/pol/ reacts to Chauvin getting 22.5 years in the clink

1  2021-06-25 by OPDidntDeliver


this trial was orchestrated to show that the US legal system has become flawed.

It was the intent of our forefathers that a man be judged by a jury of HIS PEERS. Meaning that a police officer would be appropriately judged by 12 other police officers. Likewise a black man, should be judged by 12 other black men. Take PEER reviewed science for example. Never in history has a black man been allowed to peer review a science paper written by a jewish man. Only jews peer review science written by other jews. And WOMEN whom are ruled strictly by emotion are expressly forbidden from serving on a jury.

Theres no cope like /pol/ cope.

I love how they imply police, black people, Jews, and women are all mutually exclusive lmao

They also imply that they have no fucking idea what “jury of your peers” means. It just means adults in your county.

Rightoids and not knowing civics 101 🤭🤣

Tbf you can't expect rightoids to know the basics of how their government works.

Why do you think voter fraud conspiracies find so much purchase over there?

Why do you think voter fraud conspiracies find so much purchase over there?

Because they lose too many times. If the dems were the ones losing, it would have been reversed.

Dems have lost tons of elections since the 1990s, almost every election fraud conspiracy is Republican.

Republicans won in 2016 and still claimed election fraud.

So did Dem in 2016. GOP does it regardless because they know they are losing the long game, so this is the best way for them to mobilize their voters.

The DNC did not claim election fraud in 2016 in any meaningful way.

This can not be both sided, I'm sorry, it's not.

The GOP is attacking the entire concept of democracy because they can't expand their base.

The DNC did not claim election fraud in 2016 in any meaningful way.

The DNC may not said it directly, but its lackeys and supporters sure had their fun with it. I was with colleagues who was adamant about how Donald Trump was "illegitimate" for almost the whole duration of his presidency. You think he arrived at this conclusion on his own? He got it from his media sources that started screeching about Donald Trump after the election day.

Having to hear him smugly proclaim Trump's latest scandal would be the end of Trump gets really old really quickly.

So I would say of course this can be both-sided. They're all sore losers, who will scream foul play whenever they don't get their way. Why would you think the GOP and Dem are both going extremes in restricting/relaxing voting?

To be fair 90% of Americans don't either

Tbf it did not mean women when originally put into place and idk about if free blacks could serve on a jury either.

or like how they imply random black guys are as close to any black guy, as police officers are to another officer

become flawed

I too miss the days when we jailed socialists under the Alien and Sedition Act

This but unironically

I support the overthrow of the U.S. government by force or violence, however I am never actually going to do anything to bring that about and I don't actually believe it will ever happen.

A true antifa supersoldier

There hasnt been any OG poltards since the turkey coup of 2016, even after the_dontard influx of late 2015

Wow what an utterly insane take.

There is legal precedent since a black man once sued claiming the same thing, an all white jury was not his peers. Its a constitutional law case. Either way, one black man on the jury was enough representation just like 1 white man was enough for chauvin. If i would have a legitimate criticism it would be the juror who lied about his blm protesting and biased t shirt. One vote is all it takes for a not guilty verdict so that one juror essentially may have altered the result.

Either way its all irrelevant because chauvin had a choice of jury or bench and he chose a jury trial. Appeal or gtfo and lie in the bed you made.

Completely and utterly insane. This might be the most r-slurred thing I've ever read

Linking /pol/ is cheating

They're just unironically racist and not the funny "racist" that reddit likes to fight over.


Just saw Chauvin wore a gray suit and gray tie to the trial. Disgusting man.

Hes getting worse

If im wrong correct me but the whole point of pol is they believe that the system is broken just in the left’s favor right. What did they expect to happen?

2016 broke them, they were never supposed to win.

*Newfriends broke them

2016 made 4chan (and most social media) worse

G*mergate broke 4chan. The two worst things in the universe - women and gamers - collided, and the consequences were never the same.

along with everything else

I still consider myself a newfriend and I was on the site in 2004

ban zoomers from the internet


Fuck forgot this in the title:

The cope is coming from inside the house

Edit: archive here https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/chunk/327487956/

People shit on redditors for writing essays, but holy fuck >>327517049 just comes in without provocation to post the article connecting the new world order to gamergate & Anita Sarkeesian. How do these people exist?

Had never seen 4chan before today and I don’t think I will look again. WTF really does not work but it is all I can think to say.

Had never seen 4chan before today


Just never had seen it. Older folks like me have not seen every cesspool on the internet. I can’t say my life is enriched by seeing it. But I am kinda glad I did as there are many more things to learn and see. People can be awful I knew but I did not know about that sub set of awful. Live and learn I guess.

4chan is definitively old internet dude. Like it's as old as Myspace is.

Also with how influential the internet has become in shaping our culture, and how influential 4chan is in influencing the internet via memes. I'd say to a certain degree, culture is downstream from 4chan lmao.

be 2004

use all kinds of neat popular websites




fast forward 17 years

only survivor is 4chan


I love memes but never seen 4chan. It is a septic tank unfortunately



There is a lot of mention of Jews, Clintons, Qatar, etc. I dont know how that is relevant.

Welcome to 4chan.


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. /pol/ reacts to Chauvin getting 22.... - archive.org, archive.today*

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All things considered 22 years isnt the worst he could get.

How do people get those alternate flags?

E. g., Republican, NATO, pirate flag, etc.

You just select them when posting. Where it says Geographic Location you can change your flag.