I knew there were issues regarding my personality when at the age of 14 years my father was accosted by a vagabond after retrieving me from my athletic recreational activities and I had never been more scared of the conclusion that I was obligated to provide this criminal with sexual services.
21 TheElementalWalker 2021-06-20
Nothing more cucked than having a daughter etc etc
20 ChapoDestroyer 2021-06-20
Good morning
16 -frozen-chosen- 2021-06-20
I am from the suburbs. Can someone translate?
48 CaliggyJack 2021-06-20
4 Big-Ant_ 2021-06-20
Yeah still dont get it. "Im toxic because I thought this man would rape me"
52 TedCruzFuckDoll 2021-06-20
No, she's toxic because wants to have sex with the criminal you illiterate fuck.
1 Big-Ant_ 2021-06-20
I considered that but it seemed too insane
8 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2021-06-20
She wants sexual relations with the man who attacked her father.
1 [deleted] 2021-06-20
16 hackfraud30011999 2021-06-20
Good morning I hate women
10 Mathieu_van_der_Poel 2021-06-20
I don’t speak zoomer
8 daggermag 2021-06-20
God damn zoomers can't write for shit.
1 [deleted] 2021-06-20
1 Detective_Fallacy 2021-06-20