Yikes so much to unpack here.

1  2021-06-26 by HKissingerFanBoy



Pajeets, show yourselves.

I assumed it was a making fun of India sub or something.

It's a rightoid indian sub stanning for modi, kinda like a more r-slurred indian /conservative, also lots of refugees from /india because they ban anyone who has a remotely dissenting opinion. Can't explain why they have such an overlap with this sub

They are like budget mdefugees

Isnt that bakchodi or smth like that?

You have to have pure brainworms to support any Indian politician.

It's basically a inverse of randia.


Hello there.

🙋‍♂️ but I am not active in that sub

> boston

> halifax


I can't believe I've been spending time with....with you....you freaks. 🤮

If I was a Halifaxel I'd kill myself.

Have you thought about moving to Vancouver? jk

Nova Sc*tians are truly subhuman, I went on a mission trip once and it was the worst place I’ve ever been

I went on a mission trip once

I mean that makes you subhuman too.

I post on drama, that’s given




in all seriousness I think the data that sight uses is a year out of date. Either way: Halifaxcells

Halifax is a dangerous place. All sorts of unchecked opinions over there.

First of all the expected disappointments:





The downright shameful ones:




Then we have our favourite pedestrian manlet messiah and his alts singlehandedly putting Boston on the list.

And to our greatest shame: Halifax


actually cringed at this one

he's a trevor noah of the right, worse even, who are these boomers watching these self-indulgent political talk shows

He's worse because at least Noah has a cute bussy


Not sure what redscarepod even is, but none of those subs can be worse than MurderedByAOC.

cumtown but for actual gаys


Vocal fry: the podcast

I honestly don't mind the podcast. My wife absolutely loves it and will sometimes have it one when cooking dinner or something. I cannot fucking help myself, throughout the entire thing I will just randomly go "yahhhh" with as much vocal fry as possible.

They can be funny though, and their interview with Steve Bannon is honestly amazing entertainment.

The aoc one is so bad I have to assume that anyone who posts here would only post there to troll

God subredditdrama is a dogshit subreddit. Peak unearned smug.

I've been in a few mid-size to large-size cities in USA for trips and sheeeeeiiiitttt. most of these subs give late 2000s era craiglist vibes.

aka fake people that accessed the internet via smartphone and try to game their MLM schemes or whatever on you.


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That wasn't a link. I'll rephrase it, poc's aka people of 🌽 have lost a lot of overlap bin this subreddit.

highest overlap is with a sub full of people whose entire political identity is built around hating liberals

Yeah that tracks

More like hating America in general lol. The liberals for being woke and conservatives for being hard capitalists

Their hate for liberals is much deeper than their hate for conservatives, their simping over Tucker Carlson shows that they just like to soy face over populism, even basic aesthetic populism.

Wasn't stupidpol originally a left-wing sub that just hated identity politics nonsense? Is it infested with rightoids now?

No, it's just horseshoe fact in action.

Thats how it started off yeah. Its not so much infested with rightoids now so much as it is infested with people who got suckered into a sort of nazbol vortex by rightoids and “leftoids” whose only political motivation is hating idpol.

It's basically what happens when reddit decides to ban all the containment zones that kept the rightoids in their own space. Stupidpol got a flood of refugees and now you see the simping for Tucker Carlson and shit.

It's still by far one of the best subs on this godforsaken site.

nazbols dont exist radlib shitheel


First of all rude.

Second of all yes nazbols do exist.

Third of all define radlib in a non-rslurred way.

That third one is like trying to describe the colour blue.


That was easy got any more stupid questions

stupidpol is are drama's seriousposting sister sub

one of drama’s sister sub

Stupidpol isn’t a gimmick sub with only one joke thats dies in a month.

Further proof that Chadly Stupidpol is the One True Sister Sub inshallah


you can be bootyblasted about it all you want but the numbers don't lie

I refuse to accept it. Blocked.

Go fuck yourself.



Surrounded by pedophiles and incest coomers 🤢






Oh yeah was gonna mention murderedbyaoc but forgot.

Our sub has the weirdest political views

Radical centrism.

I wonder if the association is taken by the users who subscribed to the sub or those who actively post on it, would make a huge difference

It's those who post, subscriber data isn't publicly available

murdered by AOC

dear god

Were you not aware that stating the obvious makes you clever?

visiting r4chan


Such a bitch sub.

Honestly only like half of these are embarrassing so I'm somewhat pleasantly surprised.

I hear the redscare girl is hot

They look like they smell like ciggaretes and fish




It is what it is. Drama just has that certain spice that we all chase

Every single one of those except the Sopranos fills me with overwhelming disgust. If this sub wasn't so dead already I'd say we need another ban out

At least we have good taste in tv shows


I thought we purged the libertarians





I play AI dungeon because it provides exceptional ERP content.

Jannies fear rightoids and leftoids working together

AI Dungeon was an excellent shitstorm to witness, a shame the devs bitched out right at the moment of critical mass.

So is the sopranos the official tv show of drama?


Boston–Halifax relations

Relations between Boston, Massachusetts, United States and Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada date back to the founding of Halifax in 1749, when Boston businesses had an interest in the new settlement for shipping and fish trade. The bond between the two cities became strongest following the Halifax Explosion in 1917, after Boston sent significant aid and disaster relief to Halifax.

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stupidpolcels OUT OUT OUT




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