A single Twitter account, powerful enough to solve the tankie drama shortage, thanks to his "hot takes"

1  2021-06-28 by michel_baie


You know tankies are full of shit because there are enough American expat communities in China they could move to, yet they prefer to remain in the country that they hate so much.

Maybe it’s just harder to be a NEET in China, idk

Maybe because moving to another country requires a minimal amount of effort


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It's cheaper to put them on a boat and send them to Cuba.

How are these people any different from holocaust deniers?

"There's no evidence it happened and all evidence that it did happen is jewish/cia lies. But if it did happen it would be a good thing."

They are not. They just get a different media treatment

There really isn’t a difference. The motivation for genocide denial for both of these groups is interesting to me.

Arguing with these types, both neonazi and tankie, has lead me to conclude that neither of them actually believe in things, that after going down the authoritarian pipeline for too long their minds basically get hollowed out and they become cynical shells, willing and able to change their views on a dime if they see it as convenient. I think that is the core to genocide denial, its not that they actually think it didn’t happen, they just don’t care and are willing to deny it because they see it as politically expedient.

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It's a small grift for what looks like hundreds of hours of shitposting. He could probably do better just selling feet pics.

He couldn't even pretend to be fair for a day. Commies really have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find something to defend, huh?

Do tankies just not know about Deng Xioping? They’re so insistent that China is communist just because they say they are. It’s like when Rightoids call Nazis socialist

the juxtaposition of his preferred pronouns in his profile and then seeing him advocate for totalitarian strongmen who drove tanks over the disenfranchised and weak is hilarious