Hysteric Pyongyang-pop fans experience a complete psychological meltdown, divided over a video of singer clone #3429 dropping a no no word.

1  2021-06-29 by michel_baie


Damn who knew k-pop fans could be this based. Everyday I wake up to a suprise, I am blessed with drama.

They are fucking psychotic it's insane

It's honestly pretty hilarious and impressive how well east asians hide how racist they are, especially towards 🏀. Mayos could learn a thing or two from these fine Koreans, what's the point of being racist if you're canceled before you can implement it.

Its a pretty simple technique called not speaking english.

I said this two days ago: K-pop is a cause of mental illness and we need to start treating it seriously.

Is it a cause or a symptom though?🤔

K-pop fans being what they are, the one defending the singer go ape shit and post ✨ problematic💅 statements about African Americans

Yes the tweet is in french idc just read the text on the pic

Same goes for this one

Edit for formatting

The fact that you even made me look at French… 🤢🤢🤢

all these are fan reactions right? what the fuck happened for them to directly jump all the way to lynching?

Obviously trolls retard

Check their official fan account (well idk what it is, I just found it off the search page) for some k-poppies absolutely tearing the mask off


Lmao, none of these fans of Korean pop know about ne-ga (네가), ni-ga (니가), and nae-ga (내가), which translates to you and I.

(네가) please

Twitter jannies janned the account unfortunately

Just don't sing along to any music produced by bleeps. Simple.

These dingus should know that over-reacting over non-existent n-slurs in a song will only prime the Asians to adopt the n-slur in their common vocabulary.

The Chinese are already doing it. Taiwanese and Mainlanders are doing it for different reasons, but they are doing it because they know Blacks consider this as an insult.

I welcome the coming race war between Blacks and Asians, however.

I wouldn't use that word, ever. That word hurts people.

I even stopped saying Vinegar irl to stop the hate .


I can’t believe people actually believe that kpop stars are actually different organisms. They’re all clearly the same person in different wigs and outfits


Also, Twitter users remind me of 1st graders who run to the teacher when they hear their friend say a curse word on the playground.


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