Master Rightoid Debator backs out of debate when grown ass soyboy shows up

1  2021-06-22 by __TIE_Guy


I hate both of these shit heads.

Regardless Crowder just got embarrassed, good for dramacoin 🇲🇾

I just hate that it had to be done by sam seeder and h3h3.

I have no idea who is Sam Seeder

Sam seeder and feeder

(Formerly chucks)

Can I get a non meme answer?

Sam seder is a progressive/bernie bro commentator who got in a spat with crowder a few years ago. He challenged him to a debate and crowder declined. Eventually something leaked and it turned out crowder's own dad said that he shouldn't debate sam because it would make him look bad. They've had beef since then.

Now their argument makes sense. Thanks


Rightoids like Steven can't debate because the things they're forced to defend are so genuinely absurd/fallacious that it doesn't translate well to the verbal world.

Basically, everything they say depends on the audience not knowing anything about the topic they're discussing.

It's why even Shapiro (A clown, of course, but not that dumb) is only really willing to go after college kids.

Sam Seder is a soy, but Sam Seder would have ripped Crowder apart because Sam Seder at least tries to be correct.

That’s where you are wrong, being beholden to reality is a liability in modern “debate”

Rhetoric always beats the dialectic.

We live in Idiocracy and a professional wrestler would win every debate on every subject.

Whoever is louder wins (so my money's on Crowder, but it's close between him and a Blue Whale)

A debate is only successful when the opposing side is driven insane by the non-euclidian answers you give to their questions.

How do you not see the irony of this being that this applies to a majority of your arguements 😂

Based on literally what?

You find absurd things to defend and then argue over it against people who don’t want to read walls of text. It’s either that or the classic link full of too much information that you couldn’t even paraphrase the specific part to make your own point because you didn’t read it yourself anyway. You’ve done this constantly on every one of your accounts and it’s why people instantly recognize you. Your good takes are few and far between. You are the Steven Crowder of leftoids. Change my mind.

What absurd thing have I ever defended.

Give me a specific example.



Just realized your username that’s hilarious hahah


correct take


Ethan Klein's fame is baffling but I guess someone had to be king of the soys.

Steven Crowder has the comedic skill of a frat douche.

Both these guys are L's for society.


H3h3 was a legitimately funny guuy until he became jwish (successful)

Crowder pissing and shitting himself once Sam Seder showed up will never not be funny.

Goy Breaking 😎

Goy grinding? 🧐

Would've been much better if Crowder hid Keemstar in his corner

Sam sneeder

Formerly Cuck's


Wow the fat ugly one actually did something funny

Two r-slurs that crossdress and have a terrible podcast colllide

Crowder is a retard and Ethan was funny 10 years ago in that one vaping video

Ethan was funny 10 years ago in that one vaping video

Filthy frank idea btw

I think the story is that one of Filthy Frank's friends came up with the name Vape Nation, but that's the only association he had with it

He’s mutating into jabba


Alt F4 time

Lmao "you wear a holster"

big tough boy wants to play cowboy on his fucking talk show

crowder's voice is actually trembling lmao. this drama is great for the value of dramacoin

This is the beautiful buck breaking ive been waiting for 😍😍


Crowder is just pissed because he thought he would get a nice clip of another big youtuber to parade around and instead got bait and switched with some z-list jew (instead of a d-list jew).

Friendly reminder that Crowder is a fucking leaf who grew up in Montreal

Who cares.🥸🥸🥸🥸

