Brett Kavanaugh brings pizza to the Supreme Court and it is not good - Roll Call

3  2021-06-20 by 911roofer


I stopped reading when the idiot writing this bullshit referred to it as ‘za.

Pētza is already a short word. Why would you shorten it any more?

Because you are a numbskull 🏴‍☠️🎭 poster

My girl and I went to my sister in laws to make pizza and all their pizzas looked like this. They were amazed I made a perfectly circular pizza and sauced it well with good portions of toppings.

Then it dawned on me why they love Little Caesars so much, they cook like garbage, so that's what they eat...

Little Caesars tastes so good when you ain't got a bitch in ya ear telling you it's nasty 💯

For five dollar pizza it's good, but pizza is like sex: even when it's bad, it's good as long as no one shits on it.

Akshully, I'd rather not eat shit AND not be a fat fuck. Win win

Pizza is the perfect food. Life without it is not worth living.

Lol I could never fit pizza in my diet!!! 🤧

Fine. You eat the eyes (both, even the lazy one) and the other disgusting sino shit, I get the twig meat.

Are you drunk or high or something?

Por que no los dos

not enjoying polysubstance dependence


That’s some weird toppings but alright

You haven't had 7/11 pizza

There are faster and better options nearby: … Sbarro.

If he managed to find a worse pizza than sbarro he should be disbarred.

what KIND of pizza?

we need to ask the important questions



What the fuck?!? Did you just attempt to besmirch rugdrama's patron LOLCOW?

Shame shake shame 😥

The type of pizza is shill. Pizzashill

It's probably cheese served by Clinton BFF Epstein in a basement, visited by a rarted "gunman" who shot his gun accidentally.

Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


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Truly hitler’s greatest monster. And that’s for organizing gang rape parties in high school.

Hitlers greatest monster is my hairy Zionist pussy.

There is no chance Rollcall actually let that title be published

I was wrong bros. Is nothing sacred?

Look man. You need to read the article more closely. It’s not really written by a rollcall author, it’s just a coverup. The article itself is not meant to be of any of importance. However, you need to read the coded message between the lines. Many articles are like this. They are coded to tell us the truths that the government is trying to hide from us. Namely, in this article, it’s clearly coded to inform us of another truth of the pizza gate. I can’t finish this thought, I think they might track my phone and I don’t want all of this tracked to me.

Clearly the secret message is that the children Kev provides are shit.

Listen. I don’t have time. Pm me your address and I’ll discuss this further

I just finished reading through the Fort Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus website but somehow Roll Call is the goddamn faggiest thing I have seen today.

How did you find this, roofer? Was the author tweeting about the Juice and you followed the breadcrumbs?

And burgers claim to make better pizza than italiens...

Who said that? Never heard anyone say that…ever.

Except for 🤢 New Yorkers 🤮 but they’re all so full of shit, you can’t take anything they say seriously.

Redditeurs occasionally. So probably bay-area-cels who probably never had a proper wop pizza in their lives.

Pizzagate is real… i don’t even give a fuck who reads this

Still better than the average journo's articles
