One white woman(?) bravely accepts responsibility for her privilege by cancelling her own daughter's tears. The usually self hating whites of Twitter turn their hatred towards her.

1  2021-06-24 by busslordlowkeybussin


>We have to unlearn this whole business that white women crying is going to get them what they want in life because that aint it


How can a "liberal" actually say this?

Not to be misogynistic but isnt that just how all women operate?

Yeah Yeah but only alt right chuds say it out loud right, not leftists and liberals

Who knew that it will be white women who manage to unite the political spectrum? epic_handshake.jpg


Not according to the ancient Greeks.

Inb4 some nerd Aristotlepoasts





Talking a lot of shit for some so close to the Sacred Band of Thebes Buck Breaking Bussy Bull Pen.

Gr**ks 🤢🤢

Tell me, why is Hagia Sophia ☪️ and not ☦?

Turks fucked bussy better.

Hagia Sophia was built by the byzantines (formerly Rome) you absolute mongoloid.

That's the point? The greatest Greek city is Turkish clay lmao. Unless you are trying to argue that the Byzantines, who spoke Greek and had an empire centred on the Aegean, shouldn't be viewed as Greek?

It was constructed in 537 ce. Greek didn’t become the official language until 620 ce. Built by romans for romans.

The romans were always turk 🇹🇷 💪

Based and pedopilled



yo what the fuck I love wokeness now

If she just said that whole thing without making it about yt women (typical) then it would’ve been pretty fucking based.

I see no issue with this. Shes actually calling out the menace of the mayo foyd and their ability to get everything they want and ruin everything through crying.

This is better our society. Inshallah

Society would have us hate this crusader against the mayoess menace. I for one support this brave soul

Calling a five-year-old a woman and able to consent is really based and libertarian.


Not giving in to crying 5 year olds is standard procedure, as they have learned at that age that they can get whatever they want by fake crying.

This lady is using standard procedures on raising kids to exploit them for maximum seethe. Very based.


Mayoid attention whore is complaining about child mayoid being an attention whore

The irreversible damage done to that child by this mayo will ensure the future supply of attention whoring mayos is secure 🙏🙏

Social reproduction in action ☺️☺️

Damage? Shes saving our future by teaching her to act less like a whyte womyn

Holy shit. Im not a burger or a britbong and I’ve been really wondering if you guys are actually like that in real life? There’s no way people actually act this r-slurred.

These people live in a bubble echo chamber.

It's only a small subset of society that is terminally online, specifically those who are on a constant cancellation crusade on Twitter. You can regularly see in elections how little power these people actually have in real life.

tbf the only people who have any real power in elections are politicians, the fourth estate, and large corporations

Mayonnaise, soy, and unseasoned potatoes. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect race.

But Professor Yakub accidentally added extra ingredients to the concoction: Neurodiversity and intense self loathing.

Thus, The Whitoids were born.

Not yet

All Americans are r-slur

BiPOC are not retarded, bigot.

Nobody talks like this in real life, it's a style of speech that's pretty much exclusive to Twitter. Just like nobody talks like le redditor irl.

Twitter unfortunately has an outsized effect on elite culture because they use it for one to many communication with their audience, it's the one platform uniquely suited for that.

However they then get many to one communication back and then go on their privileged platform and whine about the abuse they recieve as a supporter of [insert disproportionately elite supported movement or figure here] by individuals instead belonging to [insert popularly supported movement or figure here]. Of course if you belong to the latter you probably get equally viciously attacked all the time, but nobody gives a shit. If you're JK Rowling though, everybody must look on in pity as she describes the incredible trauma of receiving internet comments, as if she's the only person in the whole world who's ever had shit talked about her online.

The elite talk about Twitter constantly and adopt its culture because ironically it's a platform that is disproportionately rewarding to those who already have a lot of people who want to hear from them. They tend to get sucked in and obsessed with it utterly. While it's not actually usually thar rewarding for just a rando, your just a rando screaming in a sea of randos. Platforms that are more anonymous or family based are more rewarding, because it's not just you getting constantly drowned out by obnoxious celebrity mega users. This same property makes these platforms almost entirely ignored by the elite. Notice how basically half of modern journalism is the daughter of a hedge fund manager who Wapo decided to scratch on the back by giving a journo gig, summarizing various Twitter beefs in elaborate detail. Other platforms are entirely ignored or treated as cesspools of the ignorant masses, with the reporter reporting on them often clearly having no real understanding of the community. Because they have no understanding of anything basically outside of the 24/7 they spend on Twitter.

I mean other platforms are cesspools, but not as big of a cesspool as the Twitter cesspool the elite are swimming in.

Anyway you get the phenomena where the culture of journos, and other elite culture, rapidly ingest bits of Twitter culture which they are enmeshed in utterly. While this culture is utterly alien to the common people, who are not so terminally online, it if they are probably rarely use Twitter.

And Twitter culture, of course, is notoriously shame obsessed, lynch mobby, and woke to degrees basically unseen anywhere else. You go to the wokest part of reddit or Facebook or whatever and it doesn't even approach some of the language uses on Twitter.

That looks like an abusive relationship to me.

She has Venmo in bio. Absolute queen profiting off of #OWNING a mayo w*man


am*rican ""people"" 🤮


What is this, the fucking Catechism?

woke obeisance training

Her daughter will break her buck someday too. "Violence in her heart" = hungry 4 bussy


Mule clog theory confirmed?


Racism wouldn't exist. Prohibition wouldnt have happened, The great depression would have been avoided, The original sin wouldnt have been committed and when I say "good morning" it would be a genuine statement.

We would finally be able to watch a fight video without someone continuously shrieking in the background.

This is your average American white woman

Mestizos calling themselves white is peak Americanism.

la luz extinguido

Elizabeth Warren in shambles

I hate tiktok I hate tweeter I hate the internet and I hate mayos

You forgot about the antichrist 🙄

Can't imagine where this girl could've learned it from


slow clap

I’m still trying to decided if this is woke or based AF

Is this why white w*men are being replaced by troons?


“Women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important.”

— Arthur Schopenhauer



f*oids btfo

So your reinvented the whole 19th century style advice, of being detached and coldly ignoring the child's crying so as to not reward it for crying. Except you've wrapped it in notions of white privilege somehow and made it woke, the child isn't crying because she's hungry or scared or in need of love from her mother, no no the child is crying because she abusing her white girl tears. Don't reward that white bitch. Somebody give this woman a Nobel prize.

Why are we even still talking about the mayos 🤢🤢

White women need to be stopped, both the crying kind and the woke kind.

"the baby"

kid is five

If you really feel like you need to stop infantilizing her I'd start with that...

A moid has to literally shoot up a church or something to get the same seethe as a middle aged white woman asking to speak to the manager or anyone just thinking about white woman tears. lol, people are still giving white women a whole bunch of power. My sisters 😍

There’s no way this isn’t ironic

Someone should complain to CPS and see how this story unfolds.