Critical Race Theory: Backlash Is Real

1  2021-06-24 by 911roofer


Good. Anyone shilling weird racial propaganda in public schools needs to be fired.

For once everyone agrees with you

Squidbillies is kino.


Pizza tell me one thing, why are they trying to push CRT so hard all of a sudden? It doesn't make any sense to me

Because anti-racism has morphed into a sacred value of the left.

What this means it's not enough to simply not be racist anymore, you have to be actively anti-racist, and anyone that isn't anti-racist is by default also racist.

Now there are any number of reasons you could plug into this and they'd probably all be right, because many of the people pushing it are doing so for different reasons.

  • professional victims with worthless degrees looking for easy 150k a year jobs teaching "diversity" and using the threat of racism to justify it.

  • Wokies looking for something to virtue signal with and beat others over the head.

  • Some genuinely believe the US is neck deep in systemic racism and every single issue or disparity in society is because of racism. I call this one "grey blob theory" because they're so convinced there are no gaps or differences between demographics, culturally or any other metric that the only thing that can possibly cause disparity is oppression.

  • The demand for racism out-stripping the supply of racism, which means they have to manufacture more racism to stay satiated.

I could keep going, but there's literally hundreds of these. Each wokie subscribes and pushes this bullshit for their own reasons.

The reason "anti-racist" is used is because it's a vague and malleable term that can be used to justify pretty much anything, any policy, any action, any response.

The sky is the limit for anyone that operates under elastic terminology like this. It's the "patriot" of the left.

jesus weirdly good analysis

thank, makes sense

Unironicly saving this.

I'm going to be bad and seriouspost.

I mostly agree with your take but there's one thing you're missing. A lot of the nonsense that has gone down in the past year benefits people with a lot of money so they have an incentive to support it. Look at how certain school districts are trying to get rid of advanced math classes in the name of "equity." If you have the money to put your kids in private school this is good. It doesn't harm your kids, it reduces competition for top colleges and helps create more of a permanent gap between the haves and the have nots that you and your family are fortunate enough to be on the correct side of.

Alternately look at Jeff Bezos. He lost half his stuff in a divorce two years ago yet he's still wealthier than he was before the split. Oh yeah, and he barely pays any income taxes. If you're an ultra-wealthy oligarch like him stoking the fires of racial hostility is a great way to distract people from the fact that you're gobbling up ownership of more and more of the country. As a bonus when there's rioting small retailers get their stores wrecked so even less competition. I guarantee you that if BLM rioters were burning down Amazon distribution centers the Washington Post would rapidly adopt a different tone towards them.

I generally don't take the math stuff seriously. The way it's being framed in the media is not what is actually happening at all.

Nobody is actually removing "advanced math classes" but what is happening is they're trying to shift towards building a stronger foundation in math in general.

US math education is seriously fucked. The people suggesting changes are correct in the things they're suggesting, but they cover them in weird racial shit so people have a knee-jerk reaction to them and assume they're bad.

You saw this with Virginia, for example:

The Virginia Mathematics Pathways Initiative is a joint initiative of the state education department , the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia and the Virginia Community College System, according to the VDOE website.

Its goal is to create updated math instruction for students in grades K-12 to prepare them for their post-secondary education and careers.

"VMPI will increase rigor by integrating mathematical content and concepts, emphasizing reasoning and problem solving, and providing a highly-relevant experience for all students," states Virginia's education department website. "It will also include a new focus on statistical literacy, essential for success in a data-rich world."

The initiative allows students to take advanced mathematics classes according to ability and achievement, but it doesn't dictate how and when students should take these courses. That decision will come from students and school divisions based on individual learning needs.

Solid post but I'd like to add another important factor:

CRT does not actually challenge the distribution of wealth and power; CRT is not actually a threat to those in control.

For the dems and corporations, it provides a veneer of "progress" without materially benefiting anyone beyond the grifters you described.

The headlines tell us "Biden names first black secretary of defense," and gloss over the real story that this black man was pulled right off the board of Raytheon.

It's business as usual for the MIC, but it's okay because they are woke!

For the repubs it's a great rallying point. It gives conservatives the impression that Trump or Tucker or whoever are really in some great struggle against the "left," while they stay rich from the same sort of crony deals the Biden administration will no doubt give Raytheon.

Basically, the powers that be love CRT because it keeps us in passionate debate about a social issue that has a negligible effect on how we produce and distribute resources.

I'd argue this is how America has worked since pretty much the very start. They've always used race to divide demographics to prevent them from rallying against the established elite.

Yes, and LBJ and MLK even said as much during the actual civil rights era.


Silence is violence

I have a theory that it was inevitable we would get to a point where CRT was widely adopted amongst grifters and rslurs since it focusses more on subtle social and institutional dynamics rather than explicit prejudices by individuals and as we've proven as scientific fact here at /☠ rama demand greatly exceeds supply.

Pizza love me

Yes a single year after we had our nations largest uprising over the issue of racism, the real issue is that our schools are too non-racist.


What's so wrong with advancing the discourse about white people ignoring the plights of minorities? Shouldn't society be more sensitive to others as they try to integrate with the majority?


Cause after all, white people just stole everything right?


They hated him because he told them the truth

With every post, I try to guide my fellow unapprovedcels to the Light. But they reject me....

Forgive them, Father, for they seethe too hard!


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CRT is a weird thing to be pushing all of a sudden when Biden is basically just gone full rightoid in terms of his policies. What with the “do not come” and the kids still being in cages. Oh well lets accelerate the idpol tardation

They painted the cages rainbow so now we love the cages.

Ironically, living in a cage is better than being free in Mexico.


We prefer kids in medical waste bins.

Did you expect them to what, spend less time on Twitter, now that DDR is gone? That BPD has to be channeled somewhere


Good one

Enough of CRT.

What about CBT?

What about HRT?

Cathode ray tube TVs will always have their place

Cognitive behavioral therapy is probably an excellent place to start for some of these people.

Honey I act like a drag queen straight out of Biloxi. If you think I walk into a Waffle House and suddenly get the royal treatment, you're wrong. I don't get special treatment just for passing as white. CRT assumes I get some magical privilege. Sweetbird come with me to the bank and watch me try to apply for a loan🙄 CRT is dumb because it's a white guilt college campus bullshit theory that doesn't at all account for socioeconomic status or being a raging queen.

I’d kill for some Waffle House rn

It’s hurricane season baby, can’t wait to roll back out the Waffle House index when assessing the severity of storms.

“has all the red flags of an dark money astroturf campaign.”

of an dark money

an dark


You never make mistakes or typos?

Only when I do it for free, take some pride in your work.

Also, are you defending journos?

If so, why?

posting ad gated articles is the most r-slurred thing

do better

What is private mode?

What is "that doesn't work"


not worth that much effort considering youre the worst poster of drama

Wow. Why are people against the scientology of race politics?

That's not fair. Scientology at least admits it's a religion.

So I'm not the brightest but is CRT which is afaik a high level academic thing getting taught in schools or are people calling things ranging from completely reasonable I was taught it in school 10 years ago to batshit white people should stop breeding level insanity CRT as a label. Does anyone on either side know what it actually is?

there is nothing at all wrong with alarmed parents describing as “critical race theory” the key premises to which they object, given that those presumptions are “descended from” the “teachings” of critical race theory, and that “their architects openly bill themselves as following the tenets of CRT.” As McWhorter concludes, the issue at stake here is “what is being done in CRT’s name, not what some articles contained decades ago.”

I doubt anybody could give it a definite answer, and my theory is because they don't care.

To the libs, they can now throw it aside, denouncing it a "far-right dog-whistle" while continuing their crusade against all that is evil in their eyes; to the cons, this is their latest "hip" name for the lefty boogeyman to latch on, accusing it to be the source of all evils.

To the radical centrists, it is time we start shuffling cards with all kinds of dumb names and political theories again, and taking bets on which one will be the next big thing, while we get drunk on the drama.

way too many triggered white people here to get a decent answer, sorry