Autist takes control of then deletes half of wiki for 25 year old game

1  2021-06-24 by loli_esports


Good find! Niche drama is some of the spicyist

GoldenEye Wiki will not tolerate hackers anymore, even if they were the main part of this wiki's editing in the past.

This is a very hard step into the future of this wiki, but otherwise could not be done.

God forbid someone cheat at a game from 1997 in [CURRENT YEAR] lmao. Imagine what mental illnesses would lead to this crusade

The twitter thread didn't have all the screen caps I saw, so here's an imgur with them + some stuff from I guess when he was admin of the LSD Simulator wiki and a bonus 2 caps from when the admin of the Silent Hill wiki had an issue with circumcision.

The circumcision one is golden lmao

The mental illness known as "speedrunning"

Imagine what mental illnesses would lead to this crusade


A lack of mental wellness

Today I learned that a bunch of people are pretending to have DID on TikTok, and that many of the most egregious of these children are pretending to be characters from roleplaying Minecraft streams.

If people think ceiling fans, Reddit communities, Minecraft streams, or ancient game community wikis are worth unironic interest, then I'm going to take wonderful care of myself, so that I can see what the mentally unstable children of Zoomers sink all their time into after Palantir automates the economy.

Bellylint communities? Streamers who poop? People who write fanfiction about the streamers who poop? The first world is running out of problems fast, and as Ted would call them, people's surrogate goals are becoming less and less fulfilling than ever.

Ten years ago, I thought the most pathetic thing imaginable was reading a 1.5 million word piece of fanfiction about, iunno, Twilight. Pretty soon, fanfiction is going to be taught at the University level (uh, briefly forget that Wide Sargasso Sea exists plz), and the communications majors we all make fun of today will be replaced by Influencer class, where Pewdiepie's catchphrase (pewdiepie) will be treated as some kind of keystone thesis to the topic.

It's easy to be an environmental doomer and cry about all the cows and cars, or cry about latestage capitalism because they're too fat and Biden won't pay for lipo, or cry that Republicans exist; but if anyone here hasn't read all 33k words of the great Unabomber, stop what you're doing right now and start it. I don't want to be 70 and hear from where I get my world news that the world's best farter has died.

If someone's trolling your GoldenEye fan wiki, or your famous Runescape players fan wiki, maybe you should just bemoan the fact that you weren't bullied enough as a child, and that you should keep yourself safer from now on. I guess this is the consequence of too many people, though, and the fact that everyone's gotta be the best at something. Someone's the best at swimming, which means I have to make being the best at cataloging Shampoo bottles in an Excel sheet suffice.

And yes, I'm unironically schizoposting. It's one of the few joys in my life, because Ted couldn't overthrow the government thirty years ago, and now I have to be on a computer 15 hours a day. Thanks a fucking lot, Ted.

God modern life's pathetic. Imagine beginning every day of your life 1) thankful that you're still alive, and 2) anxiously spent feeding yourself and trying to kill your neighbors. Imagine knowing 30 people ever in your life, and having fought every single one of them.

Are fight clubs legal? Like in Fight Club? 🏴‍☠️drama needs to open up some local chapters. You read about the existence of a Runescape celebrity wiki, and then you and your friend punch and kick at each other with blindrage to erase that fact from memory.

TLDR this drama depresses me, because it seems like these people are under the impression that life is infinitely long and that their opinions on anything could ever matter, and that they aren't embarrassed of being themselves.

Make this a snapshill bot post

Hold on, I'ma DM JC. She's still in charge of snappy, right?


Now this is tedposting


this is why Heidegger thought authenticity was only possible in being-toward-death


is this a joke or something?first time i'm seeing this subreddit

Bad time to get into the sub.

And no, I feel very strongly about 75% of what I said

k thanks

I remember seeing on /v/ this guy having a complete meltdown over a boob joke in the game




What game

did you even read the fucking drama


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. Autist takes control of then delete... -,*

I am just a simple bot, not a moderator of this subreddit | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

What no pussy does to a mother fucker

Well, that is rather unfortunate. Hopefully they have a backup or something.

With the way that the internet has been changing so quickly, I advise that everyone should become like the autists from yarrlesh DataHoarder and make backups of such material to preserve internet history for future generations.