Is it fucked up if man decides not to continue dating a mom if she starts an Onlyfans? Twitter decides

1  2021-06-21 by carly_rae_bopsen


"Well he shouldn't tell you not to do this if he's not helping you pay your bills and giving you spending money!"

"Actually he does do both of those things, I just want to do this for fun, but thanks for validating my feelings, queen!"

This thread was great lmao

I'm probably the least judgmental person I know

Too good

Trmp = whyte wom*n confirmed

People validating each other without scrunity or discourse is how we got shit like Scientology, anti-vax, wokeshit etc. What I'm saying is, is that we need to go back to the Victorian days of open forums in public spaces like lecture theatres, where discourse was debated, and plebs were bullied and laughed out of the room.

This used to be in public schools tho

Or even like church lol

early and often

where discourse was debated, and plebs were bullied and laughed out of the room.

This but unironically. We should not entertain rslurrs with rslurred ideas, but call them out on their rslurration


Aspiring author~Atheist~Not your sub~BLM~Legalize cannabis~Indoctrination is abuse~Hex the patriarchy Purple heartBDSMPurple heart

Twitter's bio function is great. You can spot schiz*s from a mile away thanks to this feature.



I guess it's possible to be an atheist witch, but you sure don't see many


This is 100% bait

Shhhhh, just let us maintain our suspension of disbelief, bro.

The worm may be fake but the fish are real.

"Tell me you're a whore without telling me you're a whore."





if that wasn’t enough.


And the OF is where he draws the line?

mom. infp. #BPD nature nut- extroverted introvert- wiccan wonderer BLM

Red flag galore. The guy is just masochistic.

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder ? Isn't that enough ? Just run dude.

If you are so stupid that you see BPD and still decide to stay you deserve everything you are going to get.

Yeah I mean, if the illness declares while you are dating and you still love her, that's a tragedy. If you go on and date someone that has it as a twitter bio, you are a cretin and deserve your shitty life.

I’m not saying people with BPD don’t deserve to be loved, but I’m not not saying it either.

Having a twitter account should be enough for any reasonable m0id.

Problem Glasses.


Should have stopped there, that's damaged goods

beyond parody

The world do be like for that a while.

Hard times for satirists 😔

Tbf to him, I doubt he knows she's airing out all her dirty laundry on Twitter. I suspect if he were to see this, he'd leave and take the kid with him.

Well that's hopeful.

Imagine finding out your wife is one of the twitter can-cels.

white woman

Allah have mercy...

Wh*te w*men are the reason Allah (pbuh) stays in heaven.

Before all that she has a kid from another man.

I would say its a "staw that broke the camels back" but in reality he is probably just bluffing.

Women that insist men must date whores are really just pushing the responsibility for them being whores onto men.

OMG there can't just be consequence for my behavior! You have date me and pay my bills!

Shut up femcel.

Sexual preferences only exist for attractive women. Forced marriagecucking for the rest.

Someone make that poor fella aware of her twitter, this is a disaster waiting to happen esp with the kid involved

Be sure to tell your daughter that you chose Only Fans over her father. I’m sure she’ll understand.

And so the cycle of OFthottery continues. The future OF supply is secure.

White women are pure evil.

Don't really need the white, but I'm always happy to shit on mayos


Jesus, never have I seen a more disgusting scourge on twitter as the mayo foyd.

the internet ruined mayo women

No, they proved themselves to be a blight on the world when they committed the original sin and threw her man under the bus when she got caught.

one of the most fascinating parts of social media is how many dramas that'd traditionally play out in broken homes, inner cities, and trailer parks are laid bare for NORPs to gawk at.

I don't know what NORP stands for, so I'll just assume it's neurodivergent Orwellian role players

Normal Ordinary Respectable Person

vs EDP, Emotionally Disturbed Person

It's ya boi, Eat Dat Pussy 445 coming at you with another video

Still can't believe he's gone

Entered Da Prison

Ok, norpie

almost, but it actually stands for 'neurodivergent orcadian role players'.

Reading all that shit she's spewing and all the unhinged twittercels validating her would unironically be grounds for divorce if I were him. This is a disaster waiting to happen for that dude.

momRose. ♋♈♋. infp. #BPD ❤ nature nut- extroverted introvert- wiccan wonderer BLM

I genuinely feel sorry for the kid.

Thank God I was not a zoomer


Everything makes complete sense now.

That's seriously a red flag bingo shes hitting


I’m from a generation that grew up without mobile phones, tablets and home internet, we were free, we played football and ran around in the streets until late evening. Then one day, brick like devices appeared with long ariels and there was talk of mobile phones, not long after talk of internet connections. Still the first mobile phones were expensive to buy and instead of home internet there were internet shops you could go to, to use it. Fast forward a few years everyone had a Nokia, and internet at home. The first phones were phones (now they’re not phones) they had calls and texts and that was it. Simple. Home internet was dial up, it made a loud crunching sound when connecting. It was mega slow. My mum struggled to pay on finance for our home computer, thinking it would be useful for school work and education (she had no idea what happened with that computer). That is deeply saddening. I almost lost my connection with her, because I was on the internet all the time (net + web... = what do you think that means?) We were webbed and netted, internet or into head connection? Blasted by pop ups. Sorry mum you meant well and your generation knew nothing of this, and would be so upset to know what it was doing to us. In my early teens, I opened the newspaper and saw a topless woman, this was enough to turn me on. It was a still image. Very simple. Yet I preferred to look at the girls at school, fully clothed. But not long after, my home internet started displaying weird sex scenes, I’d never even thought about sex before. This was unwanted exposure, looking back at it now 25 years later, it is sickening. I was a young boy. I didn’t want to see this, and yet it still happens in the present, everyday young boys and girls are exposed to unwanted sexual material, which is far far worse than it was when I was a kid. My exposure to this, led me to believe this was normal, and not long after, instead of looking at the girls at school, or a topless model, I was looking at videos of sex. Before I even had sex myself. It is thoroughly disturbing in hindsight what this industry does, and how it preys on anyone with an internet connection regardless of age. We live in a society that wishes to regulate many industries for the protection of the people, yet there doesn’t seem to be much regulation in regards to this sickening industry. There is a huge difference between exposing children to this, than a fully grown conscious adult deciding that they wish to watch this. Some may say that seeking this material after the exposure was a conscious decision, but I argue that it is not. At a young age one cannot understand the effects, has very little life experience (including natural sex life) to make a well balanced and informed decision. This industry is essentially a brainwashing/programming machine, which prefers the vulnerable, because they may easily be hooked. Additionally, I’m not sure it is a conscious decision when something causes pain and suffering after it is done, and even with that knowledge it is returned to. That is addiction. Only an addict could return to pain and suffering while knowing what it is doing to them. I discovered my natural sex life, but it was mixed with my viewing of this material. It did not make me happy, and as I reflect on this, I am saddened to feel that I didn’t know what I was doing. I am deeply saddened that in my minds eye I can view myself as an innocent boy full of love and a warm glow, and that was stripped from me by a sick and evil minded industry that as far as I can see causes nothing but damage. As all of you are on this page, I’m sure, like me, you searched for help, because you were in total pain from this addiction, and all of you have found the same answers (you knew all along) to the questions you had around why you felt so bad. I share in your pain. I have awakened to the reality of what has happened, and that causes great sadness. But, this awakening has led me to quit. I attempted to quit for many years, and struggled, I was drawn back, and the relapses reinforced the idea to me, that this was not conscious, this was addiction, an unwanted addiction that had been inflicted upon me at a vulnerable age by predators. YES, that’s what they are, they are predators. They are evil minded sick predators that deserve to be locked up in jail like pedophiles. Because they have no issue with exposing sexual material to children of any age. If a man exposed himself in public to children he would be arrested immediately, but these people that do it by proxy, through a screen, with incorporated companies are excluded from this? They hide under the guise of a company but the directors should still be held to full account. It’s sheerly wrong. It’s evil. They market sex without age filters. I go as far to say they break some laws somewhere, and deserve to be in prison. And if they’re not breaking any laws, why are there no laws around this? Why are there no leaders out there putting an end to this? Perhaps they’re all in the same trap, and totally ashamed to speak? Or lack the courage, will power and energy, to bring these people to justice. Well, I know that these traits are a strong man’s, and a man becomes strong through retention. I have crushed this habit after decades, and feel the strength inside me growing. Only with a hint of sadness that I could have retained for 20+ years and be an ultimate man by now. On the other side of sadness is my happiness for finally defeating this mental illness and these disgraceful idiots/pedos/predators/evil/sickening bastards. As my strength grows, and grows, and grows, I feel as though I may take on the world, and it would cause great satisfaction for me to tear down this Industry. Is that possible? Hmm evil is a difficult thing to fully eradicate, and I’m on the border of thinking instead of my rage burning to hurt them like they have hurt me, it could be a better use of time to spread the light against this darkness. This is the purpose of this post. To affirm to myself that I totally annihilated this illness, and to share with you, that you can do it. I don’t want you to ever say you can’t. Because if you think in this way, you create your self-fulfilling prophecy. It is NOT TRUE. You have the POWER to finish this NOW. You know, for the generations before me, to be called a wanker was an insult. Now it’s common, most people are wankers. But guess what? YOU ARE NOT. Tell yourself this. Tell yourself what you are and are not. Never NEVER tell yourself helpless thoughts. Powerless thoughts have no place in your mind. You may think now I am just speaking positive affirmations to help you and myself, these are not just affirmations, this is truth. I feel this way now. I TOTALLY FEEL UNCONQUERABLE. One day - I WILL BE KNOWN FOR MY WORK. Mark my words. I AM A KING. I SET MYSELF FREE. I WILL SET YOU FREE. I WILL SAVE YOU. I WILL RESCUE YOU FROM THE DEPTHS OF HELL. I WILL RAISE YOU. I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU. I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN. Who are you? I am ME. Me, you. We. One. Whole. Total. All. Are these just words? WORDS ARE POWER. I can no longer stand by and watch this. AS MEN WE MUST RISE TO DESTROY THIS EVIL - NOW. I will not let my sons and daughters suffer in this way. THIS LIFE IS PRECIOUS AND GIFTED TO US TO LIVE IN JOY AND HAPPINESS. For those that wish to prey on children and cause suffering I WISH YOU HELL. I WISH YOU THE UTMOST HARM INTERNALLY. I WISH YOU FEEL FIRE IN YOUR MIND. I WISH YOUR HAIR FALLS OUT WHEN YOUR CONSCIENCE SCREAMS AT YOU, AND YOU REALISE. I WISH YOU MORE PAIN AND SUFFERING THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. FOR EVERY CHILD YOU DAMAGED - I WISH IT DISPROPORTIONATELY WORSE FOR YOU. YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS. YOU WILL NEVER TOUCH MY SOUL AGAIN. YOU WILL NEVER EVER HAVE CONTROL OF ME. NEVER. WHEN I GAIN MY ULTIMATE STRENGTH - THERE IS MORE COMING FOR YOU. I KNOW WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE A THREAT? IT IS. Young men and woman out there, I apologise for my behaviour, for my anger, for my extreme yearning for vengeance. I feel so sorry for all of you that come here to find your way out. PLEASE - SET YOURSELF FREE - NOW! BELIEVE ME YOU CAN DO IT. I’VE DONE IT. YOU CAN DO IT. DO IT. DECIDE. RIGHT NOW. DECIDE. DESTROY THE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK LOOP. INTERRUPT IT. CRUSH IT. GET OUT. TAKE MY HAND OFFERED HERE TODAY, THROUGH THESE WORDS. LET ME PULL YOU OUT. NO MORE SUFFERING. ENJOY THIS LIFE.

I’m not reading that shit but I’ll always upvote schizoposting

It's always fun to scroll and just see the ALL CAPS popping up at the end

Schizoposters are so beautiful 😍


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i ain't reading all that

i'm happy for u tho

or sorry that happened

Zzzzz ctrl c ctrl v poster.

Fuck you imposter.

Based and schizopilled

Posts like this is why i do heroin

Thank you for this. Whatever this... is.

Based and schizopilled

dem sho do be a whole lotta word dere, massa

This better be pasta


The biggest blackpill of them all is men are just as bad and to blame.

Many incels fail to realize this and target the wrong people.


I'm okay with sex work, as it is respecting body autonomy, but that said, the trade off is that most people will deem you as a whore, and that makes them seethe. The goal is to have sex work ez money without the negative trade off, as with fat activists and many other movements, the goal is to remove any negative traits. So we end up with people saying that when people say obesity is bad for you it's actually fat phobia, being against open sex in monogamy is "patriarchal and misogynistic" and sex work is "empowering" when you are literally an object for coomers who do not give a shit about who you are as a person.

The easy route in anything does not come without consequences.

Same. I don't care if someone wants to make a living as a whore, just don't get upset when people call you a whore.

Like I don't get upset when people tell me I have pretty blue eyes, because that's just reality.

I want to legalize prostitution cause I think it would stop the online thotary. Or at least reduce it.

Think about it, if these lonely moids could just go buy pussy, they would spend less on onlyfans ethots. Then the ethots will either have to commit to becoming full on whores or stop being an ethot.


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I didn't you dumb mfer

That's the biggest black pill of them all, Jimmy

pretty sure incels hate simps

"I want everyone in our life to know exactly what my butthole looks like"

"I want everyone in arr drama to know exactly what my bussy looks like"

The only site worse for seeking out relationship advice than Reddit is Twatter.

She has bpd in her profile.

"I have needs too" (Of being a whore?)

pays her bills

"I want to make my own money"

Didnt know the neurotransmitter that shoots through your brain when Coomers acknowledge your sexual desirability was called "money". I aways thought it was called dopamine

"make my own money" = begging for change online

Stay away when the sunglasses are that big, unironically.


Fuck is BPD?

stands for borderline personality disorder. unpleasant people will often use it to excuse their selfish behavior.

like somehow being diagnosed as an asshole makes you any less of an asshole 🙄

Borderline personality disorder

Has someone informed her partner ?

Or this might be a social experiment to see how much ridiculous shit a woman can get away with on the internet.

This gets better, she is also a Wiccan.

Has someone informed her partner ?

lol you need to spectate on more BPD trainwrecks if you don't think he isn't aware of her twitter. She's probably going to show him the thread and say 'see? thousands of people think you're being controlling'. It's sad situation but such is the nature of abusive relationships

I guess that is the reason if you are good looking, people will take a lot of shit that they would not usually take from other people.

oh, this kind of behavior is appearance-agnostic. once someone gets trapped into the cycle of abuse it doesn't matter how uggo the abuser is, and the victim typically has extremely low self-esteem and/or has abusive tendencies as well.

Need to unironically bring back the Salem trials

I really don't understand the glorification of e-whoring that is happening these days. 100% convinced that it is a psyop by groomers.

there's probably a few factors involved:

  • people who'd be doing some sort of sex work anyway have a public platform + are extremely vocal because they need to be to attract clients + have a bunch of cumbrains signal-boosting them
  • sex workers are dragging dumb naive kids down with them to validate their own life choices
  • social contagion
  • it's an easy way to opt out of being part of a privileged group ('cis white woman') for social clout

But what you've gotta remember is that the most deranged, radical, attention-seeking losers have an extremely outsized influence on online discourse. I imagine that it's still quite rare for young women to be willing to start an onlyfans, at least for now.

Yes definitely, there's multiple factors involved. What bugs me is that large sections of leftists deem to fully support this!

What bugs me is that large sections of leftists deem to fully support this!

Because individual autonomy is something they value highly, just like liberals, as far as more anarchist/libertarian socialist people are concerned.

Most of their arguments about social issues are centered around this - sex work, abortion, polyamory, drug use, euthanasia, suicide, gender, sexuality, some anarkiddies are talking the same way about schools and even parenting.

Basically, absolute autonomy of an individual supersedes their own wellbeing and any negative impact they might have to society or their closest acquaintances. Who are you impose your subjective morality on a woman getting fucked in the ass on camera, or a guy frying his brain by getting high every day, and encroach on their absolute autonomy? Everything is permitted as long as you're not directly affecting other individual or, if it's a group thing like sex/polyamory, everyone has consent.

Meanwhile they expect for people to organize the economy along collectivist lines. Totally incoherent worldview.

I don't think it's necessarily impossible for those seemingly contradictory things to work, social and economic systems are complex and not one system is pure, but it's easy to see why they constantly cry about getting coopted by capitalists - most of your shit sounds like ancap's wet dream! The collectivist message can easily get derailed when you constantly keep focusing on the individual.

I don’t know if the true observation that social systems and ideologies are necessarily complex and messy things is enough to surmount the observation that progressives hold two mutually incompatible components in their ideology. In my autistic rendering of that political ideology needs to be coherent in the relationship of the parts to each other, that pretty much leaves two positions that match this standard of coherence : right libertarians, and then a standpoint where social conservatism and social democracy are synthesized to create a whole ideology where the parts mutually support each other.

it's because the people controlling the discourse on "sex work" are coomers and art hoes making weed money off of nudes instead of the people who are actually doing it for survival (or because they were forced to). it's actually incredibly fucked up when you think about it.

It’s definitely more common or something easier to find than it was in the past

sex workers dragging dumb naive kids down with them to validate their own life choices

Sums it up tbh she used to be homeless so this guy basically rescued her and is paying her bills and paying for their daughter this some mgtow type shit

damn, that's pretty fucking sad man.
Since she's BPD this may be a manic episode

I feel so sad for her daughter.

She never even had a chance.

It never began for childcels-of-single-moms

BPD is borderline personality disorder not bipolar disorder

I know, but BPD people have mood swings too

Yea but not long term mania, their mood swings are over like a matter of minutes where they snap from being overjoyed to sobbing and throwing shit back to overjoyed.

Thanks girl! You know, I grew up very privileged Nd made choices that led me there, and ultimately it gave me a lot of wisdom, perspective and empathy I dont think I'd have otherwise

This couldn't be any better

There is no such thing as a normal relationship with a whore either your a cuck or you get a cut of the money which makes you a pimp.

The real chad move is to start her business, but in your name, own the copyrights and funnel all her money out, then get a divorce.

You found a crazy white woman on Twitter. How rare.

How can someone be so fragile yet also so entitled?

Oh wait i know:

Good morning!

Smartphones for the masses was not a mistake. It was intentional.

nature nut- extroverted introvert- wiccan wonderer BLM

Good morning!

I'm too lazy to go back and find all the feminist anti-incel comments about how no one owes anyone a relationship, findReplace('incel','sex worker') and post them as tweets but someone should.

Unironically high iq move

Good find but looks like she deleted the Tweet.

When we go to the mall, we ALWAYS stop at the trains 

What did she mean by this 🤔

BPD in the bio tells you everything you need to know

I think this is entirely fake to advertise the only fans. I looked through her twitter a bit, she’s constantly talking about banging other dudes. As recently as five days ago she’s talking about trying to get with her mechanic, calling him the sexiest guy she’s ever seen. Constantly talking about non-monogamy. I just don’t believe that her bf that lets her get railed by random dudes and brag about it on twitter is drawing the line at only fans

got yeeted, archive?


There’s your answer and it’s at the top of her bio. Stop literally whoposting.

Fuck no it's not fucked up. What is with people these days and thinking there should be no downsides to the choices they make? That everyone else is supposed to be their 24/7 cheerleader no matter what degenerates they are being. Guy has a perfect right to dump her. Just like I'd dump a guy wasting money spanking it to some OF trollop.

Good morning I hate BPD and ecstasyoids

dating a mom



She is referencing her "haters" on Twitter. Has to be on the Bingo card right?

Can't tell anyone how to live their lives. But I wouldn't. Nothing against women with OF pages; just not something I want to be a part of or enable someone I care about to do.

