

impactusa2 to 7 have been suspended, impactusa and impactusa1 still exist and are unrelated.

I choose to pronounce it like "medusa" in my head.

I am speaking the truth

"he was not"

Are we sure Trump isn't wearing a Biden skin suit?

Donald Trump. I should have known you were behind this.

“And I would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for you woke, middle-class, white, guilt-merchants!”

It’s ironic; Trump is wearing a Biden skin suit yet he goes mask off

are you telling me qoomers were right?

Rightoids should be jannied on site for their agendaposting

Every post is an agendapost. The proper response is to agendapost harder than the rightoids.

Uphold pizzashill thought

This is why you're my second favorite leftoid

why do people pick sides smh my head

be more like me. i like both trump and biden

but obviously, i like trump $800 more than biden

Context matters. He was talking about unification.

Context sure didnt matter whenever Trump soundbites were spread though the media.

Of course not. Cause I like Biden and I don't particularly like Trump

Lmao based

Chaddicus Maximus

Vox Populi in CURRENT_YEAR+6

Bayzed NPC

NPC is when you like things I don't like

Take the bait rightoid

Listen here wrinkle brain, people I like get the benefit of the doubt, while people I don't like won't. Maybe if you had a brain as smooth as mine, the friction in your brain wouldn't let you waste all that time "thinking."

Seethe more

You seethe more what? Seethe more of deez nuts?

le deez nuts

Haha good one


At least you can admit it

Not sure what the is to admit. This is literally the case with everyone.

A lot of Trump quotes honestly just got worse when you put them in context



wears pants backwards

fuck, you got me

Yeah but that's because it's bullshit with our without context.

Lmao there was no context that cleared Trump of the shit he spewed bud.

I don't know why people constantly try this shit, it's not true, it's not even slightly true.

I had a family member try to "context" Trump multiple times and each time it was more r-slurred.

Even with the most generous reading of his bullshit it was clearly malicious and designed to rile up rural whites along racial lines.

My personal favorite was when he tweeted fake racial crime statistics and his r-slurred cult kept trying to make it seem like it wasn't nefarious on the basis some demographics do have higher crime rates than others.

Ignoring the glaring question "why is someone running for president tweeting racial crime statistics" they were literally fake, and not just fake, but wildly fake. As if one demographic having higher crime rates than another means sharing outrageously fake racial crime statistics is acceptable.

Lmao there was no context that cleared Biden of the shit he spewed bud.

I don't know why people constantly try this shit, it's not true, it's not even slightly true.

I had a family member try to "context" Biden multiple times and each time it was more r-slurred.

Even with the most generous reading of his bullshit it was clearly malicious and designed to rile up rural whites along racial lines.

My personal favorite was when he tweeted fake racial crime statistics and his r-slurred cult kept trying to make it seem like it wasn't nefarious on the basis some demographics do have higher crime rates than others.

Ignoring the glaring question "why is someone running for president tweeting racial crime statistics" they were literally fake, and not just fake, but wildly fake. As if one demographic having higher crime rates than another means sharing outrageously fake racial crime statistics is acceptable.

Keep trying.

Keep trying.


If you downvoted him I’m going to hunt you like a feral pig.

People need to learn DON'T DOWN VOTE LOLCOWS

pizzashill isnt a lolcow tho

hes just really addicted to adderall and seriousposting

Oh is this the new pizzashill account?

yep, he's been back at dramaposting for a couple weeks on this account

Pizza feeds of downvotes. They only make him stronger


Uhhh what about the “good people on both sides” fiasco… not to mention countless others. You horrible libtard can’t even get a grip with reality

Yeah dude, lots of good people at a neo-nazi really?

The guy tried to both sides a nazi rally.

You just got own’d, libtard 😂😂😂😂😂




The solution is simple. We gotta keep the Mayo population high enough, so the Pee-Oh-Sees could just ignore that they hate each other, and focus on hating Whites.

Context matters. He was talking about unification.

He was talking about protestant work ethic and, may Allah forgive me to uttering this word, WASP.

Do you think 350 millions fr*nchs could run the US World properly ?

They couldn't even take Moscow in like 1812, Gaul-cels on perpetual suicide watch since ancient Roman times.

Was Moscow ever taken ? Nerd. 😎

Only the 🤮Polish🤮 managed to occupy Moscow all the way back in 1610.

Mongols also conquered that land around 1247 but the grand city of Moskva wasn’t built yet. Turns out it’s really hard to build a city with a workforce consisting of FAS tribals who couldn’t even come up with their own alphabet.

Lol the poles made a movie about it :

I knew about the Mongols but I thought it was the only time, shame on Napoleon 🤮

I mean, if you burn it down first, does that counts as winning or loosing?

Funny how context now matters after the election.

In Ireland?


this country will be minority white european

Damn right whitey this is the age of the White South American 🇧🇷

Mashallah by 2070 we will all be speaking portuguese

Time to burn the Amazon.

There’s this weird thing that happens on any right wing Reddit post where the overwhelmingly leftoid redditors act like they are inundated with content by trump trolls as if every post on this site isn’t a left wing circlejerk.

This sub was unironically better with mdefugees. Pretty soon you f@gs are gonna start calling people chuds lmao

Your victim complex is showing


You inceldom is showing, sweaty

Why did you cut out the context of what was actually said, just wondering?

Even by rightoid standards, this is hilariously dishonest.

I found the source after the Twitter thread.

Don't you think you should have gone back a minute to check what was actually said?


Based No Chad

Where do you think you are, Pizza?

I thought this was a society tbh

There can only be a society if there is bottom text, but there is no bottom text because no one ever shuts up.


thats the first mistake right there.

This might be the most reddit tier content I've seen.

You sure you are pizza and not some shit tier comp sci major's Machine Learning bot?

Does anyone actually care? No context means more drama, which is the only thing that matters

There are videos of Hillary online saying, "I believe in white supremacy". She was giving a theoretical example of parents of children who believed in white supremacy and insisted is be taught to their children, people literally just cut that bit out and pretended it was her words.

Not a political example but this is like the worst one I can think of, I once saw a video by exmuslims where they edited a clip by Shabir Ally. Ally was attempting to explain how ISIS got their position in sex slavery, so he quoted the medieval Koranic commentators responsible for the interpretation. Then he gave his own alternate interpretation, which was of course that sex slavery is disallowed, and that Islam should have abolished slavery long ago. Exmuslims, of course, cut all of that out and just included the part of him describing, essentially ISISs position in sex slavery, without context, implying that this was his own position. When the entire point of the talk, was to critiscize said position. Like Shabir Ally isn't a fundamentalist or even a moderate, he's well on the side of progressive modernist Islam, and it's truly bizarre that exmuslims seen to hate him honestly more than they hate fundamentalists. That's one thing they both share with the Salafists I guess. Concentrate on the actual guys that actually advocate slavery, I can point them out to you. They never do that, they go over a progressive scholar who probably gets a dozen death threats a day from salafists. While whining any their own persecution to their base of rapid western right wingers they perform like circus animals for.

There are videos of Hillary online saying, "I believe in white supremacy".

Link one

Extremely based senile moment of clarity

Minorities hate each other way more than whites hate anyone except themselves

Right before that he says:

"If we can not make significant progress on racial equity, this country is doomed"

Kind of an important piece of context missing there.

Doesnt matter when you're as smoothbrained as the tardos eating this up like its some sort of gotcha. They literally cut off the first part of the sentence to make it have a completely different meaning.




Context or not, President Houseplant can still stir up drama.

The fucking sideway video makes it so funny.

he's partially right tho, my tacohermanos dont give a shit about other minorities, and black people havent been treating them nice either

what goes around....


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Finkelthink boring ass shit 😴😪😴💤😪😴💤💤😪😪😴

Right before that he says:

"If we can not make significant progress on racial equity, this country is doomed"

Kind of an important piece of context missing there.


Is he trying to say that racism needs to go (because it does) and we need to work together?