"America doesn't deserve him" - ricecels melt down as Yang campaign crashes

1  2021-06-23 by CriticalDuty


The ricecel sub has an uncanny habit of going "fuck it, I'm a communist now" any time they lose an election or see Vina Sky getting railed out on the front page of PH. They don't actually know or care about communist doctrine, it's just "China strong, CCP strong, associating with CCP will make me feel better about myself", which is probably the appeal of the CCP to a lot of people anyway.

I’m presuming Vina Sky is a porncel (and one who’s name you know) to which I must respond:

Dude coomer lmao.

What do they mean political experience didn't matter with Obama? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't he a senator?

"Can't have a moderate like Yang." It's because you lack the resolve to vote for a true radical centrist: both vegan and former police. ☺️

He was a Senator for two years before he decided to run for President.


That's still 2 more years than Yang has been a senator, so they're on crack.

You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. "America doesn't deserve him" - ric... - archive.org, archive.today*, removeddit.com

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