My Xbox Friend Group Drama

1  2021-06-25 by ChargedPuppy

My Xbox Friend Group recently had an up roar between the two main leaders of the group, first off I gave one of the leaders(A) a $15.00 gift card to buy a game that me and the other leader wanted to play with him. I gave him the code and he successfully got the money, as soon as I gave him the money to get game pass, he claimed that he could not buy game pass and later bought another game with MY money that I gave him to get another game and didn't tell us! Me and the other leader(B) then started to be suspicious of him of lying about not being able to get game pass and the other leader (B) confronted him about it and the other leader told him the truth but then started making excuses about why he couldn't buy it. Pretty soon I learned about and just waited for something to happen, and pretty soon something did happen, me and the other leader (B) were in a party talking and he decided to confront the other leader, but I decided to mute myself and listen to what they were saying, they were just basically repeating what they said earlier and kind of made up, but I'm pretty sure the a war is gonna break out and people are gonna start taking sides. TLDR: Friend questionably stole money from me to buy a game, and a war is about to break out, I think.


Needs more emoji and if you're gonna words-post you should learn how paragraphs work. I ain't reading that mess.

Stop this pathetic zoomer crying. Either challenge him to a fight in russian martial arts or accept he took your money, little boy.

What kind of zoomer nonsense is this having elected leaders for your friend group shit? Either way, I think you should usurp their authority by fucking both of them, therefore making yourself the new leader

Seems like he’s a jerk for what he did

To be fair he said he couldn't get game pass because he didn't give his address and he still has a chance to give us evidence to prove that he couldn't buy game pass, and the other leader still wants to sorta be friends with the other leader

But he still bought a game with your money

This leader nonsense is questionable AF but your friend sounds like a cuck