The forever alone Redditors of confidentlyincorrect come together to do math and circlejerk about Blake Griffin's child support payments. Some kweens also show up to say "get that bag girl".

1  2021-06-24 by busslordlowkeybussin


so she can buy a pair of shoes

Good to see that redditors have the correct priorities when it comes to child support

They’re not completely incorrect either - child support payments are calculated that way because they’re supposed to maintain the lifestyle the kid is accustomed to, rather than simply providing the bare minimum for the kid’s immediate survival. If they’re used to vacations and having parents in fancy shit - well...

Temporarily embarrassed millionaire

These people are incapable of original thought and deserve to be left behind after the rapture. Inshallah.

Does Islam even have the rapture concept?

No and neither did christcucks until fairly recently, around the 19th century


Almost like having kids has consequence

Why not get an abortion then?

It’s not like she held a gun to his head and told him to cum in her without a condom

I thought you were allowed to retroactively revoke consent?

"You can't get an abortion, you had consensual sex"

I can't wait till moids wake up and start claiming rape in these situations

Still liable for child support

good morning

High alimony/child support is homofascist acceleration, so I say get the shoes kween 🤗

Literally a vasectomy is 10 mins and you keep your millions while banging whoever you like.

You can freeze your guys, if you think your dna is worth it.

There should be a club for rich morons to get guided

Literally a vasectomy is 10 mins

Spotted the childless loser

I just want hit it raw 😊😂

He had his kids with his ex-fiancée, it’s not like it was some rando from the club