Top antifa mod explains why ACAB, even the randomly assassinated ones.

1  2021-06-27 by reggie23e


I love that these types are all about saying you can't judge anyone by their race, gender, sexual preference or whatever (which tbf, is correct), but then go say that every single cop is a problem. It's so fucking hypocritical, and if these people ever knew a cop, you'd realize they're mostly just working class citizens trying to get by. Something like 99.999 percent of their interactions are fine, yet they judge them by these one in a million situations. It's so illogical.

I've tried having this conversation before with ACAB people and I think all of them legitimately believe that Officer Smith that patrols a town of 3,000 people and works school crossing duties on Thursdays is totally covering up dozens of murders of unarmed black men.

Like they think the numbers of dogs cop shoot each year reflects cops gunning down Grandma's toy poodle. And not cops who've saved someone from getting their face chewed off by a pit bull.

There are plenty of cases of them shooting them for shits and giggles. Pretty much any raid, they'll shoot even cowering dogs.

Sure. But you can't say x number of dogs shot a year all reflect that.

None of the ACAB people are going to put down their bongs and save someone from getting mauled, so they should stfu about half the time they are running their mouths.

Y'all are just too braindead to understand the meaning lmao

Also, stop seriousposting

Lmao what is it with leftoids and these absolutely r-slurred slogans where half of them will say "ugh when I say I literally want to rape kids I'm not ACTUALLY saying I want to rape kids" and the other half will say "no we absolutely mean it literally"

Well you wouldn't be asking about it or giving a shit about it if i said "Cops are generally quite unpleasant innit". The point is that it triggers the conservatards so they listen when we throw paragraphs at them.

"We're being retarded on purpose that's why we can't even agree if we mean it literally or not"

And clearly it's working mr. triggered šŸ˜€

Damn this is some bottom of the barrel srdine posting

"Leftists? In MY arr drama? No way!"

keep yourself safe and get out of here newfriend


seethe lmfao


seethe lol


To be fair, you have to have a very high iq to understand ACAB...

says r-slurred shit

you just don't get it bro

Based leftoid


Cops can often be assholes but ACAB people are braindead.

Some eejit a couple days ago insisted I explain to them how "a rotten apply spoils the bunch" is prejudiced.

Yeah the argument is that none are good because they don't go hard enough after the bad ones. Ironically there is another group of people who also notoriously don't report their own despite committing a ton of crime. You don't even need to change the letters ACAB still works.

Redditors will say ACAB and snitches get stitches. Like chill bro the most crime you ever did was smoke weed and jaywalk.

You don't even need to change the letters ACAB still works.

All crackas are bad?

think NAACP

Not allowing another cracka please?

>not judging foids



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which tbf, is correct

Fuck outta here

This mf trying to say being a cop is a gender šŸ’€

dey an opressed muhnoritee

Deus they can choose to be a cop or not though.

Are you saying job is comparable to race ? I feel like next think you are going to say wharmacht was just poor Germans who just try to get by and just following orders. Lmao so cringe.

mah boy Himmler wuz jus' tryna raise chickens, get his life together

Lmao what ā€œyou say that judging people by things they canā€™t control is bad yet you judge people by something they choose to do and could stop doing anytimeā€ is such a dumb duck argument to make. Also these ā€œone in a millionā€ occurrences do seem to happen a bit more often than one in a million but who am I to say.

Well, you can chose your sex and your race.

I guess in extremely rare cases you can change your sex, but when can you change your race

Ever heard of Rachel Dolezal?

No, and once again this is an extremely rare case %99.999 of people have no way to change their race

No, it's extremely easy to change your race (especially if you're white), it's just that most white people are racists who would never identify as bipocs.

Listen to kpop and you'll understand.

Yeah man, let's just stop policing the streets. What could possibly go wrong?

Portland murder rate up by 800% since last year


Portlandā€™s police budget has doubled since last year. I guess all those new cops are super effective at shooting dogs during a wellness check and nothing else

Portlandā€™s police budget has doubled since last year.

Source? This source says the opposite, they cut the budget late 2020.


salty numpty

I find it funny that they can't even properly insult people they hate cause they banned all the no-no words from their sub

cause they banned all the nono words from their sub

Sir you are on šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø/Drama

Can't believe the "sir" slur is still allowed here, smh my head

Maā€™am you are on šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø/Drama

Imagine being over the age of 12 and using the phrase "surprised pikachu" in your argument.

They sime like the time of person to use cringe in their day to day life

I have a hunch that these lefty activist types only use incredibly misleading and inflammatory slogans that make no sense, like ACAB or #killallmen, just so they have an excuse to spew words words words at you when you ask what the hell they are talking about.

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ā€œRead this reddit comment to explain why hating a profession women need to stop rapists is badā€. Jesus Christ redditors are braindead ephebophiles

stop reporting we will just reapprove them anyway

Doesn't that mean AOE is removing them? Doesn't that get you perma-fired from your janny job?


Guy mods almost 400 subreddits btw




I mean, ACAB did start with the Skinheads.