Police break up exorcism at Pa. Home Depot

1  2021-06-25 by snallygaster


I wish something like this happened at my local Home Depots. Much nicer than construction workers trying to grope you while you’re looking for light bulbs and shower heads.

Have you considered being not a slut

Not my fault I am a hot beyotch. Go do some sit ups, sweaty. 😚

Not the guy you're replying to.. But no. No I have not.

YTA sweaty 😒

It was probably something you were wearing

Lumber prices driving people insane. I feel their pain.

According to reports, the exorcism was held for the trees that had been turned into lumber.

I’ve heard of the devils lettuce, but I ain’t never heard of no devils lumber

I'm confused and frightened.

That's how we do it in PA, if a 2x4 can't beat the devil out of you Hacksaw Jim Duggan style, nothing can!

“You guys got Yeungling here?”

Must have just been board.


Thanks to the brave men and women in uniform who prevented this direct and unauthorized contravention of Canon Law. I will be alerting the Diocese of Scranton.

Exorcism is honestly long overdue a proper comeback, shit was wild and pretty cool 🙏

Didn't know demons also possess dead trees.