Even the ✝️ schools down under are dedicated to Aussieposting: Anglican seminary makes 15 year old boys assign points to qualities they'd like in a woman to "build a bitch"

1  2021-06-22 by YHofSuburbia


Dudes rock

I'd just put all points into having abs and nice tits.


Tits? Are you a baby? Booty > tits

Sorry. But you're wrong. Boobs > abs > butt >>>>> feet

Pits >>>>>>>>>> everything else

Imagine not going for smarts and neeting while they work. You idiots don't know anything about min maxing. You can buy booba and butto

I'll go for smart with long, dark, and silky, hair. Everything else can stay average.

You have 25 points to allocate on qualities

The exercise was broken down into six different point categories.

Did this out of touch Christian basement dweller just print off blank D&D character sheets and have kids fill them in?

Amazing 😂

"Based Anglicans" is not something I thought I would ever say

It was originally a debtor colony, they’re finally repaying their debt 🙏

How did an evangelical sneak into a teaching position at an Anglican school?

The exercise was broken down into six different point categories. One-point qualities included having money, holding similar beliefs, caring about the world and being generous. Two points were awarded to girls who were "the right height," brave, excelling in school and standing up for their rights.

Well-dressed and groomed, good-mannered, good kissers who owned a car were granted three points in the exercise. Girls who went to church, are friendly and do not cheat got four points.

At the top of the ranking scale, physically fit, funny and wise girls earned five points. Popularity, being a strong Christian, trustworthiness and being a virgin were among the six-point qualities.

What would you guys choose?

Fit (5), loyal (6), well-dresses/groomed (3), good-mannered (3), do not cheat (4), friendly (4) for me

Who the hell wants a virgin? Also, am I just being stupid or do they not really explain the rules?

Id go for and even dated one. Everything is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power, so i cant allow some experienced gussy to try and get on top of me. The message must be clear: total dominance. The week after i pop her cheery i just bring in a buck and break him in front of her face just to further establish dominance and bussy supremacy. This is how ive kept every long term girlfriend ive ever had for at least 3 years per girl.


You have a total of 25 points, certain choices are worth more points; ex virgin is 6 points so you’ll have 19 left

I'm going with holding similar beliefs (1), caring about the world(1), being generous (1), excelling in school (2), Owns a car (3), good mannered (3), church-going(4), not a cheater (4), and trustworthy (6). If they actually knew what they were worth they wouldn't be with me.

>wasting 3 point on owning something you can buy with like 4 month's salary.

Stay poor forever.

I'm not driving her everywhere.

Pretty good decisions except for the car

For me it has to be: Trustworthy (6), fit (5), doesn't cheat (4) Well groomed (3) Good Mannered (3) Excelling in school (2) generous (1) holding similar beliefs(1).

I might be convinced to trade out good-mannered and generous for friendly but i don't 100% know what each trade practically translates into.

Lmao, I know a lot of people who went to this school years ago. It's a shithole school by private school standards and has had a mass exodous of families over the years. The previous principle was a nut and a cunt who would interrogate students who were well behaved and ask them to snitch on other students.



