Japanese Manga Got Canned For Making Isekaishitter Cry In Their Sleep

1  2021-06-28 by Pepperglue

For those who do not know what Isekai means, leave this thread right now, if you do not wish to be tainted by such filth. For the masochistic few, please stay and enjoy the shitshow.

Isekai is a popular genre in Japanese fiction circle. It mostly revolves around the protagonist being sent to a high-fantasy-esque world with swords and magic, and the protagonist is blessed (or cursed) with unique abilities.

Long in short, this is escapism fiction for the desparate males in Asia to feel better about themselves. It has been very popular for a good number of years, with many webnovel writers getting picked up by publishers, and even some getting their own anime and manga adaptations.

For those of you who browses Taiwanese Pattern-weaving forum, or who are proficient in moonrunes, you may have heard of a new manga that makes fun of Isekai genre, by incorporating a few of its most famous characters into the manga, and then kill them off while making them look like an ass.

Who's who: Part 1 Part 2

Of course, it sparked a few conversations in the Japanese webspace. Since I don't browse 2ch and 5ch as much, due to their horrible navigation, I relied on other for providing threads shitting on it.

Here are the archives, so they wouldn't know that gaijin is onto them:

Thread when it first came out. You can see the fans reacting to it on post #3. Most of the were quite upset about the author making fun of their favorite genre, with a few cheering the author to create more drama.

It is interesting to note that the author (not the artist) is also the one that did Kakegurui – Compulsive Gambler, which I have never read, nor watched.

With this knowledge, 5ch residents pondered the possibilities of the author could be just mad because his manga's anime BluRay sold worse than the ones he made fun of.

There are some numbers on post #36, but here is a more complete version: (link](https://twitter.com/FateTKTK/status/1402998487084527616)

Kakegurui 914 discs sold
[Isekai Smartphone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Another_World_with_My_Smartphone) 1324 discs sold
[Isekai Restaurant](Restaurant to Another World) 1534 discs sold
[Sword Art Online](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sword_Art_Online) 45372 discs sold
[Wise Man's Grandchild](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wise_Man%27s_Grandchild) 890 discs sold
[Reincarnate Slime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/That_Time_I_Got_Reincarnated_as_a_Slime) 6101 discs sold
[Overlord](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overlord_(novel_series)) 13401 discs sold
[Re;Zero](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Re:Zero_%E2%88%92_Starting_Life_in_Another_World) 12816 discs sold
[KonoSuba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KonoSuba) 13603 discs sold
[The Saga of Tanya the Evil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Saga_of_Tanya_the_Evil) 7169 discs sold

Doesn't take a genius to see that his anime isn't that well-received. What about his manga? Here are the numbers.

SAO: 26,000,000 volumes sold
Isekai Restaurant:25,000,000 volumes sold
Overlord:8,000,000 volumes sold
Re;Zero:7,000,000 volumes sold
The Saga of Tanya the Evil:6,500,000 volumes sold
Wise Man's Grandchild:6,200,000 volumes sold

Kakegurui:5,500,000 volumes

Again, his manga ranks last. So this also made the fans, and shitslingers taking jab at him being jealous of the success of the Isekai genre.

In the end, the editors decided to can the manga since it was deemed to in poor taste, as they received "criticisms and suggestions" that the work may have stepped over the line in portraying characters from other works too negatively.

We still don't know what was the final reason that made the suits to cancel this comic, and we may never know.

One thing I know for sure is, a manga that could cause way more drama than Time Paradox Ghostwriter got killed off way too early.


Did you really just post drama that’s almost entirely in Japanese? You fucker.

We had other non-English dramas before, so I thought I might as well try something new.

The thread I linked are mostly shit-flinging at each other. Just imagine an /a/ thread, and you'll get pretty close.

I did try to translate the most important parts, and I have links and pics this time.

Good job baby 💋

Isekaicels got so asspained they managed to get a manga canceled

Amazing, western weebs will never be able to top actual otakus

American comic books have such poor sales that no one even cares if Coates the terrorist pothead writes Captain America. Loving capeshut is suffering.

For some more context, isekai is basically the nip equivalent of shitty young adult novels but somehow even more creatively bankrupt.

Extremely bankrupt. I can vibe to some of the other shonen stuff, but isekai? It’s literally the exact. Same. Framing device. Every. Time.

The only exception is Konosuba, which features a cast made entirely of bad people. It’s the nip version of Always Sunny.

A pretty apt description.

And with a lot more pedophilia

The fact Wise Man's Grandchild sold so much less than Isekai Smartphone is so hilarious.

These otaku's always fucking complain about manga/light novel authors with romance always dragging out the teasing so that they'll buy more copies, but when one comes around where the author's like "They get together pretty early. See? Now you don't have to wait!" they don't buy it because they lost all reason to buy it.

It really is their fault for pandering to waifu-slurs. I only watch wholesome anime with only one pairing, or robot anime with kickass actions.

It really is their fault for pandering to waifu-slurs. I only watch wholesome anime with only one pairing, or robot anime with kickass actions.

Which really is why it's so sad Wise Man's Grandchild failed. It's actually a pretty interesting "isekai". The characters aren't garbage, and there are actual consequences to the protag being so broken. Oh and the series just pairs the two up and let's them be a couple without endless teasing and back and forth.

Oh huh. No harems, and other things that infests the genre?

I guess they are in the wrong market, then. At least it got some people interested.

Barely, the anime isn't getting a sequel so it left off a strange ass cliffhanger, and trying find light novel translations on the internet is fucking not worth it. And it's good but not good enough for me to buy it tbqh, which I guess makes me part of the problem lmfao

trying find light novel translations on the internet is fucking not worth it.

Time to learn the language.

I'm not that fargone


Don't discriminate against animesexuals bigot


Uh I'll have a number 4 and a number 7 and a number 15

Imagine getting fucking mogged by Isekai Smartphone.

TL;DR: A manga got cancelled for making fun of shitty harry potter manga subgenre. That sucks

Westoids have been chiming in on /a/, mostly to either dunk on isekaicels or to whine about Japanese copyright law. everybody’s seething about this either way, and that’s a good thing

It's wonderful.

I really hope that Isekai as a genre would pass, and let something else take the heat.

God please 😩

Have you seen the upcoming isekai chart? There are like two dozen just this season, it’s fucking ridiculous

two dozen this season

Otakus ruined anime.

Thats why I only read manga.

I didn't even count until you mentioned it.

It is really a bleak outlook. At least I have Getter Robot ARC. It better be good.

IIRC one of the main reasons as to why Sino-Vietnamese cartoons went from kino to waifushit is because after Japan's economic crisis in the 1990s, the industry had to switch from dark and serious works aimed at adults into low-effort toy/merch milkers aimed at children, and libertarian coombait aimed at manchildren, in order to sell more easily and avoid going bankrupt.

We are now here, with the weeaboo equivalent of Capeshit being the most easily consumable medium that the weebcels want.

Peppergloo-Sensei, please tell me, did my 自闭症 got this wall of text right? 🤗

What you said did echo what I mostly read as the cause, but moeshit didn't really take hold until the 2000s, and robot animes have been big on selling toy/merch towards children in the 70s. So I think another theories I have read would handle that part.

The rise of production committee(link in Japanese) system in the anime industry also influenced how the anime industry works. Like you said about economic crisis, anime production companies can no longer afford the riskier anime, lest it flops and kills the company.

This brings our Hideaki Anno, greatest talent hack of the century, to the picture. His most famous work to the normies, Neon Genesis Evangelion, utilized the production committee system found in the movie industry, and its popularity also helped popularized the system in the anime industry. So thank him when you watch animes with those meme production committee names.

The production committee works by having multiple investors together acting as a single entity, so they have better bargaining power for buying timeslot and preparing for physical and digital releases. Having multiple investors together minimized the risk, and enables smaller investor to chip in while not having to worrying about bankrupting themselves.

However, I would also argue this also caused the miseries in the anime industry right now. As you have probably noticed, not once the bottom line worker is mentioned in this system, and that is because most of the money is going to the upper echelon of the team. I have also heard that anime production companies were getting shafted with the digital streaming, as they mostly get their cut from DVD and BD sales. Not to mention the anime production companies don't really have a say in what to make, but the suits. As we all know from the suits, is that they will chase after safe investments. Trend-chasing is a safe investment. So we have the first wave of light-novel animes in the 2000s, High-school girl slice of life in the late 2000s and early 10s, incest stuff in the mid 2010s, and now the Isekai.

I've heard things are changing now, whether it is the profit-splitting, or the decision-making of the anime, that committee is not as powerful as before. That doesn't mean much for the workers, as they have to compete with Chinese, Filipinos, Korean, Malaysians, Taiwanese, etc.

TL;DR: I would agree with you that the economic crisis in the 90s, and whatever ways they come up to cope with that, certainly contributed to all the trend-chasing, low quality bullshit we are seeing right now. The only correction I would offer is we use the traditional Chinese of the rendering for Autism here, so it would be "自閉症."

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Dude bussy lmao.


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Don't diss on capeshit like that. Its the equivalent of pop music.

It’s even worse if you read manga, I literally cannot find new series under the overwhelming amount of popular Korean and Nip Isekai trash.

The genre is an abomination and should be forced to suffer in hell

Just do what I do: stick with romcom, robot, and meme mangas.

Dungeon Meshi and Frieren are both pretty good.

Over 500 words and you didn't even name the manga. It's "Killing the People Reincarnated into the Other World -Cheat Slayer-".

God dammit you're right. I totally thought I did that. Thanks for having my back.

I sacrificed my search algorithm for this, Pepperglue. If there isn't a 90 minute autistic screed about this on YouTube by the end of the week I will be severely disappointed.

Would be really funny if somebody actually got tilted enough to make a video about this.


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So it's a Japanese version of The Boys? Except the fans so the things being parodied were so angry it was cancelled after one chapter.

This proves that isekaishitters are even more sensitive than capeshitters

Given how the capeshitters are willing to eat any trash the suits shove down their throat, I really don't know which is worse.

I am pretty sure the capeshitters would also get very angry, if their favorite hero got very obviously referenced in a work where all of them are irredeemable power-tripping human trash, and got killed-off in an unceremonious manner.

There are three comics that I know of that do that. Marshall Law, The Boys, and the Ten-Seconders. If you don’t just want them getting killed and being assholes there’s also Irredeemable, where Superman goes crazy and starts slaughtering the world and one of his buddies does something even worse, The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, where most superheroes were somehow staged by the US government and Captain Marvel is reduce to an old man chanting Zam, Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader, where all the street level crime Batman stops is real but the villains are just paid actors, and a whole host of stupid one offs.

Marshall Law

I was gonna write Based and Tekkenpilled but it's a burger comic, oh well.

No. British.

👏 What's 👏 the 👏 Difference? 👏


British is pointlessly edgy.

Who doesn't want their capeshit interrupted with a four page rant about Thatcher (PBUH)

Alan Moore jumped the shark with The Black Dossier.

Lost Girls fan, got it

I repressed that memory. Damn you for reminding me.

There’s also The Authority IIRC (the 90s one). Indie comicel writers’ first instinct is to rip off the justice league and second is to make them evil.

I'm not familiar with the boys, but the first chapter of this features multiple rape and necrophilia scenes, all performed by the main character of another manga/anime/whatever. I doubt the boys start in such a tasteless and gratuitous manner, though I'm just guessing.

I know there are some comics where for example Superman is evil, but I would bet their first pages aren't Superman murdering people and then raping their dead bodies.

the one that did Kakegurui – Compulsive Gambler, which I have never read, nor watched.

A friend recommended Kakagooey as an anime for people who don't like anime, I thought it was fun but I don't know about anime.

If you don't like anime you should watch some stuff from the 80s and 90s, shit like Akira, Angel's Egg, Ghost In the Shell etc. Absolutely avoid modern mainstream shit, it's trash manufactured for lonely men in their 30s with pedo bends.

Japan really manages to isolate people.

seethe lol akira is garbage

Noooo don't talk shit about 30 year old amine :(((
I don't care lol

cope lol

the world has lost a great thing

So this guy basically made the musical “Into the Woods” but in manga form?

I guess so. You would have to made all the characters as humanly despicable as possible as well.

I’d have preferred a gentler deconstruction than that, but that’s just my opinion. I’d have made it so they’re all deeply traumatized by the horrific experiences they’ve undergone and most just want to go home. “I was nobody there, but demon spider children didn’t want to eat my eyes. My wife died in child birth and all my teeth are rotting. My friends all died of the plague. I want to go back to my parent’s spare bedroom.”

> SAO, Overlord, Re:Zero

These thoroughly bored me and seemed pointless, but at least I learned to avoid "Isekai." Is Kakegurui any good?

Never read it, but it looks like it got a lot of cute girls in it doing weird stuff.

lot of cute girls in it doing weird stuff.

You need Islam, man.

Space Daddy himself actually wore a Cacagurui shirt in public once, but that didn't increase its popularity in any way meaningful way afaik.

If you are unable to make your drawings sell well and stay relevant even when the future CEO of MarsCorp™ makes free advertising for you, you know that you're in deep shit and desperate for attention lmao.


It's about high schoolers who are degenerate gamblers that are so overwhelmed by the pleasure and risk of gambling their entire lives away that they climax and make make cum faces.

high schoolers

I'm out. It seems like 1 of a million works of anime do not take place in a high school.

It’s the most exciting time of many Japanese people’s lives. That’s why they neck themselves so often.

I think I read a hentai parody of that.

It's alright, the shtick gets old quickly though. It's about a gambling school but all the leaders of each game rigged their respective games somehow and the main characters 200iq their way into figuring out how they cheat to beat them. It's very dramatic but what I described was pretty much the formula for every episode so I stopped watching halfway through.

I like kakeguri because the lady got nice legs

Actually dissapointed

kakegurui is just kaiji for waifuslurs so not like this guy is any better tbh

Isn’t the company he published it under also the publisher of most of those other series? Kind of dumb to make the protagonists of your publishers most popular franchises into murder rapists lol

Well, Kadokawa is the parent company of a lot of anime-related stuff there. In a way, yes, they are (mostly) in the same family.

That was also what surprised me. I was very certain they at least talked to each other before going through that length. I mean, even the author of Gintama mentioned he had to make a lot of visits for his jokes.

My son watches those Chinese cartoons and I think they made him straight

I'm sorry to hear that. Introduce him to the beauty of Yaoi to get him back on the right path.

But Yaoi is for girls!

Boys can like Yaoi, too.

Or just watch anime with fujobait like Code Geass.

r/drama is full of weebs.

So glad I tapped out of weebshit 10 years ago. The whole anime thing is just cringe.

Lmao, this I gold. Very interesting that the author of kakegurui is behind this, I quite enjoyed the anime.

How the fuck did Isekai Restaurant sell nearly as much as SAO?

There could have been so much more seethe if his editors had any balls.

Thither couldst has't been so much moo seethe if 't be true his editors hadst any balls

I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.

Commands: !ShakespeareInsult, !fordo, !optout

Konosubhumans deserve it

Can you tell me who they're making fun of in English?

Mostly the author of the manga shitting on Isekai, because the author's own manga and anime sold worse than a few that he made fun of.

Also getting the axe so quickly is quite embarrassing, especially so after such a high-profile attempt at mocking the genre.



