Real Life Blazekin made from animal parts is a devisive one

1  2021-06-29 by WorldAroundEwe


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So Ewe can link his serial killer ideations, but I can't share 🌽cels mad.

This world is not fair.

That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. Real Life Blazekin made from animal... -,*,

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What the actual fuck

Ridiculous init, you'd think if there was a place to show such a creation then that'd be the place

You trip me out cracka fr fr. You ain’t ugly boy, I mean somehow you was born with negative cake (but yt boys tend to be lacking in the cake department 🙅🏾‍♀️) but you gots that dreamy scots voice us Americans just go we💧 for….why you fuckin with dead thangs ‘stead of finding yoself a shawty? Is you that r-slurred you gots to be around dead thangs ‘stead of that sweet deliciousness of live puddy? Anyhoo💁🏾‍♀️

Does cake mean arse?

Yes sweet highlander it do boo 😘