
5  2021-06-20 by BobTheVandal


Good bate. People of penis do everything better.

Mash'allah, PoP shall inherit the earth.

We only need artificial wombs and then we could finally throw off the yoke of having to deal with the second sex.

The fairer sex.

The fairer sex.

Women are wonderful. They provoke wonder.

Women are marvelous. They cause marvels.

Women are fantastic. They create fantasies.

Women are glamorous. They project glamour.

Women are enchanting. They weave enchantment.

Women are terrific. They beget terror.

The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes, look behind words that have changed their meaning.

No one ever said women are nice.

You are thinking of elves there.

Yeah, the Fair Folk, as you can see it's right in the name.

btw are you aware that I for one thought that you're a woman for the longest time because I read your username as "Ieva"?

It's a randomly generated username for this other thing.

I'm just repeating what older much greater men have said about women.

The fairer sex.

I was citing a foundational feminist work originally, btw!

You might like this 1800something shitpost about a woman bitching about other women



One of my close friends already purposely swore off whyte wom*n, like he straight up told me hes sick of their shit and hes going for Latina booty. Lo and behold he nabbed a girl in mexico and hes never been happier.

My family and people that I know in my community have intermixed. Predominantly WMXF and all of them over 10 years now are happily married. To me that is a beautiful thing, and I feel that will lead to a more cohesive society.

Lmao dont tell that to a certain sub where they seethe over WMAF

I can empathize with them. Being excluded is harmful. The thing is like those guy's themselves are racist. They want white women yet those same women think little of them. They disparage their own women who have built a relationship with white men, men that want to build a relationship with them.

That is also not so say there isn't some merit to some of their claims, but it is biased. I feel sorry for them, and I kind wish they could see things from my perspective. First thing is to love yourself not seek it from someone else.



Ayo Jeremiah gimme that 13 and 12 man

For thus says the Lord: “To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast my covenant, I will give in my house and within my walls a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off."

Isaiah 56:1-12

Roses are red, violets are blue, there's always a tslur better than you.


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"Did you hear about the first female player to hit [highest rank tier in any video game]???"

You already know 😎. MtF broads stay rocking

[highest rank tier in any video game]

Speedrunning leaderboards. The best folk speedrun not only their games but also their genders

And also life.

3 replies

Where's Ed and his snooze posting when you need him.

Is there anything worse than some literally who tweeting into the void and then posting a screenshot to 🏴‍☠️drama.

Yes, that screenshot making the rounds until it gets picked up by someone with actual clout and then the original tweet becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

what happened to him? Didn’t he return briefly.

I can't sneed snooze post because a) literally who drama is better than no drama at this point and b) who am I to complain when all I've posted in the last 5 months is this and this. Just not fair.

As for commenting, there's nothing for me to say on literally who vidya drama and what I do wanna say at other times would get me yall'd. I wanna throw around actual slurs, incite [redacted] and glow harder than John Brennan himself but leddit is too 🌈 in current year.

I miss telling ledditors to kiss themselves. I really do.

Reddit is full of young people now. I don't really belong here anymore. Drama and programming subs are my last subs.

Sic transit gloria redditi

This is true tho for some reason some of the best pop artists that push the boundaries of the genre are 🚂s. Like SOPHIE, Laura les, Bladee, etc. Every cis woman artist just makes the same breakup songs over and over again


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Okay, is that pronounced "blay-dee," "bladée/blah-day," like a French,, or just "blade," but spelled like a teenage girl trying to flirt over text circa 2008?

I really loathe this era of musicians with internet-first names that aren't really obviously pronounceable. Other notable offenders include Charli XCX, and FKA Twigs. Shit like OOIOO and X__X was bad enough, but at least those were pretentious r-slurs trying to be quirky or avant garde or whatever. Now it seems like the norm is just to use your SoundCloud or Insta handle as your performing name. 69 and XXX are guilty of it too. I fucking hate it. Eventually we're going to have a famous tripfag getting radio play as Bucc69Breaker !2ThSx532Fg or something


In a recent song he says “I’m blade she call me bladey” so I think he prefers blade but also in an interview he said he’s ok with both

I only know the name because it got memed so hard on /mu/ last year. You're the first person I've interacted with who's actually listened to it. Are you 17?

no lol wtf. Im 18

Oh gross, a teenager!

no lol wtf. Im 18

I was pretty darn close, dumbass. Imagine freely admitting that you listen to zoomercore 🤢🤮🤮

y’all say this shit then go and blast some AC/DC

You are so 17 lol

how do you find it difficult to pronounce charli xcx

Charlie 10 100 10?

he makes experimental soundcloud music. I give it six months


you just named 2 absolute dogshit artists and one that's ok at best

Tf blade ain't a train

I have no idea who those people are.

100 Gecs isn't boundary pushing it's just dogshit music that's "ironically bad"


If anyone is bored read about silly novels by silly women.


If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


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Good Snappy, put this tourist down 😠


It never even began for vagina havers


It's weird how people don't recognize men and their accomplishments. Whenever I learn about a woman doing anything intelligent, creative, transformative, or original, I instantly assume they are a man.


Gtfo out. Smol pp energy vibes from you


Is there a group more narcissist than 🚂s



rm rf yourself

certified nerd moment.

Are you sudo?

I'm always in admin mode

Sudo is for babbies


Literally impossible. 🚂 women have female brains, just like any other woman.

You saying they have to be a guy at least once to actually do something cool

So. A man?

The penis makes you more creative and intelligent.


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let's keep it a 🚅swoman's world 😎