(Not drama) This is what no bussy does to a man.

1  2021-06-29 by busslordlowkeybussin


Becoming straight turned me into a capeshitter

His most convincing proof of straightness to date

Au contraire, being this big an attention whore still proves him a sodomite.

Gay people love capeshit


Gay culture overall isn't associated with capeshit, but only gays read comic books.

What in god’s name is capeshit lol

its like swordshit but even gayer

Mass migration and its consequences have been a disaster for the drama race

Eternal September never ends.

Much to Green Day’s chagrin.

Billie Joecels absolutely in shambles

Leave and never return, newfriend.

It's arr drama's nickname for superhero movies and comic books and stuff.

Nah it's a /co/ term thats been around for eons

This place is a 4chan retirement home.

Dramanaut colonizers have claimed the term in the name of rrrr-Drama. It now belongs to us. Be happy we just took your words instead of banging your womynx and destroying your culture, as is mayo tradition.

You think /co/ has w*men on it? That's the funniest shit I've heard all week.

There are no women on the internet, son.

There are ones that are hecking valid

Lurk more before opening your mouth next time newfriend 🤗

Lmao, gays and trains love capeshit garbage.

Wonder if he got dicked on this meth binge

stimulant induced homosexuality


If you ever go onto the meth subreddit for the lolz, this is a semi frequent topic.

for the lolz

sure, we'll say that

Do you ever have a shitty day and bask in someone else's misery to make yourself feel better? Because I sure do

🏴‍☠️🗡cripplingalcoholism the schadenfreude

Me too thanks

I like to go there in the morning after I get drunk on coors lite and send pathetic texts to women I don't know very well.

I forgot all about that place. Brb

It's why I read the "culture war roundup" thread on 🏴‍☠️TheMotte about once every other week. See others' doomerposting makes me feel better about my life.

Do you ever have a shitty day and bask in someone else's misery to make yourself feel better?

Bitch, do you know where you is?


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There are two outcomes to this. Outcome one, the most likely one, is that Milo is faking this and he will expose the grift in about a year. Outcome two is that he is being genuine with this and he snaps in a few years, likely killing someone in the process.

Option 3.Fentanyl and BBC overdose

Ah, the ole George Floyd.

BBC overdose

I know what you're saying, but for a second I thought, "how do you OD on bad Bong television?" Then I realized what you were actually saying, but also thought, "Bong television is responsible for Doctor Who, which they transformed from cheesy sci-fi into what is basically Twilight with aliens instead of sparkly vampires and closeted werewolves." I believe the transformation of Bong Bluebox Starshit Show helped usher the world into Current Year and 872 genders, bussy-loving Trumper NFL players, and well-off white kids burning down black neighborhoods in the name of fighting racism. I think the kind of BBC overdose to which you're referring is probably preferable to the TV version.

The thing is, on his YouTube videos, dumb Christian rightoids are actually buying into his shit. He's obviously lying, or extremely conflicted at best (highly doubt). They wholeheartedly believe being a bussy pursuer is merely a choice, you know, since all those homosexual people thrown off roofs in the Middle East made the choice.

They wholeheartedly believe being a bussy pursuer is merely a choice

For them it is, and not only a choice but the natural, preferred choice, so that choosing gussy is a sacrifice required by the faith, and they are upset with the gays who choose the easier and more pleasant option.

pursuer is merely a choice,

You're probably too young to remember that the 80s through the 90s, bussy lovers constantly referred to it as a lifestyle choice. Born this way is a 2000s talking point.

They referred to it that way only because they absorbed the talking point from the gussy lovers through osmosis. There's also something American about defending one's freedom to choose, so that played a part in it as well.

Then don't be surprised that the people you spent the last 40 years telling that to believe it

Sigh 😔. You know that not having your bussy plowed is totally an option for you. You actually don't HAVE to suck dick, either girl or regular.

He's clearly putting on an act to drum up controversy in an attempt to catapult himself back into relevancy. This is what he does, it's what he's always done.

He misses the spotlight and all the attention he got back in the 2015 era.

He misses the spotlight and all the attention he got back in the 2015 era Current Year (CY) 01.

I assume that for a gay man, bussy is like what Krispy Kreme is to a formerly fat man.

I can resist acting on fat thoughts, but I will never not have them.


My thoughts exactly like this has to be an act to cause outrage/become relevant again somehow….and if it’s not, this dude is gonna kill himself and perhaps others

Name change to Luka 😳


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No need to kill someone, he can just go back to having his bussy blown out at anytime.

nothing more tragic than a gay man who's losing relevance!

Aging gays who aren't prepared to deal with aging are pretty funny too.

This is the next great copypasta, calling it now

Snappy quote when

He became even more gay

Caring about star shit is way more gay, than having sex with dudes, and he calls himself ex-gay smh.

Lmao I thought this was fake. What an fslur

If there is one good thing about social media is these attention whores documenting their meltdowns. And I'm here to see it

Reading this makes me want to be gay 😔

damn bro dude is trying real hard to sound like a stereotypical heterosexual male. But he's coming across like a 🚂🚂 trying to be a 👩👩

Nice blogpost stupid

I thought this was fake lmaooo

Milo stopped fucking guys and became gayer somehow

So once he stops bussy, he turned into an even bigger f-slur? What is he even trying to achieve over here?

Milo still takes the D.

Wait. I’m gay and I don’t mind a spoiler… is not minding a spoiler a gay thing?! Am I gay because I don’t mind spoilers or do I not mind spoilers because I’m gay?! So many questions.

Give the dogs a little more credit, Milo. Maybe they can just sense that you're a shitty person, whether or not you still like dick/butt.

This probably sounded really profound in his head.

How is no one talking about the smell like black dudes bit 🤣🤣🤔

This man never had it together, hes fucking insane.

With the whole spoilers thing and enjoying atmosphere he makes being gay sound awesome

Imagine my surprise when no bussy = mental regression




Fucking girls ass is too good

I hate straight "people".