Mumford and son guitarist cancels himself over Andy Ngo tweet. White college girls on suicide watch.

1  2021-06-25 by iNEEDheplreddit


They had exactly one hit 9 years ago. Who kept going to see these people?

Plenty of artists live off the one hit they had decades ago.

they had more than just the Cave eh? Little Lion Man was also huge.

Don't know, don't care. I only listen to real music like Beethoven or Mozart. Everything else is commercial pop trash.

You only listen to that shit because its what they blare at 7-11 to chase away the homeless.

Are you implying that I have a job? As a dramatard I am a proud neet!

ew, a rentoid

As long as his mom takes care of the rent + the tip šŸ˜‰ he can keep his funko collection

I've noticed that on reddit, you absolutely cannot call literally any band, artist, writer, director, anyone a one-hit-wonder without some obsessed au***t climbing out of the woodwork to reeeee about how their 2nd album this or they changed genres that or the media the other. It's very strange.

Actually dude Sir Mix alot is the most underrated artist of all time, put them on the glass changed the rap game

This, but unironically. I didn't even know how much I liked big butts until Sir Mix-a-lot opened my mind to the possibility. Cute chubby girls should insist he get a statue.

You may not like it but Carly Rae Jepsen's third album Emotion really is one of the best pop albums ever released.

This but unironically

They got picked on for their music tastes back in high school by some nĆørmie wearing Beats headphones and have been shaking with rage ever since, so criticizing their favorite band is gatekeeping or something.

I love music, but music chans are scary. The underground hip hop world is full of pretentious teenagers born after 9/11 who complain about how music isnā€™t the same these days. And the classical music world is brimming with FREE EVROPA idiots or misanthropes.


Softcore white supremacists.

Tbf they have three 400 millions on Spotify. So they are a 3 hit wonder.

Something I learned day one on this site is that redditors in general have god awful taste in music. I'm talking, "you must be trolling me because I refuse to believe anyone thinks THAT is a good song" type of bad taste.

What was the hit? I only listen to one song

The Cave, Little Lion Man, or I Will Wait are the only ones I can remember hearing on the radio.

They're all the same song anyway


Do Diddle Diddle Do Diddle Diddle Do Do Do Diddle Diddle Do


yep the cave, thats the only song in my list.

Can you share your list? Im curious what a dramatards music list would look like. Plus Im always trying to find new music, usually theres something in a list to keep.


I know I've told the story here umpteen times but my kid described them as "Gay English Bluegrass."

At least those SNL guys made a video to match it

You All Everybody.

Great work on the Ted Lasso OST(which I believe they did).

I think that was the Lumineers

same band


they just had a song featured in one episode

Three hits, I think.

...but I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking they're a one hit wonder because the main dude writes the same song over and over. He's Chad Kroeger dressed as a hipster.

"I failed to foresee that my commenting on a book critical of the far-left could be interpreted as approval of the equally abhorrent far-right."

Based radical centrism

No you pizzashill radical centrism would be condoning the far-left and the far-right, condemning both is just vanilla centrism.

ummmm alternatively it could be seethe baiting both the right and the left. radical centrists come in all shapes and sizes sweaty

No sorry you're wrong. If you want to bait the right via radical centrism you condone the far-left and vice versa. This is really pretty basic stuff so if you're having trouble keeping up you might want to head over to subredditdrama for a while.

excuse me? blocked


bUt mUH FAr lEfT

Seriously it's not the far-left unless they're demanding redistribution of all private property, one part rule and seizure of all means of bussy.

That just sounds like welfare programs. Which to me sounds like commie programs.

Make your own money ya bunch of poors.

Rents due.

"Nothing could be further from the truth," he said, adding that 13 members of his family were murdered in concentration camps during the Haulocaust, in the Second World War.ā€

Ah, so thatā€™s why he thought he was cancelproof.

Literally a billionaires son lol. Iā€™d cancel myself every week if I were him.

Ā£630 million, but after the first Ā£50 million it probably starts feeling the same.

Who's his daddy?

Being Br*'ish

The only thing that can make being born rich feel like loosing the birth lottery


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lucky mf... I'd cancel myself to Seychelles

If I were a billionaire's son I'd cancel myself so I'd have time to snort coke off of high end hookers. If Chad Biden stepped up his game and dropped the heroin for nose candy we could be best friends and bang whores on my dad's yacht.

I should play the lottery.

I doubt they were making any money at the moment, but props to him for walking away and sticking to his principles.

The royalties from the music in Apple+'s Ted Lasso were probably worth something.

Well he has nothing to do with Ted lasso, thatā€™s the main singers own thing together withanother guy that isnā€™t in the band


...good lookin' out, my fine feathered friend.


what's the difference between a red kite and a red hawk?

Theyā€™re basically the same!!

that's what i'm sayin', chum! and i am surprisingly red

best friends

I honestly forgot they were a band and thought ā€œMumford and Sonsā€ was a sitcom name from the seventies or something

Youre thinking of Stepford or Steptoe and son


Sanford and Son. With Redd Foxx.

I really identified with that show when I was a kid. My dad owned a salvage yard. I was a Mexican-looking mayo, but Lamont and I were kindred spirits. Fred Sanford was only like my dad in his choice of business. I didn't see a true TV reflection of my father until That 70s Show and Red Foreman. Red's "I'm going to put my boot in your ass" and "how can you be so smart and still be such a dumbass" were things my dad literally said at least a hundred times.

Redd Foxx...Red Foreman...there must be a connection there somehow.

Maybe I am getting old, but I really donā€™t care that much anymore what people believe or think unless it is actually extremely harmful in some way. I also am really sick of the cultural paranoia over rightoids, conservaturds, and Republicans. I saw this article on the BBC and I had to roll my eyes.

Take your meds grandpa.

Or let me take them. I'm not some kind of NEET, but I like freebies.

ā€œCancel yourself cultureā€ I did not see that one coming

What I gather from that arrr, is that the Ā«Ā my grandpa died in the campsĀ Ā» reverse uno cards doesnā€™t work anymore. The blue bird mob is getting stronger everyday, Iā€™m scared boys.

  1. Colonel Sanders is my shepherd; I shall not want.
  2. He maketh me the fried chickens and gravy. He leadeth me beside the deep fryers.
  3. He restoreth my fountain drink. He leadeth me in the paths of extra crispy for his income's sake.
  4. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Twitter, I will fear no Blue Check, for the Colonel is with me. His western bow tie and pimp suit, they comfort me.
  5. The Colonel preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. He fries the blue birds in oil, for that is what he does with birds.
  6. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the cardiac ward with clogged arteries for ever.

If Mumford and Sons get done in like this, Iā€™ll start believing in cancellation as a force for good.


All of those words explaining that he's just an icky centrist and he never once apologized for propagating whiteness. Literal Nazi confirmed.

W*stoids are pathetic

Is the the mumford.. Or is he the son?



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"I failed to foresee that my commenting on a book critical of the far-left could be interpreted as approval of the equally abhorrent far-right."

"Nothing could be further from the truth," he said, adding that 13 members of his family were murdered in concentration camps during the Holocaust, in the Second World War.

what's up with amerikkkans and the holohost?

Think he is English. Definitely british


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he's british you bloody nonce... what's up with brazilians and not knowing a single fucking thing about the first world

Lifespans too short to accumulate knowledge šŸ˜”

Hard to learn when you're dodging motorcycle hitmen and off duty cops